In the meantime....I’ll keep fighting the emotional demons down!!!
I’m Maryfran, a down to earth, open and honest writer who has had incredible success with weight loss (150 pounds) and also a regain. I’m currently on a weight loss journey and working to lose my weight. I write a little about is so interconnected and all encompassing! Belief is the key to success in life and how I came up with my name for my sites! Believe!
Wednesday, January 30, 2019
A glitch in thinking: weight loss emotions
In the meantime....I’ll keep fighting the emotional demons down!!!
Monday, January 28, 2019
Did I smmmmmaash the pattern: yo-yo weight
Cold walk around the perimeter of the field while Jason flew his drone. |
Cold creek on our walk along a trail! No swimming today! |
So my weight....did I smash the goal???? Cue the self deprecating laughter. Oh yeah, I smashed this goal! But not in a good way. The cycle has been that over the weekend my weight drops then oops back up on Monday or Tuesday. weight never dropped this past weekend! So while my goal was to let it drop and KEEP it low and this smash the cycle...I guess I can say that I did smash the pattern because the cycle was broken in that my weight never dropped!
Saturday, January 26, 2019
Challenge accepted: and a rare Saturday post
Friday, January 25, 2019
Smash the Cycle: yo-yo weight loss
I have had this weird cycle thing going with my weight. It has been going on for months. I talked about it in Late summer of last year!!! I mentioned it throughout the winter. And it is still going on! I spent some time thinking (in the shower of course) and talking to a friend about it (Thanks Julie) and I believe that I may have found some clarity to my issues
The cycle is that I am in goes something like this…..
On my official weekend weigh in day, my weight is nice and low! Hurray for me! I don’t pig out over the weekend, but on Monday or Tuesday my weight pops up about 2 pounds! Booo for me!!! I sent my Wednesday morning weigh in results to my friend Julie and they usually are a bit lower each week…which gives me SOME hope, but it is still annoying to see my weight jump up each mid-week, even though it does go down again on the weekend.
For example……..a typical two week period (totally made up numbers, because quite frankly, I am feeling lazy and it would have been way too much work to go get real numbers……but I will say that the first two numbers were real)
Saturday 250.0
Wednesday 251.4
Saturday 249.6
Wednesday 251.0
Saturday 249.2
You see….painstakingly slow! So the other morning in the shower I really spent some time thinking about it. I can’t help but wonder what results I would be getting weekly if I didn’t have that pop on the scales. (I have lost 2.8 pounds for January as of last weekend’s official weigh in, so I am losing…just SLOOOOOW). So I decided to really try to keep that weight from popping this upcoming weekend.
I immediately said to myself. WATER. I need to make sure that I’m drinking lots of water on the weekend. I know that my water intake is a whole lot less on the weekends. I try, but it gets away from me. I was easily on board with that plan. But if I was going into the weekend and really try, I also knew that I had to really watch my caloric intake. No, if you remember, my goal for January is NOT to watch my caloric intake, but to simply track. (the side benefit is that if I’m tracking, I’m usually eating within my goal range of calories!) Ok, ok ok….I grudgingly agreed to actually restrict and make sure that I was in the lower realm of calories for each weekend day.
But then at work that day, I was writing an email to my friend Julie…and this is what I wrote…….and it brought clarity to my weekend weight woes.
My weight is down from where it was last Wednesday…like a pound down. So that is good. I’m up from the weekend weigh in though. GRRRR it is crazy but my weight does the exact same thing each week. It pops up on Monday or Tuesday and sits high all week long and then Saturday or Sunday it drops to a new low….(last Saturday I was down to 250.0…..which is a 2.8 pound loss for January……today I’m back up to 251.2) I was thinking in the shower this morning. I am going to work really hard….drink TONS of water this weekend and really watch my food intake and see if I can break this cycle. The odd thing is that I don’t really eat all that differently over the weekend. Actually probably less…hmmmm thinking back though…not as much fruit as normal…and probably less veggies too since we usually get subs one night and pizza or Chinese another night. HMMMM
Jason doesn’t eat unless he is really hungry. (REALLY HANGRY) I can’t even fathom why food has no pull on him! It is insanely odd to me! Ohh and he doesn’t like bread. Who in their right mind doesn’t like bread????? In some regards that is good for me…because if we are out and about we very rarely say “lets pick up lunch” so it forces me to actually sit back and say “I’m hungry….really hungry” before I say “lets stop and grab something for me to eat”. (Closet eater and all that…I have to be REALLY hungry before I will make us stop because, well that’s not closet eating!) But it’s bad on the other hand because since we don’t eat regularly when we are together there is a very good chance that I will end up eating a snack/something non-nutritious when I do get hungry!
CLARITY! The light bulb went off! Yeah, my calories are in my range over the weekend…BUT I’m not eating as nutritiously as I do on the weekdays. Add that to the high sodium of Chinese, subs and pizza (which I am eating in moderation!) and I have stirred up the perfect recipe for disaster!
So with that said, it helped me cement a weekend plan to break this weigh in cycle that I am in. 1. DRINK DRINK DRINK…..Water…hahaha but then you knew that because I don’t drink too much alcohol! 2. Really watch my food intake….I haven’t been trying to stay beneath a certain calorie count, but this weekend I am going to do it! And 3….and maybe the most important one…….eat nutritiously. Turn to fruit versus un-nutritious snacks!
So I’m ready to head into the weekend! I’m waiting for my weight to go back down and then I’m ready to implement these three things!!! It is time to smash this cycle!!!!
