I’m Maryfran, a down to earth, open and honest writer who has had incredible success with weight loss (150 pounds) and also a regain. I’m currently on a weight loss journey and working to lose my weight. I write a little about everything....life is so interconnected and all encompassing! Belief is the key to success in life and how I came up with my name for my sites! Believe!
Monday, December 31, 2007
Reflections on my Jan. 1, 2008 goal
I was close to making the goal...about a week ago. And while I didn't fall off the wagon, I slipped up and started eating my flex points. For me, if I eat those flex points I gain. That's just how my body seems to work. And on top of eating those extra 2-4 flex points each day, I stopped working out! EEEKK! I had grand plans each and every day to exercise...but each and every day my plans got thrown out the window.
The holidays were a great time. However, I'm very happy to be heading back into a more normal routine of living...one in which I can manage my eating and my exercise in a better fashion. :-) I spent some time planning out the weeks menu..and grocery shopping..so we should be good for the coming week with eating at home. :-) I'm focused, renewed and ready to do it!
I'm hoping to stay super focused and exercise my tail end off (literally I guess) and knock myself into the healthy weight range....relatively quickly! I'm utterly sick of paying $40 a month for my weight watchers membership...I have different uses for that money! (I could be saving it....to put towards my new house!)
Sunday, December 30, 2007
December 2007 Pictures

Saturday, December 29, 2007
Christmas Week and Reflections on a New Year
Overall, the week of Christmas has been nice. Alan and Cindy have been in with the kids. It's been wonderful playing with the kids and visiting with my brother and his wife. The only problem with this....I feel as if I'm burning the candle at both ends. I've been working...I've still tried to cook dinners and take care of Todd while he's working and I've spent every available moment that I possibly could up at mom and dads...with my family. Todd doesn't resent any of that time....not at all, in fact, he's sorry that he can't also spend the time up there. However, I just feel bad leaving Todd to fend for himself....especially knowing how hard he has been working this week! So, I'll be sad to see Alan and Cindy go...but I'll be happy to get back to a normal routine in my life. :-)
I've got to sit down and plan our meals out for this coming week so that I can go grocery shopping. I'm planning on grocery shopping tomorrow. :-)
This afternoon, Todd and I are going down to Frederick to bottle up the beer that he mixed up the other week. Then we are heading back up to Hagerstown...hitting the gym...and then spending the rest of the afternoon and evening with my family.
Eating today....I had oatmeal for breakfast. I've packed a butter (zero point), jelly (one point) and bread (low cal/high fiber one point) sandwich and and apple for lunch. I've also got a clemantine here at work that I didn't eat yesterday...I'll eat all that for lunch on the way to Frederick. I think mom is having a roast for dinner. I'll push for lots of extra veggies. :-) So I think I can do halfway decently with eating today.
I've been doing a lot of thinking about this past year and the year to come in regards to my weight loss progress and goals. I really do feel that this coming year will find me at my goals. I look at this past year. My focus has remained on the end results. I've had the motivation. But, I can honestly say taht there was a period where I've been on a plateau...I've struggled to lose. However, I've seen periods where I'm not exactly eating the best that I could be eating. I've 'stretched' the rules so to speak. I think in the long run it will be oh so much healthier for me because I've learned to manage and I've been incorporating this lifestyle into my everyday routine. Even on days where I feel I've done poorly, I find that I've only eaten a few points over my daily allotment. (for example...yesterday, even with the almonds, the chips and the pancakes..I was only 3 points over my daily goal..that's not too bad!). That is a huge achievment in itself.
For the new year, I definitely want to get to my goal. At the very least, I want to have reached my weight watchers goal and the corresponding lifetime status. In fact, my goal is to get rid of the 15 pounds needed to reach that by March! (or earlier if possible!). I'm honestly tired of sinking $40 into weight watchers each month....so even though I'm not goign to 'crash' diet or anything.....my plan is to really focus....eat right...exercise religiously and try to get these 15 or so pounds off ASAP. Then I'll focus on reaching my own personal goals. (The 15 will put me within the healthy weight range for my height...which is what weight watchers requires).
For Christmas Todd got me a gift certificate to Victoria's Secret. I shouldn't have been surprised. Every time we go through the mall, he makes a comment about how I can probably fit into their normal sized stuff now...and that how I can shop there. He's even asked me why I haven't. I will definitely be shopping there now....I've got a nice sized gift certificate to do so. And honestly I probably needed the kick in the butt to actually do it. You see, the gift certificate has forced me to really think about why I've ignored the store. I am still having a very big problem thinking of myself in terms of anything other than being fat. I dont' feel as if I'm "worthy" of going into the store. I know I shouldn't feel that way...but that's the way it is. I've always been one to not do things because I dont' want to look ridiculous as a 'fat girl' doing something that only a thin girl should do. I shouldn't even give it another thought, I know. I know it's going to be a long process for my mind to really wrap itself around the fact that I'm no longer obese.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Christmas Report
Honestly, with all the running around that I"ve done this week, I'm not surprised that my weight has fluctuated a bit this week. I'm running back and forth between work, home and my parents...trying to make everyone happy and to see everyone and get everything done. I'm ready to take a break and relax. (hopefully tomorrow night will be a night of that for me).
I have a little less than a week to get myself under the 180 mark and down into the 170's. At 181.2...I think I can do it! :-) Diligence...that's what it requires!
I took off from exercise today...but I've got to make sure that I dont' skip it tomorrow!!!!!
Monday, December 24, 2007
Christmas Eve
I'm crossing my fingers...hoping...and most of all praying that I can continue being so strong this week! I so want to make my 'new' New Years goal! (being in the 170's) At 181.2...and having a week left...It is possible. Yeah, I'd like to meet my original goal...which was 175....and with prayer it is possible...but I'll be happy with the 170 mark being met!
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Saturday morning Musings
Mom...bless her heart, made whole wheat pasta for me to eat last night! AND, she had a small plate out on the table for me...so I couldn't super load my plate with food. AND this morning, thank goodness, I was down to 182.6. That is still not as low as I was...which was 179.4. BUT, it's a heck of a lot better then my weight AFTER my binge...which was 186.8. So it's coming back down!
Meanwhile, after my little week long exercise rebellion, I'm back at the exercise all hot and heavy...and man are my legs ever sore. One week off and my legs are sore???? That doesn't seem right...but who am I to argue with the aches and pains! I did however still get up and workout this morning. I did the first two cardio segments of one of the "Firm" dvd's that I have...and then I went into one of the aussie fit workout dvd's that I got at the dollar store. It was rough pushing through..especially at first...but I perservered. :-) Speaking of my dollar workout dvd's. About a year ago, I bought 4 exercise dvd's a the dollar tree. I put them in and just didn't like them. Well, a few weeks ago, I was scrambling for something new...and I decided to put one in. I actually like it. I think my fitness level has changed...making the difference in my perception of the dvd. I've done two of the four (a couple times each..) and they work me out hard. Although, today I was tired and I was having GREAT difficulty wiht the footwork! My feet were going in the wrong direction....I kept kicking myself.....I actually stepped on my own foot. Oh my...it was a sad sad sight!
So, I get off work at noon today. I am going straight up to be with my family. I know from past experience that fruits and veggies are present...but on the lunch table will also be chips and dip and cookies and cakes. SOOOOOOOOOOOOO, I packed my own lunch. I'll eat it in the car on the way up the road. It's nothing fancy...a 'light' sandwich (smart beat butter...zero points, one teaspoon of homemade jelly...one point, and two slices of low cal/high fiber bread....one point), grapes and an apple. So four points...but at least it will include 2 of my five fruits/veggies servings! I'm hoping that we run around a little bit today...I used the last bit of my oatmeal today....whatever will I do without my oatmeal???? I eat it probably 6 days a week...or more!
