
Monday, August 30, 2021

Weigh in Report

 This weeks weigh in was not all that great.   Ok, maybe it wasn't all that horrible, but it was definitely disappointing!   All I'm going to say is that this weight loss thing is not for the faint at heart!

Weekly Weigh IN

I weighed in on Friday and I pretty much knew that it was going to be just an 'ok' weigh in. I was right.  It was a maintain. And don't get me wrong, I am tickled with a maintain.  But seriously, if I am doing the work and avoiding lots of sweets and limiting my food and whatnot, then by golly, I want to be losing weight!   

That is correct.  I didn't indulge and lose control over the week.  I didn't eat like a crazy loon.  I didn't skip my exercise and activity.  I didn't do any of that.  Instead, I continued to eat my limited caloric intake.  I continued to ride the exercise bike on a daily basis.  I walked after work.  I did everything I should have been doing!   And those pesky scales didn't move!  

The Weekend Fall Out

On Friday after my weigh in, I went to my mom's to spend the day with her.  It was a great day off of work and it is always good to spend time with mom.  BUT.....we went to  Olive Garden for Lunch. I got the soup and salad combo.  Yes, I had breadsticks and yes I had more than one bowl of soup.   I tried to counter act and negate my heavier lunch by eating mostly fruits and veggies for dinner....but on Saturday my weight went up.   All week long I saw the numbers on the scales and I just wanted to cry!  

Luckily, I never once gave up this last week.  I made my decisions and my plans and I did what I set out to do.  The scales may not show my results and I may be totally discouraged by the results but I am still here and I am still trucking along!


  1. I guess scale will tell me how I did tomorrow.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  2. It is so miserable when we do all the right things & not lose weight. It really sucks. I have been keeping with snack free evenings & exercising 6 days a week. I gained a pound this past week so I am really watching how much I have been eating & making the right choices & I better see a loss!

    1. Yes. For me I think one of the keys is carbs….I can only have very limited complex carbs each day…like one serving and that’s it!
