Why yes, I know I've been MIA. It's a multitude of reasons. I can wax poetic about how I photographed a wedding last weekend and then spent the multitude of hours editing them. Yes, I could say that and it would be absolutely true.
However, using that as an excuse would be a total stretch of the truth. The reason I've been absent is the fact that I've just been struggling. I am torn many times about saying too much on in my posts because I don't like to air my dirty laundry. The flip side is that I have always operated my blog with total honesty. So I'll just say it.....I'm struggling. Big time.
How can I sum it up???? I just think that there has to be more to life than this. I have moments of joy, peace and happiness. But the rest of life is just hard. So many aspects of my life is just wrong that I feel as if I am drowning. I've written my blog posts about my plans. And I still am working in that direction (ok, I've been bad and I haven't been utterly disciplined with my writing as I should be.) I just live for the good moments and try to push through the rest of the time.
I saw this sign last night and LOVED it!
My running.....Last week I only ran once! It was a 4 miler and I should have done TWO of them last week but life happened and the run didn't. I had a 6 miler on the schedule for this weekend. That didn't happen either. Shoes that I LOVE and that I've worn a gazillion times before (ok, maybe not a gazillion) have all of a sudden started to give me blisters. Friday night my feet were BURNING. I'm in that stage where the blisters WANT to happen but they are on the cusp. SO my feet HURT. I chose to save myself from blisters and not run (any shoes HURT) to heal so that my feet are in good shape for next week. Yes my 10K is next Sunday. I am going to try to do the scheduled 2-3 milers this week! All depends on he blister-age. 
Even with the foot problems I did get in a walk with my friend on the battlefield. :-) Always good o walk and talk. Wish I would have had a good camera.....it was PERFECT for photographs!!! Oh well, I grabbed one with my cellphone as we walked. (nope, I didn't break stride)