I am still taking a picture a day. I admittedly missed one day of a PICTURE for this batch, however I did film a video so I grabbed a screen shot! It is neat to look back at my days! I haven't done anything exciting in terms of photography skills and that was one of my main purposes of doing a photo a day. But I'm ok with that. It will happen when the time is right. But for now I still have a good depiction of my life in photos! So here we go....day 87 to 96
Day 87 (1.23.25)
Just a typical day in my life, outside playing with the dog! I had to try to capture her little frozen drool!
Day 88 (1.24.25)
A dogs life is so difficult! I was busy looking for a job and the dog was sleeping soundly!
It was Saturday, but Jason had to work. It was just a basic day for me here at home. I had a nice healthy lunch though.
Day 90 (1.26.25)
Jason and I went out for a walk with the dog! It was still a bit cold outside, but it was an enjoyable walk!
Day 91 (1.27.25)
I had enjoyed my walk so much the day before that I decided to do a repeat the next day. Jason was back to work so I went out solo and took a nice long walk through some local neighborhoods.
Day 92 (1.28.25)
Ok, I admit that I took no pictures of myself! HOWEVER, I did film a video, so I took a screenshot of me with a funny expression! It was a ho hum day....job hunt, exercise, and a few errands.
Day 93 (1.29.25)
We somehow developed a slight pond in our back yard from the snow that melted and then refroze!
Day 94 (1.30.25)
We had some high winds and a huge limb came down off the tree that is beside the house. We were lucky in that it totally missed the house. We had no damage other than some limb clean up!
Day 95 (1.31.25)
I tried a new recipe and it was super delicious. It was a cheesy hamburger tater tot casserole!
Day 96 (2.1.25)
Our town holds and Ice Fest each winter. The block off the roads, have ice sculptures, events and street vendors. I have always wanted to go but we always forgot or have something else happening! Not this year!
Another post where I have so much catching up. I am vowing to post my pictures on Sundays from here on out! :-)
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