I have been working to try to figure out this weight loss thing. My weight is not budging. It’s infuriating. I’m not eating horrible,not perfectly, but not horrible! I know I had to do something, make some change. So I have adjusted once again.
So what is the big adjustment? I’m going back to intermittent fasting. I did it years back. It comes naturally to me as I am not a big fan of eating in the morning. So I decided to do a fasting regime…again. (You can read more about my prior thoughts here.)
I am once again doing the 16:8 method of fasting. I will be fasting for 16 hours and eating within an 8 hour window. In easier terms, I need to be done eating by 8 PM and I don’t start eating again until after 12pm the next day. So basically dinner to lunch. Skipping breakfast. It will actually most likely be a bit longer most days. For example tonight my dinner is over and done and it’s 7:13 so technically my fast has started. I know that my lunch is not scheduled until 12:15 tomorrow. So if my lunch happens right on time, it will end up being a 27 hour fast. But let’s be honest. Some days my lunch gets pushed later. Today it was at 12:30. But one day last week it was at 1:45. No worries though!
Im doing what is called a dirty fast. My fast is not 100% clean. I am still making my drink in the morning…which is water with a trace mineral vitamin and mineral pack in it. The calories are so small it’s negligible but it does ruin my chances of a ‘clean’ fast. For me it’s a trade off…water is important and I feel as if those vitamin and mineral packs are instrumental to my health also. So a trade off!
The benefit of intermittent fasting? I am not eating those calories for breakfast so I have them to eat later in the day! It makes it so much easier to stay within my set calorie range! Yay!!!!!