Tuesday, January 05, 2021

15 years and going strong

15 years ago I was simply doing what I do...journaling my life and writing.   I was carrying around a not book for my weight loss journal and my personal journal and ..all...it was getting to be a lot. But I really wanted to chronicle my weight loss efforts, from the my highest to my lowest.  The ups and downs....everything!

 It was an offhand suggestion that was made to me that sparked this whole Website/blog and eventually even my YouTube channel.   What was that suggestion/comment you ask?   ‘Why don’t you use one of those online journals’. 

The aspect of using an online journal was quite different for me.  I had always used pen and paper.  I even thought about the public aspect of putting my thoughts on the internet.  But I quickly pushed down those concerns about privacy.   Afterall, who was going to find it and read my lowly journal!  I decided to continue my personal journal on paper but to go online with my weight loss journal.   Imagine my surprise when months later I started to receive comments!  But by that time there was no turning back!  I was full steam ahead!  

These last 15 years have been a whirlwind for sure!  I lost a lot of weight and even made it to be a lifetime member of Weight Watchers.

I gained a lot of my weigh back! 

I went through a divorce and I ran a few races...and enjoyed it!  Go figure!

I rode my bike...and cried once or twice.

I fell in love and got engaged

I’m telling you...it’s been a crazy journey!   And what is even crazier, this journey is far from over!  I have a ways to go to get back to my weight goals.   I know that the journey will never be over.  I will have to watch my weight...my food intake and my fitness levels for the rest of my life.   

This website had been instrumental though!   It (and thereby you) are my accountability through this journey.   When I don’t write, the odds that I am off track is great!  The act of coming here a few times each week really keeps me in the game!  I might be struggling but I’m still here and by writing religiously it keeps me from totally giving up!

So on this 15 year anniversary, I would like to thank YOU for support!!!


Sweat + Sparkle said...

Happy blogging anniversary! I have jumped around so much, changed my blog title, where I have it, etc., that I don't have my first post anymore. I kind of wish I did! It's awesome you have journaled all these years. Thank you to you too for reading and commenting and being so supportive and understanding.

peppylady (Dora) said...

We're doing it. I find it takes time and patient. But having patient with one self isn't always easy. I been blogging since 2005 and what surprise me I actual have things to share.
Coffee is on and stay safe

MaryFran said...

I hear ya! I am lucky on that I have always worried about losing my ‘online journal’ so I have been pretty good about copy and pasting my entries into a word doc, just in case. At the beginning it was more regular...in more recent years I do it...ohhh once a year (and then complain about the half hour of copy and paste).

I have changed my name a few times. I know at one point I changed it to ‘a new start’ and for the life of me I can’t remember what it was at the beginning! Luckily for me I’ve always been at the same URL...or pointed to the same one!

MaryFran said...

Yes it does...lots of time and patience! Having the journey of losing weight chronicled is a good way to learn and grow and remember the whole journey!!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on 15 years! I am glad I found this blog. It is like having a diet buddy. It helps me see the ups and downs as I have experienced them myself. I am really feeling very optimistic that I am getting a handle on this. I have been really good with my diet. Better than I have in a long time. I am tired of this cycle and I have got to change things. I am going to get to goal this year!

Paula C

Mary said...

So few people are blogging anymore! When I started in 2009 there were a ton of interesting blogs and now most have stopped or monetized so much that it is just one big ad! Glad you are continuing on.

jen said...

Congrats on 15 years....I’m glad I found you.
Think I started in 2005...off to check....

SANRDJ said...

Congrats on your 15 years~! so amazing....

Anonymous said...

BTW- Your ring is beautiful. I was wondering what it looked like!

Paula C

MaryFran said...

Thanks! I’m glad you found me too! It really does help to know I’m not alone in this journey and that I have people that understand where I am and what I’m going through!!

MaryFran said...

Yes. I have found the same thing...so few blogs to read anymore! And while I do watch some YouTube videos, I like reading!!! I have also found some that have monetized and that’s all it is. I was hesitant to monetize for that reason and purposely have tried to keep the ads at a bare minimum (I think it took me 1.5 years to get my first payout! Hahaha). I’ve also noticed that some people monetize and then sell out their content, which might get them one offs of people visiting....but hurts the regulars like you and out!!!

MaryFran said...

Thanks!! I’m glad we found each other also!!!

MaryFran said...


MaryFran said...

Thank you!!!!