Wednesday, October 07, 2020

Food addict

 It took me a long time to admit that I really was a food addict.  I didn't want to admit something like that.  I didn't want to admit that I have a problem and struggle to control myself.  How embarrassing!  But I eventually did admit it!  

I had a few moments where I was confused and concerned about the fact that my mind didn't seem to be hardwired like other people when it came to food.  But nothing clicked until the Hoss Cake Incident.  The Hoss cake incident is where I ate a tiny piece of cake and I heard the angels sing.  I was able to really realize that I got a bit of a euphoric high when I ate something that my mind deemed delicious.   I felt that high and I kept chasing after that high, trying to retain and recapture that feeling.   Food is my high and my source of euphoria!   

I have often talked about how a food addiction is hard to overcome.  I can't just stay away from my temptation.  I have to face my addiction each time I sit down for a meal.  Three meals a day I face my addiction.  Each time I put food into my mouth I wait for the angels to sing.  I wait for that high.  I don't know when it's going to hit or what food will cause that feeling.  But when that feeling comes, I want it.  It is so blissful and euphoric that I can't help myself.  I just want to continue shoveling the food into my mouth to keep that feeling.   

I can't just avoid the temptations.  I can hear those angels sing for any number of food. It might be a cheeseburger this week.  The angels might not sing for a few weeks and then I will eat a piece of cake and it will be absolutely beautiful and euphoric.  The next high might come from something as simple as a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.  It is difficult!

I have three tips that I TRY to use as much as possible in an effort to avoid and conquer against this demon of an addiction.

1.  I try to avoid foods that I think will cause me to feel that euphoria.  I don't eat Reece's Cups all that often because I know there is a higher chance of losing control.  I try to eliminate as much temptation as I possibly can!

2.  Straight up Willpower.  I try to force myself to think about the fact that I know that losing control is the response of my addict addled brain.  I know in my brain that eating more and more and more of an item is NOT going to make me hear the angels sing forever or even retain that euphoric feeling.   I try to employ every ounce of willpower that I have.  DO NOT EAT THAT FOOD MARYFRAN!  It's a brain game!

3.  Celebrate the successes.  When you do start to gain control over the food addiction, a sense of pride in your accomplishments will overtake you.  Allow that feeling of pride and success wash over you.  Allow your mind to revel in the success.   And build upon that success.  Start realizing that you CAN do it and that you have done it (even if just once) and that you WILL do it again!  Build on the successes that you have!!!

Food addiction is hard one to work with.  But it IS possible to navigate and beat!  It just takes perseverance and persistence in your efforts!  I will be fighting this for the rest of my life.  But I am determined that I WILL succeed!!!!!

To watch my video on this subject.... 


mxtodis123 said...

I'm a food addict, too. Realized it a couple years ago when I bought a box of eclairs and hid them so I could have them all. That's what an addict does. I don't do things like that anymore, but I also don't refuse when forbidden food is offered. That's why I am having a hard time losing weight.

SANRDJ said...

Watched your video. First off... the WW leader was wrong wrong wrong in making people eat chocolate at a meeting. Cause you are right, we have addictions. She did not know where people were in their mental battle with food and diet. That's like going to an AA meeting and a leader telling you to drink a beer and now you will never want a drink again. Stupid.

I've been like you, where I say, "I'm going to have just one little bite of that sweet"(whatever it is), and that bite tasted SOOO good and let's be honest, was just a few calories, so what's another bite or 6? That's the addiction. Sugar is addicting for that reason. So we keep going back. We feel great when we are eating it, and like crap when we are done.

Loved your 3 working points to work through sugar/food addictions and I believe your #1 is the most important. Get rid of the stuff so it's not a temptation. You will always fight temptations, but if you eliminate them from your livable space at home/work, it makes it easier to control the addiction/habit.

It is hard to admit - but know you are not alone. The diet industry is a multi-billion dollar industry because of the millions of addicts in the world. We need to try to live in this sugar filled world but not let it control us.

Thanks for sharing.

peppylady (Dora) said...

Not sure if I would call myself as a food addict. Food is my crutch.

Sweat + Sparkle said...

I often think that my relationship with food is a bit off kilter. Way too much emphasis on it and thinking about it and letting it affect how I feel about myself.

Amy said...

The book Brain Over Binge Recovery Guide by Kathryn Hansen explains the biological and psychological processes reinforce one another in any kind of unwanted eating patterns. It makes so much sense and takes the self-hatred out of admitting we are constantly trying to activate the reward centers in our brain; food is a very effective (and legal)way to do so. The book gives techniques to override and reset your habitual ways with food. Without tools like that, willpower feels like deprivation which amplifies our pleasure-seeking habits and urges.