Thursday, May 12, 2022

Right around the Corner

​closing on our new house is right around the corner.  Yes…literally right around the corner.   Wow…this move just got real….

Yes, I got the notice yesterday that we are cleared for settlement.  I got our final figure on exactly how much money we need for closing….and the loan company has given me the final figured so we now know exactly how much our mortgage payment will be and all that stuff.   I got the “thanks for using us…you will get your first mortgage bill right around this date…if you don’t get it by then just give us a call….been nice doing business…goodbye.”    It’s all on the hands of the settlement company right now.   So it’s Thursday and our settlement is set for Monday.  I told you…this just got real.

Today is my last day of work for this week.  I had previously (like 4-5 months ago) randomly asked for tomorrow (Friday) off.  (I have use it or lose it time and I get more than Jason so I just randomly take days off….and spend them with mom usually.)   I toyed with canceling the day…since settlement isn’t until Monday.  But I have ultimately decided to keep it off.  I can take care of some banking business….instead of waiting until the last minute.  I can also continue packing…. Oh who am I kidding, I’ll probably spend the day with mom…although I haven’t told her that I will be arriving on her doorstep yet!

Packing has gone well.   We are nowhere near fully packed.  Part of the lackadaisical attitude is the fact that we actually have possession of our apartment until june 30th.   So while we are excited and anxious to get moved, it’s not imperative that we do it in a crazy day long move to vacate one place by the deadline and get into the next place moments after settlement.    The other thing…our apartment is small…and I have stuff stacked everywhere…we plan on making a few smaller loads…and not doing one big trick at one time.  So once I get the first load packed and moved it will be easier to navigate and move on this apartment.  This weekend the plan is that we will be reduced to eating on paper plates and using plastic silverware.  Hahahah. We will also be eating foods that are prepackaged…can we say hello frozen pizza?  (At least that is the plan….I have a sneaky feeling we will end up picking up to go!)

Weight loss…it’s still on hold.  I’m just trying to maintain.   And if I maintain, I’ll call it a victory!!!


SANRDJ said...

So exciting!!! Although, I have to say, as soon as you get possession, my guess is you are going to want to move all your things over quickly! :) Good luck on monday and can't wait to see some pics of the new digs!

Lynn said...

It's good you have some time. I didn't use movers my last time either. Luckily I only moved 2 miles away! Lots of trips were made.

jen said...

Omg this is so exciting.
Can’t wait to “see” your home.

Tiffany said...

Congrats on the house and maintaining is always good.

Sweat + Sparkle said...

I can't wait to see pictures of the new house! How exciting. When we moved into our house, we used packing as an opportunity to clean things out as we went. We kept packing boxes as well as a Goodwill box to toss things and streamline what we were packing.

Mrs Swan said...

This post probably feels like a lifetime ago now that you are moved in. LOL

Cathy said...

How exciting! This is what happens when I get behind, but want to comment anyway! We will have our current house until July 31st and we are planning on painting the whole house and doing a few upgrades (most of though house doesn't have trim between the wall and the floor and I am thinking about removing the carpet from my bedroom) so we will be busy packing, painting, general DIY, and moving for a month and a half. Ugh!!