
Friday, July 19, 2019


It is Friday...and that means it's time for a little review of the last week!   It was a week filled with some frustration due to the numbers on the scales.   It was/is a happy time.  And it is a week where I again made healthy choices for myself.   So here we go......

We started this past week during the weekend which I wrote about here. It was a good weekend and full of activity.

But, par for the course...when the weekend was over I found myself sitting 2-3 pounds higher on the scales.  I really do think that it is the exercise that causes the temporary weight gain!  (the two weeks that I didn't ride hard over the weekend my weight consistently went down!)   But while it is frustrating to see, I didn't let that deter me.  I stayed the course with my eating this week!  Oh, don't be fooled into thinking that I didn't WANT to dive head first into a vat of tater tots!  Don't think that I wasn't tempted to bury my frustration in a pile of Reece's Cups!  I wanted to!  But I didn't!
 I knew that if I stayed the course that my weight would return to normal!

Well......the is only SLOWLY returning to my low weight.  Usually by Friday my weight has returned to the previous low (and a little bit lower).  But not this week.  As of this morning (Friday morning) I am still one pound higher than I was last Friday.  What's up with that? 

Frustrating!!!  Annoying!  Maddening!!!

I could talk about a myriad of reasons why my weight is remaining higher.  It could be the muscle issue thing that I wrote about a week or so ago.  It could be the fact that the monthly 'ick' was visiting this past week (although it's over so shouldn't that water weight retention be gone?).   It could be the fact that I have a few slight injuries and my body is just holding onto some water weight as they heal.   Or maybe...just maybe my body is going to lose weight this way during this go with weight loss.  Maybe I will fluctuate within a 3 pound range for a a few weeks and then have 2 weeks of consistent losses before fluctuating in that lower three pound range again for a few weeks.  I don't know.  The only thing I DO know is that I am not giving up.  If I stay the course the weight WILL come off!

As for work, I was in training again all week.  (Leading a training class for new hires.)    That is good.  Number one, training is a good fit for me. (Hello...I used to be a teacher ...)  But number two, it gets me up and on my feet during the day instead of sitting at my desk doing my desk job.  But the bad part.......the whole time during training I take my breaks and lunch and I end up sitting at my regular desk working. (I still have emails and work and day to day things at my normal job that I need to ask to have reassigned or take care of myself.)  And ok, lets be's been weeks since I was on the floor at my desk consistently (due to training) so if I am caught up on my work the breaks are spent catching up with my coworkers!  SOOOOOOO...that means that lunchtime walks have not been happening!  OOPS.   Training is over this week and I should be back to my normal work......and that means that walking needs to recommence!

Today is Friday, a workday for most.  But Jason and I both have off work.  We couldn't be happier!  When we first requested off we had grand plans for a long hike on one of the three weekend days and two long bike rides the other days.  BUT the temperature is supposed to be ungodly hot.  Uhhhhhhhhhh.......maybe a walk through a museum instead?   The jury is still out on what we get into this weekend......but hopefully we can fit in some sort of physical activity.  But regardless....we are off work and it is a three day weekend!  I'm happy!

Have a great weekend!!!!


  1. I'm trying to get more water into me. I think that helps a lot with the weight. I used to drink a lot of it. Don't know when I slowed down, but I'm up to about 55 ounces a day now.

    1. I usually do pretty good! I know last night my legs were cramping while I slept...that is a sign of obviously I didn’t do well yesterday with my water!!!

  2. stay the course... you are doing well. THe heat will also drive up the weight as we tend to bloat a bit during the hot weather. Keep at it, it will drop!

    1. I didn’t even think about the heat!!!!

  3. Anonymous8:24 AM

    hmmm, you spoke once about intermittent fasting, could you give it a try for a month? I'm talking about the 16 hour fast, not the whole day fast. It is SO effective. ...and not too difficult after the first day.

    Midwest Cowgirl

    1. I actually do the intermittent fasting! I do the 16:8 method! The only days I don’t manage to make that happen is the days when we head out to bike before my 8 hour of ok to eat time starts! So the weekends I sometimes eat earlier just so I don’t hit a trail where I am going to burn 1500 plus calories on an empty stomach!!

  4. I know you said you weigh everyday. Do you graph it at all? I used to use an excel spreadsheet that showed a rolling 7 day average and as long as my average was going down I was happy :) Now I use an app called Happy Scale that does the same thing. So even if one week I am up, I can see that the average is down from the week before. It really changes how I feel about my progress and I think is more meaningful than a one point in time number.

    1. I having graphed it...but I know that I usually go down just a wee bit each low on Friday...up on Monday and Tuesday and dropping all week long to what then is a new low on the next Friday.

  5. You're doing everything right, the numbers will catch up. How are your clothes feeling?

    Ugggg this heat! Index is 110 today with 82% humidity. I'm exercising indoors.

    Have an awesome long weekend.

    1. So far I am not seeing a change! People are telling me that they can see it though. So I’m clinging to that!!

  6. Weight loss is a marathon, not a 5K, hard as that is to take...I know you'd love to see progress every week and it sucks not to, but overall you're getting there! Have a good (cool) weekend!

    1. Thanks!!!! I needed to be reminded of that!!!

  7. Im proud of you. Good for you not giving in or giving up but going forward. Hope you have a great weekend.


  8. Well done on not giving in!!

    Hope you enjoy your weekend. Stay cool.

  9. I weigh every day (usually) as well so I will not comment on that. I do think that maybe you might want to take a step back on daily weighing? It seems to stress you out. Many times you have mentioned being a few pounds up and it bothers you. Obviously, you do you. I just wanted to throw my two cents in. :) Like for instance I only officially count my losses as once a month. That way I am not stressing about weekly weigh-ins. Up a pound, down .02 yada yada can be stressful. Especially when reporting back to a crowd of readers.
