Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Crustless Strawberry Pie

 I absolutely adore strawberries!  I love them!  I don't know if I have ever gotten to the point of saying I've had enough!  They are delicious! It doesn't matter what format they come in either.  Strawberry shortcake?  Sign me up!   Strawberries with a little sugar?   I'm in!   Warm strawberries straight from the strawberry patch? OH my mouth is watering now!     But a few years ago I stumbled upon a recipe for a Crustless Strawberry Pie.  And I was intrigued!

The crust on a strawberry pie is what holds a lot of the calories!   So crustless sounds fabulous!  Do you know how many calories I can save.  And seriously, what strawberry lover hasn't scooped the delightful strawberries out of the pie and left the crust???? I made this recipe a few times and loved it.  But then promptly forgot about it.  I forgot about it for YEARS!  Until this summer when I stumbled upon this easy recipe!  I started making it a few weeks ago.  EVERY WEEK I make a  new one!   It is soooo delicious!  It's a perfect little touch of sweetness in the evenings after dinner.  It is full of fresh strawberries...and that is a win in my book for taste AND health!

Ohhh...and did I mention that this recipe is easy???   SUPER SIMPLE!!!!  Ok, your hooked let me share the recipe!!!

Main Ingredients

1 large box of cook and serve vanilla pudding

1 large box of strawberry jello

1 pound strawberries

3 cups water

1 tbs Whipped topping

Recipe Steps

  1. 1. Slice strawberries and layer them on the bottom of a 9x13 pan 
  2. 2. Cook pudding as directed on package using water in place of the milk. 
  3. 3. When pudding is boiling, add contents of the jello packet and mix thoroughly. 
  4. 4. Pour the jello/pudding mixture over the strawberries. 
  5. 5. Refrigerate until the jello/pudding mixture has set . 
  6. 6. Serve with a dollop of whipped topping (optional)
Serves 8 Calories 117 Total Fat 0.2 g Total Carbs 28.1 g Dietary Fiber 2.4 Sugar 16.1 Cholesterol 0 Sodium 98.3 mg Protein 0.6 g

I'm telling you.  Crustless Strawberry Pie is the bomb!  It's easy to make. This is delicious.  Even better, the serving size  is a decent portion.  I  don't know about you...but I don't call a dessert 'healthy' just because it's only a half bite.  I want to actually have a nice serving of something that this dessert checks that box but still not break the bank in calories!!!!  This dessert does it all!!!!!!    If you try it, let me know what you think!

For a printable recipe, you can click this here.


jen said...

Omg....this sounds deeevine 😋

MaryFran said...

It is so delicious!!!!

peppylady (Dora) said...

a combo I like is strawberries and rhubarb

mxtodis123 said...

Definitely making this one. Doing so poorly with my weight.

Sweat + Sparkle said...

I love strawberries too! I am definitely going to try this. Thank you for sharing it! Oh, and I love how the whipped cream is "optional", ha ha. I am one of those "give me a small bit of pie with my whipped cream" people :)

MaryFran said...

Do you know, I don’t know that I’ve ever had rhubarb!!!!!

MaryFran said...

I’m struggling also!!!! Definitely make’s a great treat and healthy!!

MaryFran said...

Hahahah. I thought I was being slick with the ‘optional’. It is a definite in my book!!!! And like you...lots of it!!!