Monday, May 20, 2013

Day three

I'm starting day three of vacation.  Day one I did great...ran my 5k and then came home and worked outside clearing brush for  about three hours.  I ate well but higher in sodium than normal.

Sunday morning I weighed myself.  Only one pound!   I was momentarily disappointed as I had seen two pounds on Saturday morning.  However Sunday is the official weigh day so I'm saying I lost 1 pound.  I wasn't sure why i was a pound up until I remembered the sodium.  Then I realized that the one pound water weight gives me a leg up (a pound advantage if you will) on my weigh in during vacation!  I'll take all the help I can get because I WILL not gain over vacation!!!

I walked with sherry on Sunday morning and then had a more relaxed day.  I visited with my brothers family and then once at  home I edited pictures for a few hours.  Todd and I went out to eat. Chinese....yummy!! I ate over my calories! Boo!   I felt stuffed and bloated on the drive home so I laced up and went out for a short run when I got home.  I went 1.5 miles.  I was running just to run with no focus on speed.  Turns out I did my 'average', a pace of 12:40.  Felt ohhh so much better when I was done!.  So yes, I over-indulged's out of my system...back on track today!  I ate every one of my exercise calories it was not a lose day..but a draw.  But I'm ok with that.   As long as it doesn't happen every day!

On to day three.  We are hauling garbage today.  We have a huge pile of stuff here and at the studio that we have to take to the dump.   Today's the day!  So manual labor for me.  We also hope to plant our tomato plants and some other basic gardening.   My hope?  I want to get in a bike ride!!!

Off I go!


Sweat + Sparkle said...

Great job going for a run! I have to run on an empty stomach, so I couldn't have done that after eating out.

Katherine said...

Great job!