Friday afternoon at work we had a bit of a scare. I was talking to my manager and the other two tellers were sitting at their stations. We heard a noise that was defininitely normal in the area by the back door. Diana's (my manager) and my eyes grew wide. SHe and I went back to investigate. It turns out it was the tray to the water cooler. I put it back and and I had to really snap it into place. I looked at her and I was like, "HOW did this happen". SHe walked over to the back door and checked was unlocked! Ok, this is a bank...not cool! We immediately went back into the main bank area (locking the fire door between us and the back door vestibule). We thoroughly checked the bank over, and when Todd showed up to ride home with me (about 1/2 hour later) we sent him through the bank to double check it all. And Saturday morning Todd followed me to work and he checked the building again in the morning for us. Weird.
Saturday morning the alarm went off bright and early (darn to working on Saturday mornings). I was good though. I didn't lay in bed and read or fall back asleep. I got up and got on the exercise bike. I rode. The legs were still sore, but I rode away! I also push mowed mom and dad's properties yesterday afternoon, so I got a nice bit of exercise in! I also had to run around town and hit up a few stores (Dick's sporting goods for some ankle weights, Sam's club, Martins grocery store, Target and Kohls.)
I hit up the yard sale again. They put out new stuff. This time I bought an antique crock and a bottle. I also found a vintage dress that I fell in love with. Here it is.

I love the dresses from the 50's! They are so awesome!
Buying the dress and being so close renewed my motivation. It made me think about something. It made me think about the fact that my original weight loss goals had all been met. At least the main ones. I originally thought that 225 was the poundage goal...I reached that, and I've far exceeded that goal. Yeah, I'd like to go further, but my original goal was met. I had a goal dress.....I wore that in March. I'm wondering if some of the reason that my weight loss has been stalled may be because of the fact that my goals are no longer concrete. My weight loss goal is 'something'. I don't know what it will be, I've never been this low as an adult. I'd like to say 150...but honestly that may be too low (according to the doctor 160 should be as low as I would ever want to go....and only go lower if I was in prime athletic condition). So it's all a very 'loose' goal. This dress is my next goal. I want to wear this dress...BADLY! As I said earlier, it's close...very close!
Yesterday, we had a bad storm, and it knocked our power out for a few hours. We got it back late late late last night. This morning Todd had power in the studio, but alas a tree came down and knocked the power back out over there. Just our luck! So he had to cancel on the clients.
Ok, yesterday, Saturday morning my weight was up about 2.5 pounds! I was hoping that it was down today. However it was only down about 2/10ths of a pound. ARRGGGHHH
Today, Sunday.....Todd and I woke up and hit up the gym. I did 45 minutes on the elliptical, keeping my heart rate at about 160. I then went through my strength training routine. The muscles are sore again. :-) I came home and I did a thorough house cleaning. I mowed our lawn and I did a few loads of laundry, which are hanging on the lines. I just got finished everything, I'm showered and I"m relaxing a bit before I have to get dinner in the oven. (it's a 'long baking time' I'll be putting it into the oven within an it has ample time to bake)...and bring the clothes off the line when they are dry. But other than that...I'm just relaxing now! :-) But hey, I"m in a clean house! :-)