Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Days off

Yes, I had yesterday off from work as the bank was closed due to Veterens day. What did i do with my 'landfall'? I cleaned the house, what else? The house is spic and span. I moved the furniture around so that it is basically ready to decorate for Christmas. I anticipate doing that next Wednesday as the following week is Thanksgiving. Yes, I'll be decorated before Thanksgiving. This year my brother and his family will be travelling to spend Thanksgiving with us (Christmas they will travel in the opposite direction and spend it with my brother's in-laws.....we switch back and forth every year). Soooooo since the Christmas stuff starts so soon, I figure to decorate. Actually I know from experience that if I don't decorate before they come, when they leave I feel like Christmas is partly over...and I won't have it in me to decorate. :-)

Yesterday I woke up and my weight was 195.6. This morning I woke up and I was 193.8. So that is a nice drop. Yeah water weight.....I'm so happy that you are 'departing'!


Donnalouise said...

House cleaning is rewarding in two ways - you have a clean house and, you get in exercise. I'm sure a person burns a lot more calories than they know when cleaning.

It'll be our first Xmas in the new our own house...I need to buy decorations!

Brightcetera said...

Ahhhh. A clean house is comforting.
Weight dropping overnight is nice too.

Donna B said...

I'm ready to pull out the Christmas decorations as well! The hubby is starting work on a new toy train diplay that will take up our living room, so I need to find space in the family room for the tree! Getting anxious.....but we'll wait until Thanksgiving week since the hubby is off all week. That gives me two weeks to clean!

Anonymous said...

So first off...sorry that I'm not a more faithful comment leaver. I promise to do better!

With that being said, you should also know that I am constantly reading your blog! You motivate me! Maybe because I feel like we are going through the same things at the same time, or maybe because our scales are reading the exact same numbers...and we both HATE it!

Just know that I can TOTALLY relate to all that you are writing.

On a second note...I think I'm going to join you and put our Christmas stuff out early too! Usually I wait until the day after Thanksgiving. But, this year we are traveling to out-of-town family and I was thinking it would be SO NICE to come home and have it all done and ready to enjoy the season....hmmmmm....sounds nice! Thanks for the idea!

Keep working with the weight loss stuff...and I will too! Hopefully both of us can get back down (at least in the 180's) SOON! REAL SOON!

Anonymous said...

I love Christmas decorations. Make sure you take a lot of pics! I am Jewish and always wanted a tree, I have to enjoy everyone else's lights, tree etc.

Isn't it a great feeling to have your house that clean :-)