
Monday, September 03, 2018

Healthy Living

Happy Monday!  No work for me it really is a happy Monday!

Once again, we have had a lazier weekend.  We had been planning on going away for the three day weekend but our plans fell through.  It was probably a good thing. One night I slept in a few hours later than normal..and then napped on and off through the day!  It was just one of those weekends again I guess.  I'm still in relaxation no utterly deep thoughts today!

My weight has thus far held steady and is maybe even dropping a bit.  I'm pretty happy with that.  (Even the holding steady part!).  I am still weighing myself daily though.  It works for's a habit and a touch point for me...I know every morning how I am doing!  The 3 pound range is working for me.  I do NOT like my weight to be higher than my lowest weight, but I am ok as long  I'm in that three pound range.  There have been one or two days where I popped over that three pound range and it really made me focus on what I needed to do!  While I want to be losing consistently, I am happy with this plan!  It keeps me focused and it is setting me up for a LIFETIME of maintenance!

I am really working to make a plan that works for me.  One that I know will be doable for a lifetime...that's why I'm NOT giving up pizza and cake.  That's not doable for a lifetime.  I tried it before and I lost weight, but I regained because it wasn't doable for long term.  So I have adjusted myself away from total deprivation to something that may be a slower loss, but will benefit me in the long run.  Some things though, worked for I'm slowly trying to reinstitute them. 

When I started to think about some of the things that I was doing when I was losing.  One of them was that I was part of challenges.  I was a part of some challenges at various of which was in the community forums on Myfitnesspal.    (and a few other places).  I recently joined a challenge...but it's harder for me to get the pictures taken that I need for that challenge.  (I know...excuses.)  But it made me start to think about myfitnesspal.  I wondered if they still did stuff.   I finally made my way to the community forums and checked it out.  And what did I find?  Golly Gee!  They  have some community run challenges!   I joined the Biggest Loser challenge. It is individualistic...and also team hits both fronts.  It only requires me to weigh in on MY chosen day!   There are mini challenge options....simple stuff like posting daily if I track and exercise.  I couldn't wait to start!  So I am working on that now too!

Jason and I had a long talk yesterday while we were out and about about my weight.  He is an awesome guy and offered to refrain from having the sweets and snacks in the house...or to hide them. I honestly said NO....I don't want him to have to hide and sneak food.  The food issue is MY problem!    I did honestly ask him to help me get in at least 20-30 minutes of activity each day. I will talk myself out of doing it....but if he is there gently encouraging me to join him....I will most likely drag my sorry butt out!    He is on board 100% with that plan and that cry for help....but not before reminding me that he doesn't need nor want me to lose weight.  He loves me just like I am!  But he did say he is on board so readily because he wants me to be the healthiest version of me!  Yup.....I tell ya....I found me a good guy!

So that is where I am at......working a weight loss challenge......having the love of my life offering to help me in any way possible.  And just slowly working at this thing called HEALTHY LIVING! (nope, not a diet!)


  1. I used to love those extra Monday's off at holiday time. I even made it longer because I'd request a vacation day for Friday and then have 4 days off.

    1. We seriously thought about making our holiday weekend longer...but sadly, we are going back to work tomorrow!

  2. 1st phorm will have other challenges throughout the year if you want to join, too!

  3. Anonymous10:38 PM

    Yeah D--I--E--T--S dont work for the long term and I think you are doing wonderful. That is so sweet of him to help get you moving so you dont let yourself down.

    1. He has figured out what buttons to push to make me dig my heels in and work harder too!!!!

  4. I'm glad you're working on a "forever" plan. It really is the best way to go. We all know this from past experience of yoyo-ing.

    I've never been on my fitness pal, but an on Spark People. The challenges can be very motivating. Good luck! Keep us updated.

    1. Years ago I was on spark people! I forgot about that site!

  5. He's a keeper :) Does he have a single brother?
    You are doing great. Small changes are more lasting.

    1. Lol to the single brother. Sadly enough nope! Small at a time!

  6. Great job! I'll have to check out the forum!

  7. Is the Biggest Loser challenge on MyFitnessPal? I just joined a group on there. I like the extra suport of a group or challenge.
