Thursday, October 28, 2010

Give Away!

I am still working at keeping my eating under control.  It is a struggle.  MY tendency is to let my self do what I want.  But I know that I need to manage what I'm eating.  I also know that if I do it properly, I will NOT feel denied and that I will lose weight. There is a happy medium there...and I'm striving for it.  Meanwhile, I just want to lose the weight and get back to the emotional and physical state that I was in when I originally lost the weight.  I'm not saying that losing the weight will be the magical pill that will make me happy. But I know that i was more at peace with myself when I was thinner.  I also know that my body operated much much more efficiently. I had more energy.  I had more spark.  I had more gumption.  As the weight crept back on, that all started to dissipate.

SOOOO, I had always heard SOOO many people talking about smoothies.   Everyone RAVED about smoothies.  I purchased a few while I was out and about, but never took the leap into making them.  Until this past spring.  I decided to get off my butt and learn how to make them.  I experimented and enjoyed greatly.  To me they are the perfect breakfast.  I make about 16 ounces.  it has a serving of milk and roughly two servings of fruit. I can grab it and go.  It's the perfect I eat a few times a week.

Free stuff?  Give away?  Keep reading!

About a week or two ago I was contacted by the blogspark and offered to do a review on the Yoplait Frozen Smoothies.  I jumped at the chance!  One day last week (Friday I believe) I got home and there was a nice sized box on the front porch waiting for me.  It was from MyBlogspark!!!!! I took it inside and tore it open! Inside I received two coupons to try the Yoplait Frozen Smoothies (provided by Yoplait) and a 3 speed Kitchen Aid blender (provided by the fine people at Kitchen Aid).  I was jumping up and down with joy as I love love love kitchen gadgets (and Kitchen aid products are a favorite of mine) and of course as a food addict, I love food.  Two wonderful fun things all rolled into one!  Something that would even  help me in my quest to eat a healthy diet (I strive for at least 5 fruits and veggies a day smoothies have fruit!).     FINALLY yesterday I was able to hit up a grocery store to pick up my Yoplait frozen Smoothies. I was tickled to see that they contained no High Fructose Corn Syrup which I try to limit in my house (due to digestive problems with my husband).  Any product that refrains from using this ingredient as one of their top ingredients has a leg up with me.   This morning I pulled them out of the freezer and got down to business.

I laid my yummy and fun things out on the table.  You can see a cat decided to check them out. Mertz approved of course.

Then I got down to the business of making my smoothie. I chose the triple berry for my first attempt as I am a berry fanatic. It was actually very easy to make.  All that was involved was literally opening the bag (needed scissors/knife for that process) and dumping the contents of the bag into the blender. (and adding a glass of milk which I'll get to later)

I looked in and could see the real pieces of frozen fruit mixed in with the chunks of frozen yogurt. I added the required 1 cup of milk and then  I hit the switch on my new blender and whirled those yummy looking pieces of fruit into a delicious looking smoothie.

I couldn't resist.  I reached in with a spoon and took a taste... Delicious!  Creamy!  Fruity!  Bliss! I pulled out a glass and filled up the glass.  (I made mine with the minimum I ended up using a spoon to eat it.  The instructions stated that I could add more milk if I desired a less 'stiff' consistency)  I was ready to sit back and enjoy!

It was so very tasty!  I could taste bits the strawberries, blueberries and raspberries on my palette as I consumed my smoothie.  Every once in a while I would get a little taste of the yogurt that hadn't completely blended smooth (OK, so I may have been in a hurry to taste it and rushed the blending process).  But I LOVED the little bits of yogurt!  VERY yummy!

My only fault with the product.  The bag serves two....two 8 ounce glasses of smoothie.  I...uhhhh I'm a food addict...I usually make a 16 ounce glass of smoothie. So one bag served ONE in my case.  Not a big deal as this is a total convenience food purchase....the work is done.  No cleaning of fruit.  No cutting up fruit (banana if you get the strawberry banana smoothie pack).  Just pour out the bag.  So well worth the price to pay for that convenience....even if I did use the whole bag on just me.  And the upside of doing that.  Well, the bag claims that one serving provides one serving of fruit....guess I just got two servings!

Taking the nutrition information off the back of the package...and for a prepared is as follows:
calories -110
fat- 1.5
fiber 2 g
protein 1 g

(OK if you want the rest of the nutrition can go to their website)

I would give this product a thumbs up.  I honestly will probably continue making my normal smoothies with fresh fruit (because I do have and take the time).  But I will be keeping a bag or two of the yoplait smoothies in my freezer for a quick fix (for when I may be out of fresh fruit). 

