Monday, September 13, 2021


 My weight loss journey really seems to have a mind of its own.  It’s like some monster in my life and quite frankly, I’m sick of it!

I try…. I make healthy choices most of the time.  I remain cognizant of my calorie intake.  I track my food. I am active.  I am working this plan and I KNOW that for the average person that they would be losing weight like crazy.   

Seriously…this last work week I kept my calorie count right at 1400-1500 calories.  I spent time on the bike every day, we walked every evening, I hiked and I was active!  I put at least 10-12 miles on my body each and every day.   I track my food and I chose options that are healthy and nutritious!  So to see my weight hovering at the higher numbers form last weekend is infuriating!

I felt guilty when we were out and about and I was wearing my new ‘10 pound reward’ teeshirt.  I earned it!  The scales dropped below that 10 pound range…but then it popped back up!  This is not a pressure that I like in my life!  I’ve got to figure out this weight loss thing!

I know…I know…I know.  I have figured out that 1400 is pretty much the limit of calories that I can eat.  I’ve figured this out a long time ago.   So for me to be eating above that limit is fooling myself from the start.   I know…under 1400 seems too low.   By strictly numbers I’ve been told it’s too low.  But my body just seems to demand it.  And yes, my doctor is aware of my calorie intake and is 100% behind me with my mission and my plan and my goal calorie count. 

So back to 1200 calories I go.   It is honestly so incredibly difficult to keep my calories at that level day in and day out.  But I know I can do it!  If I want to have a long healthy life into my old age, I have no other choice.   Wish me luck!


Anonymous said...

Here's a suggestion: apple for breakfast (& lots of coffee!), microwave a pack of broccoli/cauliflower for lunch, then the highlight of a nice dinner of 3 ounces of beef or fish (no pork or chicken), more steamed veggies (all you want), and a cup of homemade applesauce (no sugar) for dessert. I bet that if you did this for ten days, your weight would start plummeting. Of course, continue your walking/exercise and continue your H2O intake. I'm assuming you are at a workplace during the day, so monitoring your intake and self-control is easier; then the reward of a nice meal at night is enticing! Good Luck!!

Paula C said...

First of all, you should not feel guilty for wearing your reward shirt. You earned it. You worked hard to lose that weight. This week may not have yielded the loss you wanted, but you're still on track. I completely understand your frustration. I have eaten 1200 calories or less and exercised 6 days a week and gained weight. My body is wacky too. I know part of it is she. But it shouldn't be this hard. But for me it simply is. I found cutting fat helps. After weeks of gaining, I finally lost this week. 3.2 pounds. Unheard of for me. That is more like a month worth of loss. I am just going to keep at it until I figure it out and get to goal and stay there.

Paula C said...

Not she, I meant age!

Sweat + Sparkle said...

I agree that you already earned the shirt! Wear it with pride and know that you will move on to earning the next reward. I lost 5 pounds when I started working out again recently, then I got sick and gained 3 of it back. So I am frustrated too. I feel like my body is not cooperating with me here! But somehow, some way, we will get this figured out.

jen said...

Wear that shirt proudly, you earned it šŸ¤©

MaryFran said...

That is the plan that I typically follow during the work week. During the day it is a serving or two of veggies and a fruit. Then dinner and if I want something sweet a piece of fruit for a treat. That is the frustrating part of all of this!!!

MaryFran said...

Great job on the loss this week! I think you just nailed the whole thing….consistency. Not getting frustrated and binging or giving up when the scales are being stupid. Pushing forward and working to figure it out! For me carbs are a player in my issues. So I do try to limit them!

MaryFran said...

I was thinking you were talking about the ‘she’ hormones….which I think is a huge part of it….because I am of that age also!!!!!

MaryFran said...

The question is how we get our bodies to cooperate with us???

MaryFran said...


peppylady (Dora) said...

I like that I deal of t shirt.
Coffee is on and stay safe

SANRDJ said...

Shirt was earned. Wear it with pride and let it be a reminder of how you earned it. Keep going, you've got this.

Tiffany said...

Have you been tracking your sleep nightly, and water intake? Hope things get better.

Anonymous said...

this is Anon from above... I took a look and estimated caloric intake for the diet I mentioned and it is about 750-800 calories/ would see a weight reduction if you kept to this for a week or so...kind of a jump start, then go up to 900-1000 calories to keep losing.. just sayin'

Tiffany had a good reminder with the water intake too...

Paula C said...

Those are bad too. If your thyroid is messed up it can mess with your weight.

Paula C said...

If you figure that one out you better share

MaryFran said...

Thanks! This journey is so full of ups and downs! It’s crazy!

MaryFran said...

Sleep has been a rough one for me lately. I wake up anywhere between 2 and 5 and can’t get back to sleep. This has been going on for well over a year!

MaryFran said...

Good ideas…I’m definitely looking to change things up!!!! Yes, my water is good. I rarely get more than 70 ounces…and usually more!

Cathy said...

I think Paula C has a point up above. It's funny what a number on a birth certificate can do to our body. I lost all of my weight between 36 and 39 years of age. As soon as I hit 40 the ability to lose weight dropped for me. I know people lose weight in their 40s and above (my sister lost 20 lbs, which is all she needed to lose, at age 45 or 46) but it just seems harder. I've thought for awhile that maybe I need to start from scratch, pretend I didn't lose any weight before and reinvent the wheel for me. But that sucks and I don't want to. I want what I did in my late 30s to work for me now in my mid-40s but it doesn't seem to be. :-(