
Monday, April 13, 2020

Weigh In time: Groundhog Day

I feel as if I am stuck in the movie Groundhog Day.  I keep repeating myself....week after week.  It is the same thing and I can't seem to break from the cycle!

I gained....I have a plan....I'm going to crush this upcoming week..  I gained....I have a plan...I am going to crush this upcoming week.  Over and over and over.  It's embarrassing. It's frightening.  It's disappointing.  It is my life.

I actually started out this weight loss week really strong.  We hiked....twice.  We biked.....once.  My legs were wiped out!  I was tickled with the start to my week.

But my eating, while it wasn't horrible, wasn't perfect and the scales showed a pretty significant gain.  What?  I tracked my food and definitely don't feel as if I deserve a gain!   It is frustrating!

So I am regrouping... AGAIN.   I am looking at different options.  And I am trying again!   Perseverance will with this battle right?  I am going to revisit intermittent fasting.  I am going to be sitting tight on breakfast and not eating until about noon.  I am hoping that it gives me a bit of a kick start to losing weight again.   I am also hoping that 'freeing up' those calories/points that I have been eating in the morning gives me the leeway that I need during my lunches, which are MUCH harder to navigate now that I am working from home. 

Like I said..I've got this.  I WILL find the magic formula for my body and my current lifestyle in these crazy times!  A weight loss journey is a struggle.  It requires patience, constant change and adjustments and perseverance.  I'm still on track....just taking a minor detour!!!!


  1. hang in there!!! i think trying the intermittent fasting again will shake up your metabolism... i'm with you...trying it too for the rest of the month. i might even do an every-other-day fast this time. i've had great results with that method in the past even though the first day is the hardest!

    it's freezing cold and windy here in the midwest today!!!

    1. Good luck!!!! I am doing well with the intermittent fasting! But not seeing any results yet!!!

  2. Good to hear you are changing things up - it's such a mental beat down when you feel so crummy week after week. Hope this works and you see a change!

    1. Thanks! I am definitely going to keep pushing until I find the current magic formula to losing weight for my body!!