Mom is having hamburgers for dinner tonight (or so she was planning). So, I'm going to head home at around 6/6:30.....I'll get home and make dinner....Todd gets off work at 8PM....so we will eat then. I'm making sweet and spicy chicken (it's not so spicy..it's more sweet) and scalloped potatoes....one of our favorite meals. I think I'm also goign to make a big pot of chili....that way I can just heat it up quickly after church tomorrow. If I have enough time between church and Todd having to start work, I'll make some corn bread. I don't know what time Todd gets off work on Sunday...so that will determine what the supper plans are!
I may actually make my new January 1 goal...which is to be back in the 170's. (that was actually my back up goal anyway.) I don't think I'll exactly make my 175 goal...that would be a miracle. I am praying, so it's not out of the picture...but I'm not going to be disapointed if I don't make it! :-)
Friday, December 21, 2007
Beaver sighting
On the way home I decided to clock how far I jogged the other day. I jiggity jogged 2.4 miles. That's not bad for a recovering fatty! :-)
So far today, eating has been going well. I've got 16 points left...and I'll use one of those for my snack of grapes. That will leave me 15 points.......and I know that mom is having spaghetti tonight for dinner. YUM! I know it won't be whole wheat pasta...like I make at home...but I'll still eat it...just watching my portion size!
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Plans for the holidays.
Eating, Food and Caloric Intake Plan
Plain and simple, I'm going to be careful. I'm going to be religious about what I eat. I talked to mom this morning and she told me what we are having for dinner tomorrow night. I'm ok with that. On Saturday night I could eat it..however what she is having is not a favorite of mine..and I don't want to ante up the points to eat it. So, I'm going to leave there when they sit down to eat...and I'll go home and make Todd and I a healthier dinner option. :-) (Todd works until like 7 or 8PM...so it will work out perfectly). I was talking to mom about the eating stuff this morning and asked about Christmas dinner. She has always been very willing to work with me to make sure that there are healthy options for me. She asked me what I wanted....I gave her a few options of foods that I could eat without worrying about. So I know I'll have some of those there. I also expressed my desire to not have a full sized plate at the dinner table for the Christmas meal. I want to have a smaller plate. That way I will not be so tempted to fill it up to the brim. Well, let me rephrase that. I may be tempted to fill it up to the brim...but if I do, it won't be with as much food. PLUS, I'll be tricking my mind to think that i'm eating a heck of a lot of food. On Monday, Christmas eve, I haven't formulated a plan....I'll be off work that day...so I'm not sure what will happen. But on Wednesday and Thursday I work in the morning...until 12. My plan as of right now is to continue to pack my lunch...I'll either eat it on the way up to town...or eat it when I get there. Yes, I know that mom would be more than glad to feed me. However, I don't need to eat the chips and the dip that they will have out on the table...nor the cheese and heavy fatty lunch meats. So I'll be better off on my own. Plus that will give me a little more wiggle room in order to actually enjoy dinner with the family.
Exercise and Activity
Here is the blow by blow plan for the next half week or so.
Friday- there are two different plans for Friday..depending on how my day shapes up. The original plan was for me to run some stuff up to mom's house on Friday morning. I was going to go to the gym and then drop that stuff off....then come home to go to work by noon. I was also going to make a quick stop at the local drum shop in order to pick up something for the business. HOWEVER, with bubby and Cindy coming in tomorrow...I'll be going up tomorrow night for sure. SOOOO, if Todd runs up to Drums on Sale today, then I will not go up to town until tomorrow night. If I still have to go to Drums on Sale tomorrow morning, then I will continue with the original plan. SOOOOO Friday's workout is either at the gym....or an hour at home...either jogging outside or with a dvd.
Saturday- I work Saturday morning at 7:45. It would be too early to do anything outside...so I will awaken my hour early and workout in the living room with a dvd.
Sunday- Our church isn't until 10:30. I will therefore have time to get myself up and exercise. The tenative plan right now is to get my butt outside and jog for a bit. (weather permitting)...if not, either the exercise bike or a dvd.
Monday- The gym is open from 8AM until 4 PM. I will be visiting the gym on Monday!
Tuesday-Christmas day- My plan for the moment is to wake up....go up to mom and dad's house to open presents and then to go for a jog up at mom and dad's house between presents and the meal. Once again, this is a weather permitting deal. If I have to (if the weather looks miserable) I may have to wake up super duper early and exercise before I leave home. I've also talked to Todd and we are planning on going for a long walk after we eat our Christmas meal.
Wednesday and Thursday- I work from 7:45 until noon each day. Therefore, if I wake up an hour early I should be all exercised up by the time I 'start' my day. That should work well.
Friday- I'll be back to working either 10-6 or 12-6 (I can't remember right now)....so I'll do something in the morning.....basically back to a 'normal' routine. I'm assuming that Alan and Cindy will be leaving to go home probably Friday.
So, there you have it...my plan to be healthy this coming week! I'm determined to get through this week without having the scales go up! I want them to go DOWN...and they will!
I talked to mom this morning, she said that Cindy called yesterday to talk about when they are coming. They are packing their car tonight...and will leave early tomorrow morning. She said at 4AM...so that the kids will sleep for a good portion of the trip out here. Of course Riley was telling 'grandma' that they should actually leave at 3AM to 'make the trip faster". Of course if you are asleep for one extra hour, I guess it would be faster. tee hee hee
I'm so ready for christmas. Last night I wrapped the last minute things (namely the gift to mom from dad...I actually got it about a week or so ago) and the cat treats. I put together a little bag (little as in the size of a bag from Bath and Body Works...the smaller size)...in it is the few small gifts that I wrapped yesterday, the replacement outfit for Alex (becuase I bought a 12 month size and apparently that may be too small), and few other odds and ends...stuff like batteries for toys that need them...etc etc etc. So that is ready. The gifts are already stored up in Hagerstown at mammals house...so they just need to be carried across the street to mom and dad's new house. Woo hoooo!
Tonight I have to decortate some cookies...for the cookie bouquets that I'm making. I should be ok with the eating of cookies. I shouldn't have any problems resisting tonight. Regardless...I'll probably pop some gum into my mouth while I work....so I'm not tempted to 'taste test' anything! I've found that I do it almost sub-conciously! I also want to put in a batch of bread Todd works late tonight..so I'll be on my own for dinner. Therefore my dinner will be pretty light. That's good! I'm so determined to get this weight gain gone! I'm not sure what exactly I'll have for dinner. Lately I've been craving peanut butter and jelly sandwiches....so there is a pretty darn good chance that a pb&j will be on the menu tonight. Cooked carrots??? Hmmm......well...time will tell what I have for dinner tonight. :-)
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
I did snitch a little bit of cookie dough. However, I chewed my gum through 95% of the cookie making time. I took the gum out when I was ready to sample the cookie dough and I didn't sample the cookie dough until I only had my sample left out of the whole batch! Tomorrow night I'll decorate my cookies and make my bouquets and then on Friday morning I"ll take them up to mom's house. I don't know if Todd can go up with me on Friday morning. BUT, I'm thinking of trying to make it to the gym on Friday morning! I also checked..the gym is open on Christmas Eve from 8AM to 4 PM. So we are going to try to make it to the gym on Christmas Eve.
