I’m Maryfran, a down to earth, open and honest writer who has had incredible success with weight loss (150 pounds) and also a regain. I’m currently on a weight loss journey and working to lose my weight. I write a little about everything....life is so interconnected and all encompassing! Belief is the key to success in life and how I came up with my name for my sites! Believe!
Saturday, June 07, 2008
grocery shopping done!

Not gonna go down without a fight!
Dang! I was up .2 pounds today....179.2! ARRGGGH I want to go DOWN and not up! I need to hold onto the 170's! I refuse to go back to the 180's. I'll only go kicking and screaming!!
So, what am I doing about it? Checking my efforts, keeping my eye on the goal and moving forward!
I rode the bike for 45 minutes this morning....just couldn't get my legs moving. Yep, it was at like 5:15 AM. I'm at work and I forget my actual mileage, but it was around 14 or 15 miles. I'll be on my own for all my meals (basically meaning that Todd and I are working totally opposite schedules and that I won't be making a communal meal for the two of us). I can USUALLY eat much healthier when I'm cooking for myself. Simply because I eat mostly fruits and veggies. Today even more than normal as I have no bread left...used the last for my toast this morning. Yep, I really need to get to the grocery store either today or tomorrow!
I am going to stay on the straight and narrow eating path though....no matter what the scales say. Because sticking with it will eventually catch up on the scales and show fabulous results!
Meanwhile, what the heck is the problem with me. For the last few months, I've awoken at 5 or 5:30 AM. This is totally not me! And it's not as if I'm going to bed earlier. I usually go to bed around 11PM. I'm getting an average of 6 -6.5 hours of sleep a night....so it's not too far off...but just a new phase in my life.
Gotta go through my closets again. The khaki's I'm wearing to work today are like HUGE on me. I'm having to hike them up every time I get up from my desk to walk somewhere! (yeah yeah yeah...I forgot to put on a belt!) I had that problem with a pair of shorts the other day...and some of my shirts are looking huge also. Tis' a good feeling!