Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Baked Portobello Parmesan

I have never been a huge fan of mushrooms but as we have tried to segue into a more meatless existence I have found myself coming up against more and more mushroom base recipes.  I decided to give mushrooms a REAL try.  I started small and had a recipe that I was able to chop them up quite fine.  And guess what?  I survived!   I got a bit braver and decided to go all in.  I decided to make portobello Parmesan.  I wasn't sure how I was going to handle this is ALL mushroom!  But I knew that jason would like it, so I forged ahead!   Jason loves this recipe and I  have to agree, it's not too bad.....for mushrooms! (hahahah nope I'm not to the point of loving mushrooms ....yet....but I am really trying to see if I learn to like them a bit more....and for me it's not a taste is a texture issue!)

Portobello Parmesan


1 Portobello Caps
1/4 cup marinara
1 slice of mozarella cheese
1 tbs parmesan cheese
2 tbs olive oil

1.  Preheat oven to 350 degrees
2.  Wash mushrooms and allow to dry
3.  Heat olive oil in a large skillet.  Brown portobello caps on each side, allowing to cook until just starting to get tender
4.   Spoon a small amount of marinara sauce in the bottom of a baking dish. (You can use individual dishes or if you are making multiple portobello caps, you can place all of your portobello caps in one large baking dish
5.  Place portobello caps in baking dish upside down. Spoon remaining marinara sauce over the mushroom. Cover the sauce with the slice of cheese and sprinkle the parmesan cheese over the top. 
6.  Bake for about 10 minutes...or until sauce bubbling and cheese if golden.
7.  Serve immediately.


Shelley said...

I like small mushrooms but I am with you on the texture of the big beefy portobello 'shrooms...a little too much for me. It was nice of you to make this for Jason.

peppylady (Dora) said...

I am big fan of mushrooms

MaryFran said...

I am really trying to ‘like’ mushrooms’. It’s a difficult undertaking!!!

MaryFran said...

You would love this recipe then!!!

Anonymous said...

I read that portobello mushrooms are a good substitute for creating a burger. I did try them on the grill but I basted with balsamic vinegar. They weren’t terrible but makes sure you used condiments like lettuce tomatoes and ketchup or mustard.

Paula C

Anonymous said...

Very valuable information, it's not in all the blogs that we find here, congratulations, I was looking for something like this and found it here.
cloning mushrooms