I've already talked to Todd....after Christmas Dinner when things are boring around the house...I asked him if we could take our gloves/hats and warm clothes and go for a nice long walk. Up near mom's house is actually a neat place to walk in town. Lots of grand old houses...and they are usually decorated really nicely! SOOOOO at least I'll get some activity in! I'm also going to try to remember to eat off of a small plate! I think I"ll eat less if I use a small plate versus a mammoth hoggish big plate. I'm hoping that that works for me!
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Holiday plans and new years goals
Wow...it's hard to believe that Christmas is just one week away!!!!! Where has time gone! And 2008 is just two weeks from arrival!!! Woah!!!!
This year has been a particularly difficult year for weight loss. It seems as if I've taken two steps forward...two steps back! Very frustrating! BUT, I guess when I look at it...I lost about 25-30 pounds. If I can do that again in 2008...then I'll be at or very near my goal! So that's not too bad. Yeah, I'd like to make my goal by my anniversary...which would be slightly less than 2 pounds per week. Realistically I'm going to shoot for the beginning of June.....which makes my weekly pounds that I need to lose to be about 1.25 pounds! That is actually doable...even with a bad week here and there! To do it by my birthday...next December...I hav to lose .59 pounds a week! So there you have it...my hopeful goal (be at goal by my anniversary), my realistical goal..(be at goal by June 1st) and my "I'll kick myself if I don't make this goal" (be at my goal by my birthday!) Conversally speaking....I have to lose .74 pounds a week to be at my goal by Julies wedding.
Speaking of my goal. I don't know if that is a plausible goal for me. I've chosen 150 pounds. However, I'm very cognizant of the fact that 150 may not be a good number for me. I could be so lucky to get to 160 pounds and find out that 160 is the perfect weight for me.....or I could be very unlucky and find out that 150 is still a little high for my body type.....so that goal is kinda subject to change......
Size wise...I think my goal is about an 8-10. But that is all guess work...I have no clue!!!!!
Monday, December 17, 2007
Monday Morning
I weighed roughly the same this morning.....about .2 pounds higher...but that was before any 'elmination'. (how gross to actually think about that in relation to my weight!)
Sunday, December 16, 2007
My manager at work is a tiny little thing. She has utterly no concept of what I'm going through to get my weight under control. She was so tickled to see me eating bad stuff. In a way it is funny....but Janet put it the best way. Janet made this comment to me, she said, "We should all be ashamed, because we encouraged you to do something that we knew was something that was utterly wrong for you". I honestly think that my manager honestly doesn't get it.....she eats junk food like it's going out of style and doesn't gain a pound! And it just hit me...all except for the other part timer...the others either struggle or have struggled with weight issues.....to them, watching me take a fall made them feel better about themselves....because they eat poorly every day. Someone even made the comment on the party day about my eating that "You are human". Just becuase I chose to eat healthy...I'm not human???? Like I said, only one person really truly seemed to understand. And that was only after the fact. (ok...so it's also my favorite co-worker). I"m not saying that these people made me eat. I'm the only one that can make me eat. However, they encouraged and egged me on. Is it because for me to succeed makes them feel more of a failure?
The day was one big ball of reminders of how miserable I was as a 'big' girl. I felt yucky physically, emotionally, mentally...the whole nine yards. When I was big, I had a problem with my stomach hanging over my pants and rubbing on the button. It caused a sore....and often I had to wear a big band-aid over my stomach to keep this from happening.....and once it did happen to keep it from a) bleeding everywhere and b.) from hurting from the continual rubbing. This was so embarrassing....my husband made light of it and it didn't bother him...but I was so ashamed, I didn't tell many people. Even writing it now hurts and causes tears. Well.....thankfully this 'phenomenon' disappeared as I lost weight....probably about 50 pounds ago or so. Well, I was wearing a pair of pants that fitted nicely on Friday...and whadya know...I came home and when I was taking off my pants realized that I had developed one of these sores! Now come on......I didn't gain that much weight? But...I can't deny it....I have the sore to prove it. So one more 'reminder' of how my current lifestyle and my previous lifestyle have really changed!
You know, one of the major things that I marvel about. When I was big...I invested in 'bath sheets' These are humongous towels.....like double or triple the size of a regular bath towel. Almost every day when I shower I stand in awe when I realize that I can wrap a 'normal' bath towel around myself. You see....at my highest, even the bath sheets didn't fit around me. Yes, I still love to use the bath sheets.....but they wrap almost double around me!
I need to focus on my goals! I know that staying focused after falling off the wagon is so difficult for a week or so......I've got to double up my efforts to help me get past that difficult period! And somehow do it during the Christmas holiday! I'll be needing to do a heap of praying!!!!
Saturday, December 15, 2007
This morning, as much as I wanted to ignore it, I got myself out of bed and exercised. I had a cup of yogurt for breakfast....I'll eat probably fruit and veggies for lunch. :-) Tonight for dinner we are having fiesta turkey skillet....it's a pretty good meal. Healthy foods today!
I am also going to the grocery store today. Why...considering we are supposed to get a storm tonight......the stores will be super croweded with everyone buying stuff like mad because of the storm! Crazy...they buy like they will be snowed in for a month of Sundays! But, my refridge is bare. That's because we had vacation and we ate out every meal....that will be fixed by tonight though.
Friday, December 14, 2007
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Birthday vacation
It's been a busy few days. On Sunday Todd and I went up to Hershey PA. We had tickets to a hockey game. We ate lunch in Carlisle on the way up. We went to this little diner...it had pretty good food. When we got to hershey we roamed around a bit. I bought a new set of cookware for my kitchen. I bought Kitchen Aid. I love them and can't wait until I actually get to use them. We went through The chocolate world....I hadn't been through that in ages...so that was fun. The Hockey game was really neat to see. Todd hadn't ever been to a hockey game....I'd been to a few....and this onewas a fun as I remembered the other ones to be! On the way home, we at dinner at The Cracker Barrel. Nothing special or fancy...but I know what I can eat there that is still relativly healthy! I woke up the next morning...and weighed in at 179.6....not bad...we ate late and I did have a pretzel at the hockey game!
On Monday, my actual birthday,we stayed home during the day and got some projects donearound the house. We worked on the kitchen drain....it has been freezing in really cold weather (not cool at all). I got a butload of stuff over to our storage area. I cleaned out the closet really good. I cleaned the kitchen from top to bottom and the bathroom! We went out to supper and on the way home rented two movies. We watched sicko that night. I woke up on Tuesday and knew that I would be up on the scales....I was thirsty...at tell tale sign that I was already dehydrated. Yeppers....I was at 180.2. DARN (Could it also be because the is almost here???)
Today...Tuesday, we ran around all day. We had meetings to attend, we had some shopping to do, we volunteered athte soup kithen.....we did make it to the gym. I ate horribly! I didn't do to badly at lunch. I had soup and salad. BUT, I knew going into this little vacation time that I wanted pizza at some point. And not the pizza that is halfway healthy that I can get at home...but Pizza Hut pizza. We used to eat Pizza Hut pizza at LEAST once a week. The last i'd had it was probably 3 months agoo.....at least! Well, I splurged tonight! It was soooooooo good! But, who knows what the scales will say tomorrow! I'm tempted to simply now weigh myself until Saturday or Sunday......we'll see how i feel tomorrow morning!
