Moving forward. I've got some goals. I'm pushing myself forward. Last night I was in the parking lot at zumba and I ALMOST turned around and drove home. I found out it was a substitute instructor...not one I hate, but not one of my favorites. I almost walked out the door. I stayed though. I pushed through it. I am already wishing that I could just stay at home and curl up in a ball on my couch.....cry, wail, gnash my teeth and maybe watch a movie. However, I'll be up and at 'em at Zumba....oh heavens, I sure do hope Anita is there tonight! (although, I was feeling icky last night...and the gal that was subbing doesn't do as heavy of a cardio workout as Anita...so maybe that was a good thing....however, I wanted the sweat to be pouring off me....kinda like being mentally cleansed with sweat......OK, maybe I've gone off my rocker!)
Will I get my loss this week? Honestly? I've not been horrible, but I've not been on target 100% either. Per the calorie count...yes, I should be showing losses. But that is not how my body works. I know where my calorie count has to be to show a loss..and it's not quite where I need it to be.
Right now....emotionally, physically and mentally my focus is on putting One foot in front of the other.... Ok this is kinda the wrong season for this clip...but seriously, it just works for where I'm at.... and honestly for this WHOLE weight loss journey!!! Seriously...I'm sure you remember the Christmas show...but go and actually listen to the lyrics....
as sucky as it is you KNOW you're right just focus and keep going forward cause eventually you'll get there!
Love the clip. Makes me want spring and outdoor riding! Hang in there. Make good choices and ultimately you will be rewarded,
You will get there eventually. Good for you for not turning around and go to Zumba!
You'll get there! And you're right, some weeks just suck. But then you have the good ones, and it's all worth it!
Keep plugging away at it. As soon as the weather gets better, you will be on fire. The snow is crappy!!
Sometimes I have to remind myself what bad week was before, and what is now. For me that bad weeks keep getting better. I say that not because they don't truly suck, but because you can look back and know you made it through bad weeks before!
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