Tuesday, July 06, 2021

12 Week Challenge / Weigh In Week One

It is finally here!   I can finally post a positive weigh in report!  I feel like it’s been forever since I posted something positive in regards to my weight loss!  And yes, I guess it had been a crazy long time, but today is the day!!!

A week ago I started a 12 Week Challenge.  It is the most simple of plans.  Healthy eating within a calorie goal, cardio that includes interval training, and simple exercise moves (lunges, sit ups, push ups, etc) for some strength training, and healthy amounts of water.  Really it’s that simple.  

I started last Monday.   And immediately I realized that  those ‘simple exercises’ were not quite as simple as I had thought!  They were downright difficult for me because I had let my fitness levels drop so far.  But I didn’t let it deter me.   Each day I pushed myself to compete the exercises.  And it wasn’t easy.  Mentally I didn’t look forward to it because I knew it was going to be a muscle quivering and body ache inducing time.  But I didn’t let up!  I pushed through.   My push ups are modified and can probably be barely construed as a push up…but I  see improvement even within the first week.   My jumping jacks…my knees told me in no uncertain terms that right now it’s not a good thing…so they are modified also.  But I’m out there doing it!  Each day…no other option but to just do it.  Even yesterday…a day off of work I did the work.  My intervals…my exercises and even my miles for the 2021 challenge.  Done!

But weight is lost in the kitchen and not just the gym…so what about my food?  My food was on point!  One day on the weekend I splurged with a donut…but I eat so good the rest of the day that my calories were in check.   And a second day I did go up to about 1500 calories…which when I eat in that caloric range consistently is NOT in lose zone for me. That was a calculated ‘risk’ and planned.  But overall I did great with my food.  I tracked my food before I ate it.  I knew my plan and when the calories were gone, I stopped eating.

So what happened with my weight?   Well I alluded gto the fact that this was a positive post…so yes , I lost.  But the question is this, how much did I lose?     I lost 3.8 pounds!   3.8!  I haven’t lost that much in years!  In the last umpteen years I have been happy with the half pound, or 1 pound losses.  This past week I blew that out of the water.  I nailed a 3.8 pound loss in one week!  

I know that I won’t continue to lose nearly 4 pounds a week.  I may lose that for a week or two, but I fully expect it to settle down and then I’m hoping and planning to lose 2 pounds a week. I am near 250 pounds right now, so that will make weight loss a bit more speedy for a time. As I lose it will go slower but that’s ok. I expect it and I’m ready for it!  But for now…I’ll take a four pound week…and if I repeat it, I would be tickled.  But that said , I’ll be just as happy with a loss of three pounds, or two pounds…or even one pound.  As long as I am heading down on the scales!  I am on my way!!!

Last week I shared my daily banana with Kiwi.  This week I will be sharing kiwi and cherries (pit removed as it is poisonous for birds) with my bird!


SANRDJ said...

Congrats on the loss!!! That is amazing... keep it up - you got this!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the loss! I wish I could say I did as well, but I stayed the same right to the tenth of an ounce. You're correct about weight loss starts in the kitchen. I am going have to work harder to catch up with you.

Paula C

peppylady (Dora) said...

Good job on your lost. I went to my first OA meeting and now I have to set up my own guide lines for when it comes to eating. Stick to eat.
Coffee is on and stay safe

Sweat + Sparkle said...

Wow, incredible weigh-in! I finally had a loss this past week also, but not as much. Great job!

jen said...

Wow, wow, wow 🤩

Keep up the great work, you got this

Mrs Swan said...

I am so very excited for you!!! You have been so down lately and this plan has re-lit your fire. Pass me the torch!! Haha Nah, I know it doesn't work that way. :)

How generous you are to share your fruit with little Kiwi. I have not done banana yet. Ours ignores blueberries but I have seen some bites of apple gone before. Maybe I will do some bananas later.

MaryFran said...

Don’t give up…if you are doing what is right for your body your weight on the scales will catch up!!!!

MaryFran said...

Awesome! Good luck with your guidelines!!

MaryFran said...

Yay! We are both going in the right direction!!!

MaryFran said...

I wish I could bottle up the motivation! I could sell it and be rich! Lol

At the beginning with kiwi it took him time with new fruits. I had to offer a banana about 6 times fedore he started to eat it…now it’s his fav! At first it used to always be that way….something new had to be offered a few times. He’s gotten more trusting of us and does better with new stuff now. And crazy…our conure doesn’t like blueberries either!