Monday, September 14, 2020

Rough weekend

The weekend came and I was riding high on my maintain over vacation!   Nothing was going to get me down or derail me!

Weekend activities
We woke up on Saturday and relaxed before heading out to pick up a dollhouse that I had purchased through the Amazon Marketplace.  We planned on taking the old car because it would give us more space to carry a bulky dollhouse home.  We got into the car and the battery was dead!   We had an appointment to get the dollhouse so we hopped into the new car and drove the 30 minutes.  The dollhouse was HUGE!  So huge that it wasn’t fitting into the new car.    We drove home and got Jason’s work truck and drove back to pick up the house.   Have I said how huge it is?   It is so big that I feel absolutely guilty about buying it!  It totally fills up our dining room!!   Jason laughed last night and said ‘that dollhouse is just about as big as our apartment’.  In between bouts of guilt and worry about what to do with such a huge dollhouse,  I am having fun dreaming about what I am going to do with it.)

Once the dollhouse was safely filling up our dining room we headed out for a hike.   We knew it was going to be a short one because the dollhouse took up a few hours of our day.   We decided to go to Catoctin National Park.   We wanted to hike the historic Whiskey Trail.   

We thought that trail was longer....a half mile hike is not what we had in mind!   So we did go back to explore the still.

But after we explored. We headed off toward Cunningham Falls.   I was hiking slow.  My head was pounding.  I was just whipped!  It was a struggle for me!  We didn’t hike for long before we caved and called it quits.  My body was just telling me that I was done!

All evening long I remained overly tired.   The tiredness continued into Sunday.  I woke up and was showered by 7AM and I was asleep on the couch by 7:30.  I slept until about 10 or 10:30.   We took an easy day.  We ran a few errands and headed down to REI for Jason to check out some new hiking boots.  I was tired and sluggish all day!

I did amazing on Friday With my eating.   On Saturday I ate a heavier lunch because I was thinking that we would have a longer hike.   The shorter hike didn’t burn as many calories.  My calorie count for Saturday was 1622...not bad but higher than I aim for.   Sunday was worse.  After sleeping all morning I was hungry and feeling so sluggish that I thought a decent lunch may help but I was so tired that the thought of making something  was abhorrent!   I pulled out two leftover pieces of pizza.  For dinner we grabbed subway subs.   I ended my day at 1680 calories.   So higher than I like but still not crazy high.

I weigh works for me. (Do whatever works for you.). I was disgusted to see my weight up by 3 pounds today.  Really?  1600 calories each day and I am up 3 pounds?   What is wrong with my body?

I will say that the monthly ick arrived...and my water intake probably was not as solid.  But still...three pounds???

I’m not giving up.   I’m still trucking on...I’m working on drinking my water today and keeping my calories down near 1200-1300 for the day!   I’ve got this!!!   This three pound back and forth is done!!!


Rose Sperlonga said...

Are you in Per menopause ? Don't be offended , I don't know how old you are. But sometimes woman can't lose no matter what they do going through this change . Just a thought!

peppylady (Dora) said...

I was offered a piece of cake, it was birthday and I then decided not to eat my yogurt. If you have time could you share some photos of your doll house. We all need hobbies and such. I have a thing about fabric. We have two extra bed room full of fabric and most of it tossed about.

Sweat + Sparkle said...

What, no pictures of the dollhouse? :) My weight fluctuates a lot day by day, and it is frustrating. Keep at it, and I bet it will be down soon.

MaryFran said...

No offense taken! I am 47...I’ll be 48 in 3 months...and I have wondered if that is not part of my problem!!!! I need to research and try to figure out what I can do to change my habits to make it possible to lose!!! It’s frustrating for sure!!!

MaryFran said...

I also love fabric!!! The colors are fabulous. I sorted and purged and am down to one bin!!! I will definitely share my dollhouse!!! Next post (fridays post!!!)

MaryFran said...

Thanks! You are right, it is frustrating!!!! I will post some pictures of the dollhouse in my next post that goes live...Friday!!!