Something wild....I FINALLY got to pick up my ring today and have it fit correctly! I went from an eight and a half to a five and a half!!!! CRAZY!!! 3 complete ring sizes different1 What a nutty thing! And yes, I'm staring at my ring like I did when I first got it....I haven't worn the ring in about a year because it hasnt fit! It's been way too lose!!!! :-)
Saturday, December 08, 2007
I woke up today and I just didn't want to get my tush out of bed! The thought of exercising about made me cry! I laid in bed for about 15 minutes. I had turned the light on...and then snuggled close to Todd. After about the third time of him asking me if I was awake, I finally drug myself out of the bed. Yes, I did exercise! Not that I wanted to! Not that I didn't hate every minute of it! Yes, I felt incredibly sluggish the whole time. No, it didn't make me feel more awake and energized like it usually does. BUT, I did it.....only a 20 minute routine...but I at least did something!
Dinner tonight is Chicken and Dumplins. I'll be working in the kitchen for a while...because that is a 'long prep time' dinner. I have some banana's that are getting a tad bit old...so I'll probably make banana muffins also. WITH nuts...so I'm not super tempted to eat them...and I'll freeze a good number of them so that they can be utilized better. If I make a whole slew of them...they go bad before todd can eat the whole batch...OR he eats and eats and eats them because he knows that they are going to go bad...so he has to gobble them up.....not good either way. But, if I bake them and freeze them in decent size servings..he can pull them out when he needs them and eat a few. Then the next time he's hungry for them he can pull some more out. It works much better that way. ALSO, he doesn't get sick of the same old same old if I do it this way. He can take a break from eating them when he wants. :-)
Todd's freight shipment didn't arrive yesterday like it was supposed to. We will need to find out on Monday when it is coming...that may put a damper on my birthday week plans. Oh well.....at least we don't have hotel reservations or something that we would lose the money on because we couldn't go!
Friday, December 07, 2007
I got the call yesterday that my jewelry was done. SO I beat a path to town last night to get them picked up. ARRGGH they were not sized correctly...they are BIG...big as in almost ready to fall off my fingers big. I was sooo excited to actualy have my rings the right size and to be able to wear them comfortably without them flopping all around. YEAH RIGHT! The lady finally told me that they would make it right for me...but they wanted me to wear the rings for the weekend. Ok...not sure what difference that will make. Yeah, I know my hands were a bit colder when I was there...HOWEVER, even with cold hands the ring should not be so loose as to be in danger of falling off!!!!! SOOOO I'm going to drop it off on Sunday. SHe told me that they would be able to resize it on Tuesday. That way I can pick it up on Tuesday night after Todd and I are finished volunteering at the soup kitchen. Tuesday is the only day that we are definitely not doing anything 'vacationy'. Todd has his board meeting at lunch time. I have to make it to one of my meetings at some point in the day. And at 4 or 4:30...we are going to volunteer at the soup kitchen. So that pretty much does up that day. I'm thinking that we will probably go to the gym between his board meeting (he'll eat lunch there...and I"ll go out with my mom) and volunteering at the soup kitchen. We'll probably go out to eat for dinner afterwards.
OK......this morning I was holding at 181.4. I'm pretty tickled with that......especially since my system seems to be a bit backed up again. (yes...sorry to those reading this if that was TMI). And the system being backed up does effect the weight in a negative way!
At that weight, I have 6.4 pounds to lose to make it to my New Years goal of being 175!!!!!! I may make this goal!!! Honestly, I haven't made many of the timed goals that I've set. Yeah, I've made all the weight goals....just not in the timeframe that I set aside for myself.....this one will be CLOSE as long as I stay diligent through the holidays...and especially through our four days off!
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Yesterday morning I woke up and laid in bed for a while. I knew that I had to take my rings in to have their yearly check up. So I mentally put that on my to do list. All of a sudden, I decided that I'd waited long enough to have my rings sized! It's been a year since I wore my engagment ring and the wrap that Todd got me to go with it. A year...actually more than a year! I want to wear my rings! SOOOO...I went ahead and took them in. Had them checked and I left them there to be sized and to be soldered together into one ring! I'm so excited. They said that the work should be done by Thursday evening! SOOO I'm hoping to be able to go in tomorrow morning to pick them up! :-) Now I'm hoping that this last 30 pounds that I need to lose won't make that much of a difference in my ring size! Otherwise i'll have paid for the sizing in vain!
We got snow yesterday! Woo hooo! It made driving a bit sketchy...but it sure was pretty! I shovelled a bit yesterday and I went out today and finished up the shovelling and cleaned off the cars! I was pretty busy this morning/active wise. That's good. Tonight Todd works, so it will be a 'quiet' night for me. I'll probably work on my scrapbook some more! I'm having a lot of fun working on my scrapping. It is so much more fun when I don't have to worry about getting everything put away and the area cleaned up! Yeah, when I'm done I don't leave stuff just scattered here and there...but I don't have to pack up the whole shebang! I'm actually almost caught up with my last years worth of stuff! Does this mean that I can go back to all the stored stuff from years gone by (college even...eii yii yii) and get that stuff scrapped?????
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Monday, December 03, 2007
Nuggets of information from my recent read!
I just finished a book called Mindless Eating, by Brian Wansink, PH.D. I found the book to be fascinating. It talked in depth about how certain things in our surroundings cause us to be unaware of our food choices, portions, and perceptions. Quite interesting for me, as I'm someone that is working to conquer my food addiction! So, here are some more little nuggets from the book.
If a person believs that a food is healthy, the food has what can be reffered to as a "health halo" where we imbibe in that food becuase it is "healthy". The problem is..this healthy halo frequently causes us to eat something, or more than we would normally eat. In essence, if we eat more of something because of the health halo, then the food is no longer good. I've seen people chose a healthy option of food, lets say the 25% less fat oreos. But they eat 4 instead of one...because it's 25% less which to them equates to being able to eat 3 extra!
The second nugget of information is the ice water versus room temperature water. I'll just do a direct quote on this one versus paraphrasing. "Interestingly, if you load that drink (32 ounces) with ice, you'll actually burn off a few of those calories. Since your body has to use energy to heat up an iced beverage, you actually burn about one calorie for every ice cold ounce you drink. So that 32 ounce drink will take you about 32 ounces to warm up in your body.
The third thing is the types of eaters out there. The first is the meal stuffer. This person doesn't eat badly any other time...but during meals they eat to excess. The second is the Snack Grazer...this person eats anytime food is available. The third is The party Binger. This person eats mostly and heavily at high distraction events. The fourth is the restaurant indulger. This person eats dinner out a LOT! The fifth is the desktop diner or dashboard diner...they are always eating on the run...multi tasking.
I can see myself mainly as a meal stuffer and also a bit of a restaurant indulger! Looks to me like the tips that he gave for these two tips of eaters are things I'm already doing....EXCEPT for the half plate thing...half the plate is filled with veggies and the other half is proten and starch. The other thing that I don't religiously do is to use a smaller plate!!! I'm goign to try to use the smaller plate at Christmas!!!
Sunday, December 02, 2007
I'm once again praying for wisdom and strength in my eating today! Another function tonight...with desserts and yummy things! I've already exercised...and Todd and I are running around all day today...so at least I won't be immobile!
Saturday, December 01, 2007
Happy December
I plan on eating tonight at the party. I think it was last years Christmas party (the same people) that I ate before I went to the party and then didn't eat there. I'm planning on eating lightly for lunch...so that I can have a taste of the good stuff tonight. After I've had a HEALTHY portion. (not healthy as in a large portion...but healthy as in healthy portions and options) I am going to pop the gum into my mouth and chew chew chew my way into good health!
