Monday, September 28, 2020

A wee little break

 Last week when I wrote my weekly weigh in I was so super disappointed and disillusioned.  I am tired of getting no results on the scales.  I'm tired of keeping my calories down around 1400-1600 calories and NOT losing!  That range SHOULD have me losing at least a pound a day!  But no...not my body!   

I talked in my last weekly check in blog about how I was frustrated I was and how I was just trying to hang tight until after my vacation!   I think I did a pretty good job of that this weekend.  I didn't go crazy.  I just kept myself at an even level!  And to that end, I didn't gain nor did I lose!

I think this might be a good thing....a sort of 'vacation' from the stress and constant counting and worrying about my calories and my weight loss efforts.  I have been on this weight loss journey for years.  YEARS!  It gets old.  I'm not giving up...I'm just stepping back and regrouping.  I am thinking about how to change and adapt to a lifestyle that will be conducive to me actually losing weight!!!!   

I am a work in progress and I am working to adjust and adapt.  I may be stepping back and reevaluating but I am not out for the count!!!!!!


Sweat + Sparkle said...

I am the same: I have been on this weight loss journey for years. I've made a lot of progress in the past, then backtracked and made my journey even longer. I am an advocate of taking a break and taking a fresh look at it and maybe taking a different route.

Tiffany said...

Enjoy your vacation. Sometimes regrouping, adapting, readjusting is what we need to move forward. Good luck with coming up with something that works for you.

SANRDJ said...

Enjoy your break. We all need physical and mental breaks from our regular life from time to time. Hoping you enjoy your vacation and gain the clarity you need.

Mrs Swan said...

I'll miss ya but I understand! Sometimes we all need that breather!

Unknown said...

Hi Mary Fran, It's Joy!! I'm back to it!!! I so agree with you regarding taking the stress off. I went on vacation last week, ate well and lost 3 pounds...For me I think the stress I put on myself is hindering me. Really working on this! Take care and be kind to yourself!!

MaryFran said...

I do think my break is helping...I am excited to really change and dive in and get this done. :-). First vacation...which is coming...can’t come soon enough though!!!

MaryFran said...

Thanks! I think this time of regrouping has helped me mentally!!! Time will tell!!

MaryFran said...


MaryFran said...

Oh I’m not disappearing from here! Not even on vacation! I have a few posts lined up with thoughts and ideas...and of course me triumphant reentry to weight loss plans!!!

MaryFran said...

Good job with losing 3 pounds on vacation!!! That is fabulous!!!!!!

jen said...

You have got this MaryFran....a fresh new start

peppylady (Dora) said...

regrouping would be good word for me...

MaryFran said...

Thanks! I’m ready!

MaryFran said...

That is a very good word!!! I ya have to use that word soon!!