Hayley....licking her lips..but that's my baby cousin (not so much a baby anymore and actually the oldest of all the youngsters in the family now...but she's the one that started the onslaught that brought about a total of 2 cousins, 2 nephews and 1 niece).
I went down to see Hayley yesterday. She is scared but seemed to be doing well. They have apparently ruled out her heart as a culprit and have since confirmed abnormal blood vessels....more information today.
If that doesn't motivate me to take care of my health to manage everything that is manageable...then I don't know what else will!
Your cousin is in my thoughts and prayers, hoping for a speedy recovery.
My prayers are with your neice. I know all too well what weight can do to the body. Until I was 55 I was a healthy fat woman, no cholesterol, no high blood pressure, etc. But then I started getting bubbles on my legs that led to open wounds when they burst. I had mild lymphedema in my left leg. The diagnosis was Venous Stasis - a blood vessel problem where by the blood was not flowing properly. Well the wounds eventually became infected and then my kidneys failed. That was the first time. It all happened again just recently. I'm 60 now. All because of weight. I've lost a good deal but am still obese and can't walk well at all only a few steps to get to my wheel chair. So things happen that are affected by weight. Keep on the good work you looks great by the way. As always thank you for your kind words and I will pray for your neice. Blessings to you and yours.
Wake up calls come in all shapes and sizes and ages. I continue to think of your cousin and keep her in my thoughts and prayers. Life is fragile, and I'm trying not to take things for granted any longer. Best to you and your family.
I hope your cousin gets better. Its probably better its not in the heart. You might want to check out ignarro.com, he wrote a book about things to do with blood vessels.
What a cutie!! Prayers are with her and you.
I hope you tell her that there are lots of bloggers sending good thoughts her way!
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