Friday, November 30, 2007
The last day of November
I had to run to the store to buy cat liter yesterday morning. I bought three packs of gum! I plan on chewing gum while I bake tonight. I'm baking for two dessert trays that I am taking to two different christmas functions/parties. I hope that will keep me from eating the dough uncontrollably! I know that I'll probably end up eating a bite of each dough. I'm honest enough with myself to know that it will happen. SOOOO I've planned low points meals for today to compensate for any cookie dough I may end up eating. Hopefully the gum will work 100 percent though! :-)
As for the parties. Tomorrow night will be a full meal....so that one will be rough as they almost NEVER have healthy things at their parties/meals. Not to mention that the food is there to nibble on ALL night! Sunday night is just refreshments. I think I may be able to manage that one better!
On to better subjects. My weight was back to 183.6 this morning! I'm almost back to my lowest ever weight...which was 182.8.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Weigh in results and further damage?
Yesterday morning I woke up and was in the throes of my morning exercise when I thought about a treat for Todd. He's been sick for a few days and was feeling better. I had been planning on dragging him around while I finished Christmas shopping. So what better way to treat him than at Panera bread for a breakfast bagel. I don't normally imbibe in their bagels as they are HIGH HIGH HIGH points. (much more than I normally use for breakfast). He jumped at that offer. I cautioned him that I would take a snack for us in case our shopping carried us past the lunch hour. That way we could hold off until we got home to eat our lunch. Well, I'm PROUD to say that I finished my Christmas shopping! WOO HOOO! Lunchtime rolled around and we were hungry. We still had a $10 comp coupon for Longhorn Steakhouse to use. Yep, we decided to go there and get salads and soup. (I actually got a sweet potato instead of soup). So there goes round two of eating out....not to mention about 20 of my daily points for the day (out of 24....dinner wasn't looking good.) Oh wait did I remember to mention that I was doing a mystery shop at a restaurant that evening at 7PM? NO.....well, the mystery shop had specific regulations about what we had to order. We had to order at least one non-alcoholic drink. No problem, Todd always gets iced tea and I always get water. We had to order two entrees. Once again...not to much of a problem....I rarely get an entree and instead chose a lighter dish...but the entree would still be manageable. BUT, we also had to order an appetizer to share. Yep....an appetizer. We ordered buffalo wings. Just 10...to split. So it wasn't THAT bad. For my entree I got a 10 spice chicken, with parsley butter on top, garlic mashed potatoes and steamed veggies. It was all very yummy. But, with only 4 points left for the day...WAY over my allowance!
Oh yes, yesterday...while I did drink with every meal, (a bottle of water with breakfast, two glasses at lunch and three at dinner) I was still lacking in my water consumption.
I actually debated on the whole get on the scales thing this morning. But I did it. I was surprised to see that I was only up 1 pound!!! Not bad....especially since knowing that the water issue alone can cause me to retain a pound or so!!!!
We had to run to the store to pick up cat liter (bad me, I forget it when I went shopping the other day). I picked up three packs of gum! I plan on chewing it heavily here soon when I'm baking. Yes, we are attending a few parties this weekend. AND for two of them I'm taking desserts! So I'll be baking and all that! The gum will be in my mouth the whole time!!! That and I'll be praying to be able to refrain from trying each bite!!!
Did I mention that my Christmas shopping is DONE! Well...we got home yesterday afternoon and I pulled out the wrapping supplies. EVERYTHING is not only bought...but wrapped! I'm going to take it up to mom's house to store. She has the room and that's where it will be needed on Christmas morning!!! WOOOO HOOOO!
I picked up a few new books at the bookstore yesterday. The one is called Mindless Eating. I'm fascinated thus far. It is going into depth, using research data that shows how things in our society influences how much and what we eat. I also got one that talks about the mindset and the shift in mindset from being an overweight person to someone that is no longer over-weight. I know that I have a problem with this. I still find myself in the 'overweight' mindset. It freaks Todd out...because he's like "that's how anorexics and bulimics are created". I honestly don't think that will happen to me....but it is scary.
One thing...I get so disgusts about how long this weight is taking to come off.....well this morning I was reading and this is what I came across. The actual body of the book had this statement " It's estimated that over 95% of all people who lose weight on a diet gain it back." It had an end note, so I flipped back to see what else was there...and this is what was written as the end note. "The speed at which you gain weight after going off a diet is almost always directly related to the speed you lost the weight to begin with. If you miraculously lose 10 pounds in two days, with the new Celebrity Fad Diet, you're more likely to miraculously gain it back almost as fast". Yes, I know that I'm not on a diet...and this is more of a lifestyle change. But it's still the same premise for me if I would substitute the words 'after going off a diet' with "when I'm done losing"
The other thing that really hit me is that the author talked about volume versus calories. We as humans work on volume of food and not calories. The caloric count does not affect our hunger and relative satisfaction....the volume of food does! They actually talked about a making two smoothies. Beating/aerating the one so it looked bigger and leaving the other one looking smaller...even though it was the exact same portion size. EVERY TIME, the people that got the aerated one (the big looking one) said they were fuller and ate less at the following meal because of their 'big' smoothie! Crazy.....
It just reinforces my belief that this weight loss is a total mind game!!!!!
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
In the homestretch
Tomorrow night I accepted a mystery shopper position. So that means that Todd and I will be eating out. Yeah, we'll have to pay up front...but we will be reimbursed plus a bonus for doing it. It's always a bit fun to do a mystery shop. :-) I'll try to order and eat wisely!
Right now...I'm hungry! However, I don't eat until after my weigh in. I get off at 6:15...and I'll run to my meeting.....the meeting is at 7PM. I'll get home between 8 and 8:30. I do have a little snack to eat after I weigh in. I'm not starving hungry thank goodness. I've actually not been starving hungry much! That is totally awesome! I was talking to a co-worker and we were talking about how when we eat healthy it seems as if we are eating so much more food! It's crazy! When I'd pack my lunch in the past, the lunchbox would be partially full. NOW my lunch box seems to be bulging with food. What's up with that???????
We were also talking today...and it reminded me of my discovery about this food addiction that i have. It reminded me of the experience I had recently where I tasted something that was heavenly tasting. So I went back and ate more....trying to recapture that rapture...that orgasmic first bite feel. The second helping didn't help...but I still wanted that feeling...so I went back again. It took me three times (and it was CAKE) until I realized that i was looking for that "first' high you get after eating something. And that can't be recaptured in the same setting! ADDICTION!
Monday, November 26, 2007
I'm making sure that I'm drinking regularly today! I'm not risking that for my weigh in tomorrow. BECAUSE according to my home scales yesterday...my weight should be right at where it was last week. I'm keeping my fingers crossed on that one!
I'm so disgusted. Last Wednesday Todd and I were walking through the mall and I saw a sweater/long sleeve shirt that was a decent price...and I liked it. I bought it and brought it home. I didn't wear it throughout the week...for one reason or another. So today, I put on my new shirt and here I sit at work with my new shirt. Well...about an hour into my day I looked down and on the right sleeve there is a small stain! Where did that come from????????? ARRGGHHH! I don't have a plethera of clothing as I'm trying to do with only a small wardrobe as I lose. So this is quite distressing!
I exercised this morning. Yes, got up an h0ur early.....exercised for about 40 minutes. Felt good. At first I was miserable because my back and hips were stiff. (yeah, sleeping...arthritis...old age...haa haa haa) But, they loosened up quite nicely and by the end I felt pretty good. Todd and I may run to the gym this afternoon. It's been a while...so that may be nice. Yes, it would be a day of double workouts for me. I think I'd be ok with that....I just know that my light lunch would not be sufficient....so I'd need to eat a snack or something before we went.
