I'm doing good today. The C25K program allows for a 5 minute cool down walk. I'm thinking I may need to add some simple stretches afterward. Yesterday afternoon I was just stiff. Not really achy per se (which I'm happy about since I pushed myself further yesterday) but just stiff. Some stretching of muscles should take care of that.
Eating...today will be my rough day. We are going out to eat while we are in Hagerstown...after our dentist appointments (just cleanings) and that way we will avoid the valentines day rush at the restaurants. I can do this though! I know I can!
On another front. I have realized that I really need to be working on following my dreams. I love to write. I have things in my head that need to be written. So I'm going to make a concerted effort to REALLY sit down and become more disciplined about writing. For a while I set a word count goal for each day. I made myself write a certain amount of words each day...with an allowance for one day to miss the goal each week. It was amazing how much that discipline helped me. It really did open windows. The first few days were difficult, but after the first few days the words flowed like honey. Something happened and I stopped writing daily. I just haven't been able to get back into the swing of things. (Well, with the exception of this blog...I seem to be doing OK with writing when it comes to this blog). I don't know that anything will ever come out of my writing. But I do know this...I love to write and I'm happier when I'm writing. I also know that sitting back and doing nothing means total failure. I will be happier in 10 years if I have folders upon folders of written work that went nowhere versus sitting back and wishing that I HAD written something and wondering if I would have had any success.
On another front. I have realized that I really need to be working on following my dreams. I love to write. I have things in my head that need to be written. So I'm going to make a concerted effort to REALLY sit down and become more disciplined about writing. For a while I set a word count goal for each day. I made myself write a certain amount of words each day...with an allowance for one day to miss the goal each week. It was amazing how much that discipline helped me. It really did open windows. The first few days were difficult, but after the first few days the words flowed like honey. Something happened and I stopped writing daily. I just haven't been able to get back into the swing of things. (Well, with the exception of this blog...I seem to be doing OK with writing when it comes to this blog). I don't know that anything will ever come out of my writing. But I do know this...I love to write and I'm happier when I'm writing. I also know that sitting back and doing nothing means total failure. I will be happier in 10 years if I have folders upon folders of written work that went nowhere versus sitting back and wishing that I HAD written something and wondering if I would have had any success.