
Tuesday, January 07, 2014

Week 1

Well then, one week is complete in this new year.  Dare I look at the week and see how I've done????  Why yes, lets do so!

So the goals...
*Track my food every day…regardless of what I’m eating.----Check
* Stay within my food budget 6 out of every 7 days. ---check (granted I did eat some of my exercise calories)
* Exercise 5 times a week….at least 30 minutes each time.  Drat....I thought I had this one..I didn't remember the 30 minute restriction.  I exercised 5 days....but one day was only for 20 minutes.  GRRRR
  Water Water Water.  I’m not aiming for perfect.  5 days a week 64 ounces of at least CLOSE  Check

So 3 out of 4 is not bad!  And I only missed that fourth one by 10 stinkin' minutes!

Still cold outside...which is why we got home from town and went right to bed....we are watching tv in bed....why get all comfy warm in the living room and then in an hour move to the bed and have to warm up a whole new set of blankets!  :)

So week one is in the books.  I would like to get back to eating really clean and not relying on those exercise calories. But I'm still going to call this week a success!!!!!!


  1. Excellent start!

  2. Nice work on the first week.

  3. WOO HOO! you're din GREAT!

  4. Week 1 has definitely been a success! You did great!

  5. Good job. I'm the queen of 20min workouts. I do several of them each day, but I like the 20min time.

  6. I call it success!! Great job!!!