Later this week I'll be baking up a storm. We have a bunch of parties and get togethers this coming weekend. Two of them, I've been volunteered (or volunteered on my own in one case) to take the desserts. I'm thinking about doing a cookie tray. Cut out cookies (sugar), chocolate chip, soft sugar cookies, banana bread, and maybe mini muffins. We'll have to see what all I get done. :-) I'll be doing a heap of praying for willpower and strength to resist the temptation of all that yummy batter and cookie dough! That is my downfall...the uncooked doughs/batters! Once they are baked, it's not as tempting to me! Yeah, I'm weird.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Waffle House
Seeing as how I used my 'morning exercise time' to go out for breakfast I was a bit worried about exercise for the day. We got home from church at noon. That gave me one hour before Todd's clients came in...rendering my exercise room closed for business. So, I hooked up the xbox and played about 40 minutes of dance dance revolution. I was proud that I was moving...but I "knew' that I wasn't getting the best of workouts. I then ate lunch and headed to town to buy groceries. Man, does that take forever! I came home....put everything away an mosied around a bit. TOdd got done work and we had dinner. And you'll never guess what I did after we ate dinner. Yessiree bob! I did a high intensity work out! Persistence!
I work from 7:45 until 2 tomorrow. So I've got my lunch all planned out in my mind...all I have to do is throw it together tomorrow morning. That should make it easier to fit my workout in!!!!!!
Saturday, November 24, 2007
The Million Dollar Question
The scales moved back down 2 pounds today. So now I'm only up about 2 - 2.5 pounds from where I was on Tuesday. Just thought about it...I had sauerkraut...VERY high in sodium...and ham...also very high in sodium. Could that be contributing??? Probably! Oh well.....I'm going to do my best to be able to call Thanksgiving week a 'maintain' or better week! That means I'll be watching what I eat and do very carefully....even more than normal, if that is possible.
The alarm was set an hour early this morning. However, when it went off, I just didn't want to get up! I hit the snooze...and snuggled close to Todd. Man, that nine minutes goes by FAST! When it off the second time, I got up...grabbed my exercise clothes and went at it. So....now I sit here at work...I'm already exercised up for the day and all that good stuff! Todd has a break in the studio from like 4-6. Then he worked an hour or so...and we are eating after that. So I may exercise or play DDR a bit in that break to get a bit more exercise in! :-)
Friday, November 23, 2007
Afternoon update
Now to make sure I exercise tonight when I get home!!!! What do to... I was dissapointed becasue the two nice days that we've had recently...I wanted so bad to be out on my bike riding outside...and alas, I was stuck inside and busy! That really bites! At least dinner won't be much work as I actually prepared it yesterday and I have left instructions for Todd to put it in the oven so that it is ready when I get home.
So far today the foot isn't aching as badly as it was yesterday. That's a really good thing!!! Especially when it comes to exercising tonight!
Thanksgiving, aches and pains and extreme tiredness
The alarm went off at 6AM on Thanksgiving day. I diligently went to the living room (aka workout room) and worked out for just under an hour. I had breakfast, showered, did a load of laundry and got everything ready to take to mom's. I also got Todd's breakfast ready...he was exhausted on Tuesday so I wanted him to be able to sleep as long as possible. (He hadn't budged as I'd moved around the house). I woke him up 20 minutes before we had to leave.
We got to mom's at around 9:30 (we left our house at 8:15...picked up Ronnie at 9...and at mom's by 9:30). I peeled potatoes and helped mom out in the kitchen for a bit....and we took time to sit in the living room and chat when we could. For lunch I ate a little bit of meat, sauerkraut, green beans, baked butter beans, mashed potatoes, harvard beets, peas, stuffing (yum, I LOVE my mom's stuffing). For my sweet tooth I had some jello with mandarin oranges and some pumpkin mousse! (Yummy!.....I'm having more for lunch today.... 1 point for 1/2 cup!). My indulgance yesterday...I had a piece of applesauce cake and a snickerdoodle cookie that mom had made for dad. I also drank my full 64 ounces of water!
Soooooo....knowing that...and seeing that I didn't eat like a mad woman. WHY THE HECK is my weight showing me up 5 POUNDS since Tuesday morning???????? Ok....5 pounds times 3500 calories that make up a pound....that's a HECK of a lot of food! In fact, that's 17500 calories to make up that five pounds. There is NO WAY IN HECK that I ate 17500 extra calories in two days! I'm not overly upset...because I know that I didn't eat that much food. I'm just disgusted...because I do feel as if I ate wisely! Oh well...that's the nature of the beast!
I'm thinking about not weighing myself again until next Tuesday morning. SO I don't panic or obsess about. Just eat right the next couple days and take it like a man....err woman!
What's up with the weather??? One day I'm wearing shorts and tee shirts...the next day my winter coat????? I don't like this.....because i'm STILL constantly cold!
Yesterday evening I was just exhausted. I think the busyness of my few days just really caught up with me! We got home and I put my leftovers away...and put together a Shepherds pie for dinner tonight. It was all I could do stay awake. I ended up falling asleep for about a half our or so. ANd that was good enough to hold me through until a 'decent' time to go to bed. HOWEVER, Todd and i were in bed at 7PM...watching tv. :-)
Aches....my feet are soooo sore! The one hurts so horribly! It's a real struggle to exercise because of the pain! In fact, this morning...I struggled with actually exercising. The alarm went off an hour early so I could get up and exercise. However, it was cool in the house (dang weather changes), my foot hurt like a banshee, and last but not least...I was just struggling with waking up! I WILL exercise tonight!!! I even asked Todd to help me to actually do it!!!!
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Holiday Manifesto
1) it's ONE DAY out of the year. So have anything (within reason), and don't stress. Enjoy it.
2) Savor foods that are particular to that holiday, and skip anything that you don't really care as well as things that are always available throughout the year - ie. the bread basket, cheese tray, etc.
3) Remember: one day means back to good habits the next day - no excuses.
4) Go for a long walk after the meal!
Core Day 7....and The END
Well....day seven of my core week is almost over. I can see why people would like to do core. However, I know without a shadow of a doubt that it is not for me. :-) Although I would be tempted to do core over a holiday, for the simple fact that if I chose my foods carefully I wouldn't have to worry about portions or how much I was eating!
Woah.......it's now Tuesday morning. I forgot that I was in the middle of writing my blog...turned off the monitor to go make dinner...and never went back to the computerlast night. Turned on my monitor this morning and was confronted with the first paragraph of my blog entry!
Well....Core is officiallly done. I'm glad that I experienced. I can see why people like it. But I'm happy to be back to flex!
I did weigh in at my lowest ever this morning.....182.8. SO I"m happy about that!
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Core Day 6
Spent some time with mom again today. We had to make our plans for Thanksgiving day. We are in the process of changing out plans. :-) I think we are going to end up making a T-day dinner ourselves. Why spend $100 dollar for 5 people to eat...when we can prepare the exact same thing for a fraction of the cost.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Day Five Core
Yesterday I was 183.0 Today I weighed in at 183.6. I've been trying to figure out exactly why. We had a crock pot meal...diet coke chicken....over whole wheat pasta. Corn (frozen...from my garden), and applesauce. I did use 3 flex points and had a bite of dessert. I've been trying to figure out what caused my weight to jump .6 pounds. The only thing I can think of. I put salt in the corn. The diet coke has sodium...and ketchup is high in sodium (right?). I did drink more than my 64 ounces yesterday...so that shouldn't be a factor. So I'm thinking the sodium is probably it. We'll see though! Not too worried about it though.
