So I was at home and in the kitchen getting dinner ready last night. I was minutes away from dishing up the food when Todd walked into the kitchen. He grabbed the bag of chips (actually Potato Straws). He ate one or two and then pushed one into my mouth. OK OK OK, he didn't hog tie me and shove it down my gullet. I willingly opened my mouth and took it in....I willingly took the second one also. His words when I looked at him questioningly after that second bite of snack? "I have to fatten you up." I didn't even know what to say to that one but it stopped me dead in my tracks. I didn't eat another bite!
This repeated situation that I have faced this week has made me look at myself. I exercise by myself most of the time. I don't mind it. It gives me time to think. It gives me time to pray. It gives me time to reflect. But seriously, I don't need so many stinkin' hours by myself. So I get so excited when I can do something (IE tennis the other night that was ultimately cancelled) with someone. Furthermore, I get so excited to ride my bike with Todd. I've come to the conclusion. It's NOT because I'm doing it with him. It's because he and I usually travel and go to a different path (places we don't get every week..and sometimes totally new for us). It's not because my craving to be with someone is satisfied. He listens to his ipod the whole time, so I'm still alone. BOOOOORING! OH well, I'll still ride with him because it gets me someplace new and out of the mundane.
So I woke up this morning just feeling down. The crazy part? I think that if I were to exercise I would feel better. Sadly, that's not in the cards for me today....I work early today and then have to skedaddle to a wedding....won't be home until late I pondered the gym on my way home from the wedding, but while they are open 24 hours Monday through Friday, they close on Friday nights...grrr)