
Thursday, January 05, 2023

Happy 17th Blogiversary

 Oh my word!  Has it really been 17 years?  It surely has!  I started this blog in January of 2006 and I have maintained it  ever since then, even if sometimes sporadically.  

This blog has been so much to me.  It was the outlet for me when I was first figuring out this weight loss thing. I was a large girl when I first started this blog!

 This blog was my salvation!  It was my random thoughts as I learned how to eat healthy.  It was my outlet as I figured out what plans and techniques to use to lose weight.  I celebrated my successes and temporary failures as I lost a LOT of weight.   I actually even lost down to my goal weight with weight watchers!

This blog walked with me hand in hand when I went through my divorce.  It followed me when I was falling in love with Zumba.  It was there when I  was running consistently.

This blog has also been there as I've regained more weight than I want to admit...but pictures don't lie!

This blog has been there through the good times and the bad times for sure!   I know most of the people that started out blogging when I did have left the scene, but I'm sticking around.   

I sometimes get so mad when I try to find something and can only find videos.  Maybe I'm old fashioned but I like to read my information sometimes!  So I wil continue to write.   PLUS, writing for me is cathartic.  It allows me to process things in my head.  It allows me to work through problems.  Plus, I have this weight to lose!!! It allows me to see things more clearly!  So here I am....ready to keep writing!  Lets make it to 20!!!! (and beyond!)


  1. I keep thinking of giving up my 14 year blog. I made it private because I got tired of a bot putting my posts on their site, but now I don't really get comments, which sort of kept me going. Congrats on such a long run!

    1. Anonymous3:51 PM

      That makes it very difficult for sure! Kinda stuck between a rock and a hard place on that one!!!!

  2. I started blogging in 2005 and have been writing on an off ever since, although not as consistently as you with the same blog name, I changed mine a few times. I think I discovered your blog back in 2014! I totally get that about processing our journeys through writing, I'm the same way. I think that's why I like your blog so much, too. So happy blogiversary! And glad you want to keep it going :) xo

    1. Mary Fran3:51 PM

      I’ve changed the name once or twice but have kept it on the same forum so it’s all there! I sometimes worry about blogger shitting down and losing it though!!! I try to keep a back up for myself!

  3. Geee, I’m about the same, think I started Nov 2005…didn’t realise I’ve had it going for so long.
    Yes, keep yours going please. You write so well.
    Happy blog anniversary

    1. Mary Fran3:50 PM

      You have me beat by a few mi the! Crazy to think how long isn’t it???

  4. Wow that's amazing!!! Keep it up.... happy anniversary!

  5. I stopped writing this summer after my Dad died. Can't seem to make myself go back. Maybe someday.

    1. Maryfran3:49 PM

      I hear ya! I have gone through stages where I can barely make myself even think about writing. But in the long run, writing for me is cathartic!

  6. Congratulations. It's been fun following your journey.

  7. Good Job. I'm here for long haul. I start blogging in 2005
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Mary Fran3:38 PM

      It’s crazy to realize how long we have been blogging isn’t it?

  8. Happy 17th. I love reading your blog. Keep on writing. I want to hear all about the new house. How is your husband doing? He had quite the injury with that ax. I have thought of starting a blog, but I am boring & to be honest not very technical.

    1. Maryfran3:37 PM

      I am one of the most in-interesting people…I’m sure you would be much more interesting than my random rambles! :-). As for my husband…he is still off work…still healing!!!
