Wednesday, April 28, 2021

No Excuses

 There is a reason that I made my Youtube channel's name No Excuses.  I wanted to stop allowing excuses to rule my existence and to allow myself to have success.  Because Success only comes when we give up the excuses!!!


Sweat + Sparkle said...

No excuses is a great attitude. It occurred to me today that since I work from home, no commute, I really have no excuse at all for not working out and losing this weight.

Anonymous said...

I have to keep reminding myself to stop the excuses. Sometimes life does get in the way, but I have to stop with the excuses.

Paula C

MaryFran said...

I have been thinking that also...but I’ve been struggling! I do ride the exercise bike during breaks and lunch...but the weight isn’t coming off!

MaryFran said...

Yes there are sometimes totally valid reasons....but more often than not I just have excuses!!!

MaryFran said...

Yes there are sometimes totally valid reasons....but more often than not I just have excuses!!!