Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Deepak Chopra and Lopez Lomong

I am reading the book What are you Hungry For?  By Deepak Chopra, MD.  I am doing it in conjunction with a book club/review group that I joined.  It is hosted by Kerstin and Leslie.

This first week we were 'assigned' to read the overview.  As I read the overview I was quite happy with the fact that the author clearly stated that dieting is a bad thing.  Ahhh I'm in 100% agreement!  I'm not on a diet, I'm on a lifestyle change.  

At the very beginning of the overview there were a few 'diet-like' items that were recommended.  
      * eat mostly natural and organic
      * Lower consumption of red meat and try to only eat chicken and turkey
      * Cut back/eliminate processed food
      * Reduce/eliminate alcohol and fermented foods (including cheese)
      * Reduce/eliminate refined sugar
      * Reduce salt intake
      * Get enough sleep
      * Drink lots of water
I was quite ok with most of these  I already eat mostly natural/organic foods.  I already eliminated most processed foods.  I don't eat much meat, I get sleep, limit my salt and drink lots of water.  Refined sugar...eh.   I don't drink alcohol so that was fine...but cheese.  HOLY COW...I can't give up my cheese!     But for the most part, I was on board with his ideas.  So I continued reading.   He talked about awareness eating.  Simply being aware of the food we are putting in our mouths. I can see the validity of this too.  I think we SHOULD be aware of how much processed food and how much sugar and salt we are REALLY consuming.    

The author went on and made a generalized statement.  He stated that a lot of overeating is the result of unfulfillment within us.  Ok then  I can see that.  I know that food for me has many times become a means of fulfillment. I'm lonely...I eat.  I'm tired....I eat. So many different emotions and I eat.  That makes me wonder.    I've been noticing that in general people seem more and more down.   Is that generalized feeling part of the reason that obesity is on the rise?   Hmmm, food for thought....but that's a whole different issue that will bear further thought at a later time right now I just need to fix me  I read on.   But basically the author states that we need to fill ourselves with satisfaction other than food.

The success in this journey is apparently contingent upon getting our bodies impulses in line.   Listening to our bodies and relearning when we are hungry, when we are full.  Our bodies have somehow gotten lost and can no longer recognize the messages.   In essence we need a 'factory reset'.  We need to go back to the beginning and let our bodies tell us what it needs because somewhere along the line we lost the ability to hear those signals.  I've often despaired about this.  I have long known that I can no longer hear those signals.  I've known that I struggle with that elusive signal that lets me know when I'm full.  I also know that I also struggle with the elusive feeling of knowing when I'm REALLY hungry.  I've actually written about it a few times on my blog.....as long ago as 2008 in fact.    The author stated that 'no matter how abused, the body will restore itself".   WOW....that would be AWESOME!

I look forward to continuing this read!!!!

I read another book of interest this week (this one to completion because I couldn't put it down)    Running for my Life by Lopez Lomong.  It was a book that was recommended by Katie at Runs for Cookies.   I couldn't put this book down.  It was an incredible read.  I giggled, I cried and I was awed again at the resilience of humans.  I'm not going to go into the book, but SERIOUSLY read it!!!!!!


Sweat + Sparkle said...

I like the idea of a factory reset for my body! I eat for so many reasons, boredom, because something looks good, because it was there, etc., and not really because I was actually hungry or even knew what I was hungry for.

Unknown said...

I am so excited that you are joining up. I love the idea of a factory reset. I don't know if I totally believe it. I have to be honest, but honestly at this point I am okay with that. I want to just continue making more and more changes and just get as healthy as I can get. I honestly don't mind tracking my calories. I agree with you that it is not a diet to me, but a lifestyle change. I am going to have to check out the other book you recommended;) I do believe for me that this journey has been so much about becoming fulfilled in other areas. That is why I am so passionate about coaching. Coaching has helped me so much to go after what it is I really want, and now I get to do that for others. It is mind, body, soul.

Kerstin said...

"The body will restore itself" - I loved that, too! And yes, a factory reset, wouldn't it be nice to just press a button and do that. This is perhaps my one pet peeve with books like these, they all make it sound so easy when in reality it is very hard work and can take a long time. Habits are not changed overnight. But at least as far as what you eat is concerned you are already doing really well by the looks of it! I actually have a good idea of what my non-food hungers are so I keep working on that.

Hilary said...

I am with you! I can't give up my cheese. I was like oh I can do all of that and then I was like nope can't do that lol

Alati said...

Just found your blog and I'm enjoying reading backwards! I must get to reading that book sounds interesting :)