
Friday, January 10, 2014

The food Nazi chronicles!

I managed to officially lose 1.8 pounds this week!  Hip hip hurray!   That is down 85.2 pounds from my bitter highest!   Hot dog!  I will take it!  I'm going down baby!

So this morning I decided to institute something that I used to do.  I'm giving myself a free day.  A day where I'm not concerned about my food intake...or rather where I accept that I will go over my budget and not really worry about it.  Yes, I will still track my food.  But it gives me a day or rather a meal where I can have that good old fashioned comfort food (homemade macaroni and cheese tonight) and not have to count every stinkin' piece of pasta that goes into my mouth like some Nazi General.    I know that I'm going to get some flak from people for announcing this to the world.  I don't care.  This is me...this is how I roll.  And honestly?  When I did this before I would many times find that I ate healthier  or at least and the same average amount of calories as my 'normal' days.  Go figure!  

This journey is not one size fits all. This size worked for me before, and I lost quite a bit of weight doing it that way.  So I'm going to go with it again!   It may not be for everyone.  But that's the beauty of this journey.....what may not work for some will work for others!  It's about finding our own magical equation!


  1. Congrats on the loss! And, if a free day works for you, then do it!

    By the way, I still need to work out sharing food journals with you. Life got a little crazy once I posted that, but I'll contact you when things slow down a bit!

  2. LOL 'food nazi' this is what my hubby's co-workers call me!! Love the post we all deserve a Foodie Day. Congrats on the loss - slow and steady ain't all bad.

  3. Congrats on your loss. Throughout my own journey, which has been slow, I have allowed myself to eat things I like, like caramels . For me the trick has been learning to eat these favorite foods in moderation, so I can keep moving forward, I think what you are doing is realistic and will be better for you in the long run. This is for life, not just a diet!

  4. WooHoo Congrats on your loss and enjoy the Mac and cheese :)

  5. I was my thinnest doing a freeday, and before the holidays I lost a bunch of weight doing it that way too. I stay on track when I do that, because I feel less deprived. I get to look forward to that day, and I am tighter on the other 6 days. For some people, one day leads to many, for me one is plenty. I don't track at ALL on that day. It works, and doing what works is NOT something you should have to defend. :)

  6. Way to go on the lose :) I say do what works for you, don't worry about what anyone else things and keep on truckin :)
