Monday, October 11, 2021

A confession: I have been keeping a huge secret!!!

 Soooo I have been keeping a secret!  A HUGE secret!   This secret was the biggest one I kept and it about near killed me!   Seriously!  I didn't tell my sister in law.  IN fact I lied by omission and ok, kinda lied flat out to them to keep this secret!  I have apologized and since let them in on the secret!!!

What is the secret??????    IF you want to watch the video and figure it out....follow the link here! (But don't worry if you don't want to watch the video....I'll tell you below!)

THere have been hints!    I set up a goal to lose weight by a certain date....12 weeks out.  That was my 12 week mark from my wedding!  I wanted to get to the weight that I was when I met Jason.  (which I didn't reach, but I was closer than I was when I started).

I even shared the dress that I bought for this special event!!  I called it a Frugal Find....and it was frugal but it was much more important that being a frugal find!

Jason and I planned it out and we got married!  Yes.  I got married on October 3rd of this year!    NO one seemed to have a clue in our families!   And we kept it a secret the whole way through our vacation and waited until we got home to share the news with anyone!!!!!!  


Sweat + Sparkle said...

Congratulations! That is awesome! I remember your review of that dress :) He seems so sweet, and you sound so happy when you write about him. This post made me smile. What a beautiful place to get married, too! Congratulations again!

Rose S. said...

Funny you said that! My husband and I did this. We just went out casually one afternoon and stopped at his aunts house who is a JP and got married! We then went to a little place over night and had a nice dinner. Waited one month before telling anyone! Then had a party, not for gifts, just to celebrate US.

The best part ? We just celebrated 21 yrs! :) Both from failed marriages so we knew what we wanted and knew what we did not. If you truly love who you are with you don't need thousands of dollars spent! Cake? Nope... Dress? Nope.... guests? NO way!

It was the best 100 dollars for the JP we have spent!

Congrats to you both!! I hope you have many, many years together. :)

Lynn said...

Congratulations, so happy for you.

shellie said...

WHAT!!!! CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU BOTH! I love your blog, this is a wonderful surprise. Wishing you many many happy years together.

Paula C said...

There is only on thing to say and that is congratulations! I wish you a happy forever. The spot this picture was taken is gorgeous. Is this you two special spot?

Anonymous said...

Love it! And you both look radiant.

Sharon said...

Congratulations! What a beautiful place to be married.

Amy said...

Congratulations! What a beautiful location!

MaryFran said...

Thank you! We are both so happy…still in that surreal feeling when we think about being married!

MaryFran said...

Congrats on 21 years!!! We are the same…cake from fairer marriages and recognize the difference and purity of what we have now! And all we neede was love and the preacher…nothing else mattered! (Although I did surprise him with a $12 Walmart cake that I had decorated with our married titles!

MaryFran said...


MaryFran said...

Thanks!!!!! It was hard to keep the secret but so much fun in the end to surprise everyone!

MaryFran said...

Thanks! I had actually never been to the spot until the day before w got married! We just needed a spot…Jason kept saying, we can meet him in the Walmart parking lot for all I dare! Hahaha! I had most chosen an abandoned tow…but then decided on nature!

MaryFran said...


MaryFran said...


MaryFran said...

Thank you!!!

jen said...

Omg how awesome.
Congratulations ad many blessings to you both.

SANRDJ said...

So amazing!!! Congratulations to you both! :)

Paula C said...

Well it is a very special place now. It was gorgeous.

Shelley said...

Congratulations! Wishing you many happy years of wedded bliss. :)