Wednesday, January 23, 2019
Best Gadget Ever: Weight Loss/Fitness Tool
It is time to start looking at our bodies as the most valuable possession that we will ever own. We need to treat our bodies like gold. It is time to treat our bodies with the respect that we give our phones, houses, cars and other possessions. Our bodies may have problems. We may have sickness. They may not be perfect. But they are what we have and I can guarantee you that they are all we are going to get! It’s not too late to turn the tide on the care!!!! Start treating your body with the respect that it deserves!!!
Monday, January 21, 2019
Holding steady: sometimes a day or two of maintaining is good
Friday, January 18, 2019
I will not give up: kicking weight loss in the.....
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
Weight journey and shifting emotions
Monday, January 14, 2019
Weekend weight loss
My eating was about what I expected this weekend. I was higher than my projected range. I’m ok with this. I didn’t binge eat. I didn’t overeat. I didn’t go crazy with desserts. I just had higher calorie foods...and I knew I was doing it when it happened. It was a conscious decision. I am not in this to live a life of total deprivation...I’m in this to live a life of health and balance. That means that some days could be considered a failure ..but that’s ok! I’m giving myself permission to have those days of ‘failure’. How and I rebounding? My lunch is packed for work salad and some fruit! Since I indulged this past weekend, no snacks after work this upcoming week! It’s a trade off....a balancing act!
I am happy with my weekend. I’m ready to face this upcoming week of healthy living! I’m a bit stressed about some changes at work and a new activity that I will be embarking upon today. (Stressed enough and nervous enough that I kept dreaming and waking up about it.). I’m not going to eat my stress though!!!!!! I w got this! Here comes Healthy Maryfran!!!
Thursday, January 10, 2019
Week in review : first week
2. Put money into my savings
3. Weight less than I do now! I don't care if it's a measly ounce...I want to weigh less!
4. Do something active (a walk suffices) at least 3 times a week.
The weekend looms grandly before me. I know we will get out (if possible) with the drone. We finally received the extra batteries so he will have close to an hour of flight time versus 20 minutes. I plan on going and walking/running while he flies his drone! We have talked about finding a school track and field to go to for that dual purpose! It is our grocery week so we have that errand. But even bigger? They are forecasting snow. Just a couple of inches...but since we will both be home and not at work, we SHOULD be able to get outside and play!!!! It should be a fun and active weekend!!!
Monday, January 07, 2019
Failure: it’s a good thing
I achieved that success with total restriction! Seriously, I remember days where I would have a perfect day and get to the end of my day with some calories (ww points) still left and I would reward myself...with a small glass of grape juice! Seriously? Grape juice as a reward??? I was striving for perfection.
What happened???? Life happened!!! I reached my goals and felt so amazing...but life happened. I went on vacation I had busy days at work. I had a crumbling marriage. Injuries. You name it...but to sum it happened!! And perfection wasn’t as easily or even possible to achieve and I stumbled...I stumbled big time!
Sunday, January 06, 2019
Rockin’ the first week of the year!
After breakfast she and I walked through target. (I needed a new band for my Fitbit!). I saw this journal...and I was so tempted to get it....but I knew I wouldn’t use wasn’t blank was preprinted for fitness and would be redundant with me posting here! But still I was tempted...the $17.99 price tag deterred me!
After my breakfast outing, (food tracked of course) Jason and I ran some errands and we went to a local park to allow him to fly his drone. It was a quiet and relaxing day.
It was a muddy hike (the trail was a muddy mess...bad enough to sink 2-3 inches in some places and for my foot to get stuck once!).
We spent the evening planning and plotting our vacation this year. The more it’s planned and ‘definite’ the more motivated I will be to get into shape.
Friday, January 04, 2019
13 years and Counting: A blogiversary

I'd like to say that I got that focus back. But I didn't. Once again I kept moving. I was running. I was going to zumba. I was riding my bikes. I was walking. But the weight was not coming off.
I ran in 5K's and even a few 10K's and the weight just wasn't dropping......
In mid 2014 I started to lose weight again.......
Then my life changed drastically. My marriage ended....and I finally admitted to the world what I had known for years! Life was upside down and I still couldn't get a grip on it...but I kept moving!!!! I kept pushing....but gained again.
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It took quite a bit of time....but in October of 2015 it clicked and I got back on track. AND....I met Jason!
And then we started to ride bikes together!
We weree on FIRE!
And then we both switched jobs in 2017. The evening walks got a lot shorter due to our long commutes. The weekend rides and hikes happened less and were shorter also due to the lingering tiredness from the long work weeks. We still moved...but not as much and it started to show in my weight. I started to gain!
2018 rolled around and I was so sure I was going to be successful. But the year turned out to be me maintaining my weight but losing some of my fitness levels. I saw it happening and just lacked the willpower to stop the train. I DID buy a new bike and plan on using that new bike in 2019 to get healthy!
See, I told was a journey! It IS a journey. It is emotional to write and read this. It is hard to see some aspects of the journey. But I am in awe at the journey. I am amazed to see the confidene on my face when I was a thin woman. It is definitely torture to see the weight creep back on and my continual lack of change. But through it all I an see the value of the effort.
This journey has shaped me into the person that I am right now! I am now making this journey PERSONAL. This weight loss is for ME! This journey is because I want to live a long and active and healthy life! I am in control of the next chapter of this book. I can write it as a overweight woman or I can write it as a healthy woman. The choice is mine! Stay tuned!