
Friday, April 02, 2021

Don't be Stale

 I have been struggling for a while with my weight loss journey.  It's no secret!  But I have developed a five pronged strategy to make sure that I stay as fresh and new!   This is incredibly important because stale many times equals stagnation and a lack of weight loss while on a weight loss journey and that is NOT what I want!!!!  

These five steps are so simple and basic that it's ridiculous!  I started to sit back and think about my next steps and I was shocked at how basic it is!  But seriously....these 5 tips (with a wee bonus tiphave made my  journey fresh and new!!! It has totally rejuvenated me!

Go Back to the basics

 Seriously, how simple is that?  Go back to the basics!  Yes, we all know the basic rules of living a healthy life.   It was pounded into our heads in health classes in school.  Am  right?    You know that good old fashioned food pyramid?   We all have seen it at one time or another!   In case you don't remember it, I'll pop a version of one in here right now!

Our bodies need to be fed nutritional food in order for them to work optimally.  And working optimally is important if you want to lose weight and be healthy!  Some of the guidelines have changed a bit over the years...but the basic premise is the same.   

Water is another basic principle.  Drink water.  The most commonly recommended amount is 64 ounces!  So aim for that!  It's a basic aids in every bodily function.  It's super important.  It's a basic principle.

Back to the basics!

Remember the Excitement

I remember when I first joined weight watchers.  I was so excited.  I couldn't wait to get home with my bag of papers, books and phamplets!  I wanted to read everything I could!  I wanted to soak in every ounce of knowledge.  I purchased extra books.  I scoured the internet.  I was excited about what I was doing and my efforts showed that excitement!  We need to remember that current of excitement and bring it back!

Think about your Why

The journey gets long and hard.  Sometimes we have to sit back and really think about why we want to lose weight.  What made you decide to start a weight loss journey.  Is that reason still valid and pertinent?   What is your reason for continuing on this journey?  Remember the reasons why you are doing this!   For me my why has changed drastically over the years.  It went from trying to satisfy an (now ex) husband, to trying to focus on the one thing that I had control of and now it is the desire to live a long healthy life with Jason.  My why has changed over the years...but it doesn't matter.  I just need to remember my why so that my focus on this journey doesn't waver!


I already touched on this when I talked about the excitement.  Read everything you can get your hands on!  Research the topics and aspects of this journey.  For me, I stopped researching.  I stopped gathering new information.  I felt like I was an old hat and I stopped soaking in the knowledge.  And I became stagnant.  I started reading and the excitement and energy poured through me.  I wrote recently about a book review.  read the book Atomic Habits (affiliate link) and my word, I was chomping at the bit to get started and to change my habits and change my life!  I am reading a book by Suzanne Summers (affiliate link)  and I'm so ready to focus even more on Organic foods (which we already mostly eat).   I'm excited and refreshed due to my research.


Where do you draw inspiration?  I get inspiration by so many things.  I love to look at before and after pictures and read before and after stories.  I have had goal weight clothes hanging on closet doors as inspiration.  I watch YouTube videos.  I read blogs.  There are so many places to go looking for inspiration.  Sometimes the inspiration will come to you out of the blue....but don't count on it.  Make sure you are surrounding yourself with inspiration each and every day!

And my Bonus tip.......I have to each day remember that I am worth every ounce of energy that this journey takes. I am worth every second of time that I spend on myself.  I am worth this process!!!!!!

SO there are the tip and tricks that I have implemented into my life to make sure that I am healthy and happy and keeping my weight loss journey from getting stale and stagnant!!!!


  1. I find there are times when I'm not enthused about exercise, and that is when I realize I'm looking at it as a chore or something I have to do. Or if I've done the same thing too often. So I try to do something completely different for awhile. Or just go for a walk. When my gym was closed I even did some youtube videos. Not my favorite but it felt different and interesting.

    1. Yes! Variety for me is the spice to life....and that’s a much better way to say it then what it really is for me....I get bored easily!!! Hahaha

  2. Anonymous6:48 AM

    Yes yes yes. I so agree with this entire post. I did exactly the same thing. I started reading bloggers, you tube and really drew inspiration. It truly ignited my passion to get moving again. I found there are many people out there that were exactly where I am. The difference is they found their way. I needed a reset. I did a reset and it really helped me focus on the area I needed to. One of the bloggers changed the term journey to adventure. Kind of gave this diet thing a different view. Sounds like you found your reset too. We need to feel good about ourselves not disappointment.

    Paula C

    1. Yes! I have found my reset and surprisingly what was difficult and seemingly impossible two weeks ago has become...dare I say it...easy???? Not getting excited yet...But I’ll ride this wave for as long as I can!!!

  3. Yes! I am such an infrequent reader lately. I am always awash with motivation/ drive after I read my circle of blogs. I only read them from my Chromebook and I do not open it every day. Maybe I need to change that. :/

    1. Yes. I am the same! I know for me though that I do better when I’m reading blogs and writing in I’m trying to make an effort!