If you are interested in this product,  you can follow this link and get a wonderful coupon for this product and you too can try it out!

I am offering a give away for a prize package similar...provided by Yoplait and Kitchen Aid via Blogspark.  To get a chance to win, all you need to do is make a comment telling me what you love about smoothies.  If you've never tried a smoothie...just let me know and that will count also.  :-)  You have until Midnight on October 31 to make your comments!  Meanwhile, I'm going to enjoy my make some smoothies and get some more servings of fruit into my diet!


WWSuzi said...

Lucky you!!
I love smoothies or protein shakes because they're just so easy :)
I can get my fruit in, my fibre in and it's a quick way to refuel when your on your way out the door!
I also usually add baby spinach to my smoothies.
Which reminds me i haven't had that in a while.

Anita said...

You can't beat free stuff!
I too enjoy smoothies and have tried the ones McDonald's offers. Generally I just make my own from whatever fruit's on hand here.
They are perfect for breakfast or a quick lunch or to fix a low blood sugar spell.
Your pic looks yummy.

Ms. M said...

With my recent dental hell, I have a whole new appreciation for smoothies. Chocolate-strawberry ones became my favorite because they were the thing I could throw together in the blender & actually feel happy as I was drinking. Maybe it was the chocolate, lol. :)

Wishing on a star said...

mmmm...nom...nom...nom. I love the fruity goodness of smoothies!

Honib1 said...

well I am one of those rare ones that have never had a smoothie.. We have a great new yogurt place called RED MANGO that just opened up near my house and I will eventually try a smoothie there I guess... I hear lots of good things about them... as a meal replacement...

Honib1 said...

well I am one of those rare ones that have never had a smoothie.. We have a great new yogurt place called RED MANGO that just opened up near my house and I will eventually try a smoothie there I guess... I hear lots of good things about them... as a meal replacement...

JC said...

I'm so jealous!!! I would love to try those smoothies. I think I'll go to the link as soon as I finish my comment. It has been ages since I had a smoothie but use to eat them for breakfast all the time. Thanks for the reminder and thanks for the comment you left on my sight. I have missed visiting my blog friends. Now I must find my smoothie recipes I know they are home some where.

gracies tough journey said...

I love smoothies they are the easiest way to give my kids their daily fruit intake. Also, great for son after football practice. Gracie

Sandy said...

Hey MaryFran. Just wanted to let you know everything is fine and I finally posted tonight.

And while I enjoy smoothies, I rarely have them; I drink meal replacement/protein shakes instead.

Keep it up girl. You'll get there. It just takes time.

Anne H said...

Awesome stuff - thick enough for a spoon!

paulawannacracker said...

I absolutely love smoothies and it's very easy to get 5 fruits and veggies with a smoothie. It's my go to breakfast in the summers. I've been missing them lately.

How nice that you got that nice kitchen aide blender. Lucky, lucky, lucky. I almost bought those frozen yoplait packages but remembered I had tons of frozen fruits in the freezer.

Think I'm gonna have me a smoothie for brekkie tomorrow. Thanks for reminding me how good they are.


Divagnov said...

I love smoothies because of the endless flavor combinations. I just learned recently that even spinach tastes good in a smoothie. Spinach....Go figure, I still have yet to try it.

Heather said...

This would be soo convienent at my office on the days I run out of time to eat breakfast at home! May just get a few for the freezer at work! And the blender! LOL!

Karen said...

My husband was very into smoothies after finding them at Costco, his favorite store. When they ran out there, he stopped buying them.

That happy medium is what seems to be so hard for me to find. I am a very black and white, all or nothing person. I would like to live with moderation in my eating but it seems to be something that I can't handle right now. BUT, I do envision that for myself.

I also feel better when I weight less. It is amazing how when I eat crap I want to nap! But I am also happier and like myself more when I am eating well.

Ann Summerville said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog and the encouragement. Your before and after pictures are amazing. I made a pineapple smoothie one morning this week and added a sprinkle of coconut - it was great. When I have ripe bananas I slice them and freeze the slices and use a few of those when I make a smoothie.
Less of Me

BEE said...

thanks for the prayers

just saw that you have done zumba

do u like it
what excatly is it
ive heard it all over

kellyO said...

Love smoothies! I add protein powder to mine and a little vanilla. So good.

Anonymous said...

You are so inspiring!! I just can't find the stamina to keep going with my weight loss :( I'm so sick of yo yo diets.

These smoothies do look delicious, but I can't bring myself to pay the price for two smoothies. I love yoplait, though!