Had a nice visit with the pastor last night. He seems like a really down to earth guy. Not overly legalistic or anything like that....which is good! :-) His preaching is top notch, which is the important thing. We are very impressed with him and his views. He was apologetic about some and was like, if this scares you off, then so be it. I was like, "I'm here because of that view!" Basically he said he is more concerned about our spiritual walk versus building the church into a huge number. AMEN!
Thank heavens dinner last night turned out! haa haa haa. Ok, I knew it would...it's one that we've had before! :-)
Tonight for dinner we are having ham steak, pasta salad (not core....but that's for todd) and a variety of vegetables. I haven't decided, but I was originally planning on having parsley potatoes (yes, I can make them core...with the fat free butter)..but Todd mentioned wanting the pasta salad (luckily for me, he likes a creamy pasta salad...which I don't like...I prefer oil based pasta salads...so I won't be as tempted). So....the pasta salad may be parsley potatoes.....who knows. :-) I'd probably be better off without the potatoes! :-) What to do...what to do....hmmm. Well, considering we will eat late tonight because of Todd's work schedule, I have plenty of time to think about it! Lunch will probably be tuna salad (made with FF mayo to be core), fruits and veggies. Yummy!
Friday, November 16, 2007
Core day 4
My lunch...I made homemade chicken salad (fat free mayo, celery, etc etc etc). I paired that with leftover corn from last night, pineapple, a kiwi and a clementine. Woah doggie, that clementine literally had 18 seeds in it!!!!! What they hey?
I'm not sure what's happening...but I think some emails that I'm sending AND receiving are disappearing out into oblivion! I have had about three people have to resend me something because I haven't received it. Go figure. Luckily my friends all know that as long as it isn't some foward, and is a real email...I respond....even if it's just to say thanks again! I don't know..but I have this thing that I don't like to be the last one to respond.
I had a nice productive morning today. I woke up and actually took an hour or so in bed to read. At 8, I mosied out to the living room (aka the workout room) and proceeded to do a workout. I had breakfast (oatmeal) ...then took pity on Todd and made him a western omelet. I made chicken salad for lunch, mixed up some jello (yeah, I always forget about jello, but I actually do like it), and put dinner in the crockpot (diet coke chicken). I emptied the dishwasher and reloaded it, straightened the kitchen, straightened the rest of the house, vacumned the whole house, folded and put away a load of laundry, showered, ate lunch and came to work. And here I sit. Tonight the pastor of the church that we recently started attending is coming over to talk. I'm not really looking foward to it.......Todd and I just went through this about a year an a half ago. We settled in the church, became members....became active...and then the rug was pulled out from under us. It's no fun! We tried to leave that church gracefully, without hard feelings and all that. BUT, the hurt is still there on our end. This on top of what the church that i was a member of (where my dad was a preacher) did a few years back.....not cool. BUT, Todd and I immediately tried a few churches. This one seemed to fit the best. So...tonight we get the 'home visit'.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Core Deep thoughts
So...I'm trying this core thing. I firmly believe in the weight watchers program. I myself am a flex girl. I think I've known it from the get go. I never had any real desire to try the core. But you hear people that rave about it. Then you hear about people that kick start their plateaus with one or two weeks of following the core plan versus the flex plan. I've been in this weird whirlpool of weight loss and that has prompted a bunch of people to encourage me to try the core plan. SOOOOOO I did. Day one wasn't too bad. I breezed right through it. Day two wasn't too bad. Then Day three hit. This morning was nice. I had my oatmeal...and thouroughly enjoyed not measuring it out. (Deducted one flex point for my brown sugar). Lunch wasn't too bad either. I had a banana and a big salad with all the trimmin's and fixin's. Doin' good. THEN hits dinner...and the fiasco with the new recipes. So that left me foodless. Todd said he wasn't all that hungry so he made a sandwich. Uhhhh what do I eat..what do I eat. I'm a more picky eater than some. My week was carefully planned out because of that. I stood in the kitchen literally in a tailspin. I ended up eating the corn (that was the only thing edible out of the meal...the corn that I had prepared as a sidedish), jello, a small salad (oh yeah..that's the next problem...I'll save that for the next paragraph though), Butter and Jelly BREAD (ww bread...fat free butter and Jelly...yep, there goes two more points deducted from my weekly totals). I finished eating and I was literally still hungry. So I trooped back to the kitchen and had some oatmeal...yep chalk up another point for more brown sugar! I feel satisfied now. But I was literally miserable because the options were not there. I stood in the kitchen and even though I rarely eat any of teh baked tortilla chips that my husband eats, I looked at them and thought, "I can't eat those" and that made me want them. EVERY WHERE I LOOKED, I saw food that I couldn't eat (shouldn't I should say) and I wanted it!!!! I'm much more able to manage it with the flex program . I think because nothing is taboo. If I want it, I eat it. Yeah, core is the same way...but becuase I'm a picky eater to begin with, I'm using some of those 35 flex points for stuff like the brown sugar. Hmmmmm.........
OK....salads. About a month ago (give or take) I went through a HUGE salad craze. I was hungry for salad's all the time. I hadn't had salad fixin's at the house for a few weeks and it actually sounded like a good idea for my lunches (ok...picky eaters options are more limited). Well....I've eaten...and I'm already sick of salads! What to do the rest of the week! :-)
So, on day three I can pretty much garauntee that the core plan will be something that I do very rarely if ever again! I do plan on sticking it out the rest of the week. AND, I BETTER lose big like so many people claim will happen!!!!!!
Core-Day three
Battlefield Hike fallout........hmmmmm that sounds ominous! As for sore....my muscles are a bit sore from our walk yesterday. No becuase walking is so strenuous or anything...but because of the length of time we walked. What really hurts are my feet. I've always had feet problems......so being on them for that long kinda kicked up the pain a bit. It will pass...I'll just deal with it. :-) As Todd and I neared our home yesterday at the end of our walk/hike we were talking about how our feet were a bit sore and how we could feel that our muscles had been worked out. It brought up remembrances of some of our previous LONG walks/hikes. This was every bit as long as some of the past ones. There was one that we called the 'death march'....so you know how we felt when it was over! :-) So it has been neat to see how our endurance has changed over the years!
Didn't want to exercise today.....back to that slight soreness from yesterday. HOwever, I went ahead and thirty minutes down! I didn't do anything super high intensity...but I did something. Felt good! Woo hooo!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Core-Day 2

View from the Tower at the Antitam National Battlefield 11-14-07
What a lovely day for a hike. Todd and I woke up and mosied around. I made Spanish Omelets and Canadian Bacon for the two of us. I added toast for Todd. However, I refrained from having toast, as it is not on the core list of foods. It was a nice hearty breakfast and set us up for a wonderful experience outdoors. We checked our email accounts and did a few errends around the house and at about 9AM we were headed out the door. We didn't get far...and had to turn back....We couldn't remember if the stove had been turned off AND I had forgotten to put my cell phone in the backpack. Yeppers, the stove was off. Off we headed again. This time, we got down the main pike and onto the battlefield road. We were looking at our house from an angle that we don't see often and noticed the farm dog standing on the edge of the pike (busy road) staring at us. DARN! So....we started back. Luckily, when we moved out of his site, he mosied back up to lane and to the house.....Off we started again. We walked up roads, down roads, by monuments and waysides. We did climb the tower that stands sentinel at the end of Bloody Lane. From there we got the shot from above. Onward we went! Up hills and down hills we went. It was a beautiful day. The weather was perfect. We both wore jeans, tee-shirts and a sweatshirt. At the beginning of the walk, we needed the sweatshirt...but by the time we got around to Sharpsburg....3 hours later (ok, so we were technically never out of sharpsburg....we started on the North end...about 2 miles out....went out about 1-2 miles east of sharpsburg and ended up about 2 miles south of sharpsburg....then back into Sharpsburg. Anyway, by the time we marched into Sharpsburg, we had our sweatshirts tied around our waists. We stopped at the deli and had a delightful meal with Sallie and Amanda. The conversation was pleasant and as much appreciated, since I had seen neither of these two ladies in a while. We stopped at the bank to make a deposit picked up the mail from our PO Box and then we walked the two miles home. I won't lie...my feet were sore. We were just shy of 20K steps when we finally traipsed up our lane.
