I started out the year with one name and ended the year with a different name on my drivers license. And yes, changing my name back to my maiden name was a HUGE deal! I was soooo excited! Ending my marriage was probably the most difficult decision that I have ever had to make. My ex is not a bad guy, just a really bad husband...there is a difference. That difference made it difficult to leave, but by the beginning of 2015 I was already separated. I had moved in with my parents and was working trying to figure out a new single life and life at my parents. My eating changed, as my parents eat VERY differently than I have for years. (Full fat EVERYTHING....and my mother bakes a LOT for a city market....so there is ALWAYS cookies, cakes, pies and yummy goodness in the house.) I tried to figure out how to mesh my eating with their habits......it was a struggle (and honestly it still is)!!! That coupled with some friends that wanted to eat out almost every night (hey I was lonely, I said yes!) and I gained about 20 - 30 pounds.

I committed to running a half marathon. I was training for it. Really, I was. I was up to about 8 miles in my training and doing GREAT! I was doing great until I ended up being diagnosed with pneumonia. Wow...that stuff knocks the stuffing out of a person. A week or two after I was diagnosed, I tried to run a mile......and I nearly collapsed on my front porch upon my return. (My aunt/neighbor claims I DID collapse....I contend that I was just resting!) Once again I had to make a decision. This decision? Was running a half marathon feasible? I chose to pass on the half marathon. It just wasn't going to happen after missing so much time in my training plan.
I purged some friends from my life during this past year. People that were using me. People that were negative. People that were not healthy for me. It left more holes in my life. And I really do miss some of them because I did have fun. However, I can see that the choices I made really were for the best as their actions as and after the purging took place only verified the necessity of my actions. The stress and sadness derailed me from my efforts to live a healthier life.....for a while.
I started dating. Oh wow.....what can I say about that. There are some CRAZY people out there in the dating world. ABSOLUTELY CRAZY!!!!! It was an interesting ride, and I could write post after post about some of the experiences......I mean when I have nicknamed these guys the descriptive names such as "Black Tooth", "Tiny Taco", "Fraidy Cat", "Master Eye Boogie" and many many more, you know that these dates must have been a real......hoot. (yes, I have written down the experiences because I do not want to forget the humor!)
Vacations......Starting in October I started vacationing. It has been a whirlwind of trips. So much fun. Philadelpia, Perkasie and Lancaster; Williamsburg and all the surrounding areas; Baltimore; Harrisonburg Virginia and the Skyline Drive; Gettysburg; Northern Virginia. So many places to go and things to see. What a blessing this has been. I was petrified to vacation by myself, yet the big vacations were totally solo and I found out that I can have a LOT of fun by myself.
I am ending the year with another sprained ankle...this one much more serious than the one in April. It is taking longer to heal and hurts quit a bit more. I sustained this one while hiking (stupidly on an incline...in mud....without proper shoes). That has held up the running and exercise, but I know it is only temporary.
There were changes that were cloaked in heartbreak. There were changes that were filled with hope. There were changes that were hard to figure out (truth be told, I'm still trying to figure some things out). It ends with a sincere hope for the future to be bright and healthy.
So what does the year 2016 have in store for me in terms of what I have planned and goals I want to reach.
***I have already registered for the Cooper River Bridge Run and I will be recommencing training as soon as possible. My previous best time for a 10K is One hour 19 minutes. I want to smash that!
***I have decided to set small goals for myself in terms of weight loss and I will whittle away at this excess weight. I will be setting challenges for myself....The Love Bites Challenge is currently in progress.....14 pounds by Valentines day (during a period of 7 weeks). When that ends, I will evaluate where I am....find a new goal and move forward. In this way, I SHOULD be at or close to my goal weight by the end of 2016
***Running. I am going to be more committed to running. I want to see my pace improve.
~~~ I want to set a new PR in a 5K
~~~ I want to push for a sub 30 5k ( 10 minute miles!)
*** LOSE this weight once and for all!
*** Be happy and DEFINITELY stop to smell the roses!!!! (Even if it IS in the middle of a run!)