Core! So far so good. I made Core Spanish Omelets for breakfast...and Like I said earlier...I didn't have any toast with them! For me that is HUGE! But, I really do want to give Core a real chance! For lunch at the deli I ate a salad topped with chicken salad. I did dip into my flex points for the chicken salad....6 points (per the ingredient list....helps to know the proprietor...you can get exact calculations). I also splurged and had a Diet Pepsi. My usual rule is nothing other than water until AFTER the 64 ounces are down the hatch. I had drank a bottle of water while hiking...and I'd had two large 16 ounce glasses of water with breakfast, so I know I wasn't actually doing too badly! I guess I could actually use some of my many activity points that I earned today to cover my lunch. However, I'm going to simply count them. I plan on being strict this week while I'm on core...and that seems a bit like cheating!
The weight was still up today...but the ick started.....so hopefully in a few days the weight will drop again!

After we got home we worked to take the garbage down the lane. Yes, it is a two man job. One person to take the garbage down the lane...the other to make sure our 'friends' do not follow down to the main road. SO...I got the lovely job of playing with our batch of kittens. My favorite, Mr. Bibb's posed so perfectly for a picture that I couldn't resist snaping a shot off! Mr. Bibbs and his two brothers are both adorable...as is their mother, still practically a kitten herself! Why oh why do people think that animals are expendable...and thereby drop them off on the side of the road (Yes, this mother cat was dropped off, we assume when her previous owners figured out she was pregnant...and it is obvious that she was a domesticated cate!)
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
My own personal miracle.
Tonight at our meeting we talked about how to navigate the holiday/thanksgiving dinner. At least I won't have scads of desserts and such to resist. I'll only have to worry about it actually AT the dinner. But when dinners over, and we leave the restaurant, the temptation will be GONE, over DONE! Woo hoooo
I was all bummed last night and today. It's been rainy and wet. We had been planning on hiking the trails on the battlefield tomorrow. Making a full day of it. Well, we know from having hiked the one trail that these trails are not exactly rough...but they are not ones that would be great if it was muddy. SO I've been bummed because I've been looking foward to it ALL week and it is looking like that plan is a no go. Well, on the way to work today I thought to myself. Why can't we leave our house and walk the roads through the battlefield. Yeah, it wouldn't be as pretty...but if we start at our end (the north end) and go the whole way to the southern end, we'd at least be getting in a nice long walk! A couple miles. Then we could still treat ourselves at the deli in town on our way back through. Which would be a treat. We have been cutting down how many times we eat out. Limiting it, I should say. Plus, the deli hasn't been on our top list of places to go since I worked there. So it would be a nice treat...and a fitting addition to a day of local activities. :-)
Tomorrow night we will be in Hagerstown for travelogue. That should be fun also! SO all in all, tomorrow may still end up being a fun day! Oh wait...I have to clean the house really good somewhere in there....in preparation for the preachers visit....hmmmmm think we can bar him entry to our part of the house and just meet him in the studio??? No MaryFran, that won't work! (oh my, am I now talking to myself also.) Ok...I'm scared now! haa haa haa
Am I due a Miracle?
That brings me to a thought of mine. Some people don't weigh daily. I do. I think for me part of it is that I know my body flucuates in weight at certain times of the month. (thankfully now my flucations are only 2 pounds instead of the 10-15 pounds that I used to fluctuate). So isn't it better to know this? Isn't it better to face it daily instead of once a week and just happen to hit it on a high end fluctuation day? I think that would be much more devastating emotionally!
Another thing I noticed. Today, I put on a pair of dress pants that I purchased for the job that I'm currently working at. They were tight at the beginning of the summer. In fact, this particular pair of pants went into the closet and i didn't wear at first. So today I put them on....KNOWING that I've gained my monthly requisite of water weight and the pants are loose. Need a belt loose! NO...I didn't wear my new belt....brown pants and a black belt....nope, not gonna fly! Quite interesting!
Started the core thing this morning! I went to have my oatmeal. I normally measure out my cereal...it's way to easy to pour extra in. So I grabbed my measuring cup (as i normally do in order to measure out my portion of oatmeal) and all of a sudden it hit me...I don't have to measure my oatmeal...it's a core food..which means I can have as much as I want. So I simply poured in the amount that I thought would be sufficient. Same with the milk. I did however measure out the brown sugar that I added....and yes, I used a flex point for the brown sugar that I used. Hmmm....this will be interesting.
I was raving about how I didn't have to measure my oatmeal this morning and Todd was like, "man, I'm in for an interesting week. We'll be eating all we can possible eat of salads. Bowl after bowl' I just laughed. I think he may be in for a surprise, because I've got a pretty good menu planned out. One that I think he'll actually like and appreciate. Actually not at all restrictive. Now I'll admit...i'm a bit of a pickier eater, so I don't know that I would be happy with doing core week in and week out. But for this week, I think I'll make it! Even without the bread! :-)
Like I've said before (I think), this core thing is getting a leg up already becuase my weight is artificially inflated with this water weight. SPEAKING of.....could I be getting rid of some it? I will say I've been in the bathroom like 4 times in the last hour or so!!!! Dare a girl to dream?????
Monday, November 12, 2007

Weight loss....Yeah, I'm up! ARRGGHHH. I know it's the monthly 'ick'. There is no reason my weight would jump like that. Frustrates me to no end!
Mom and I are going out again today to do some shopping. Quite honestly, I"m REALLY hoping to get almost totally done with my shopping today! I know what I'm getting mom for Christmas AND her birthday......figured that out yesterday while shopping at the mall with her. I still need to get dad his birthday and some Christmas. But it would be splendid if I could pretty much finish up the kids and Cindy (still need a birthday gift for her!) Ok....I know I'm early for Christmas (ok, earlier than the average person). But my word....they put up Christmas decorations around here on the first of November!!!! Is it like that where you are at???? Yesterday at the mall they were playing CHristmas music! What's up with that. We shouldn't see that stuff, or hear it, until Thanksgiving!!!!!! What the hey?!?!?!?!?!?!? At least this year I don't have to have my gifts bought, wrapped and ready to present at Thanksgiving. This is our year to celebrate at Christmas! Speaking of that...in past years, mom has gone all out for both holidays. Even though it's only me for Thanksgiving. She invites people....and whatnot. That's a nice thing...but when you do both of the huge meals, one it gets expensive (ok, mom has historically asked tons of people) but also it is almost two much...too close together. So this year, Todd and I are taking his uncle out for Thanksgiving (to a restaurant) and mom and dad are joining us. It will kinda be nice to not have to do the work. However, I'll admit that there is something special about the house all filled with holiday cooking smells! :-)