
Friday, March 27, 2020

This work from home stuff is hard

I have been working from home for almost a week now.  It has been a blessing that I am so grateful to have.   There have been some aspects that I love!  It is so nice to have no commute!  It is great to be able to fold a load of laundry on my 15 minute break.  It has been fabulous to go out for a run on my 30 minute lunch break.  (Well except for the days that it was raining).  I have absolutely loved some of these aspects.

But I am not going to lie.  There has been one aspect that is really rough.   That is food.  I have found myself walking in circles on my 15 minute breaks trying to avoid going to the kitchen to get a snack.  I have found myself eating more than I need on my lunch breaks.  I used to simply carry a healthy lunch of fruit, veggies and a piece of cheese to lunch and when it was gone I was done.  NOW the kitchen is right there and it is hard to be done.  I look in the fridge and I see leftovers and I eat them.  I see food and I want it! 

I have GOT to stop this spiral.  I am up a few pounds. I can blame stress all I want.  I can blame that time of the month being right around the corner.  I can blame all sorts of things.  But the harsh reality is that I have lost control of my eating!

I need to focus on the good aspects..those runs. (albeit slow runs) and build on those successes!!!


  1. Anonymous5:58 AM

    I am still working in the office but we are going to 4 day week. Not sure how well that will work but I guess my employer doesn’t want layoffs or unemployment. I am grateful but how the heck is social distancing working there? Anyhow, I understand your plight. I see so many people at the grocery with carts of pizza, ice cream, Mt Dew, snacks. Not good nutritious food for a physical ailment. I have not brought crap in the house. It is the only way to stop me from eating too much. No take out either. I was up last week and am hoping to see a loss this week. This flu is tough on everyone & I cannot wait for it to pass already!

    Stay safe,

    Paula C

    1. Jason still has the sweets and snacks in the it’s there for me to have to avoid. He has said he will eliminate it if I really need it...but that’s not fair to him.

      Yikes to your job! Be safe! My last couple days at the office I would wash my hands in the bathroom...use a towel to get out of the bathroom...and then hold my hands up like a surgeon until I got back to my cube...(which I would have previously cleaned). Best I could do to stay safe!

  2. I've been mostly a stay-at-home person for years and I'm snacking more right now - I think it's just the uncertainty that's making me want to soothe eat. Just know you're not alone in this, frustrating as it is.

    1. We are definitely in this together!!!!

  3. Agree with Shelley, it's not just you. I've been working from home for years but this past week or so I've been snacky all day. It's just the stressful time of the unknown. Maybe make your lunch as you used to do and make a rule that you can only eat that during your working hours? This will pass... eventually.

    1. I have thought about packing my lunch! I have been trying to run on my lunch leaves me almost no time to eat...forage!!!

  4. I've worked from home for 8 years. It does even out after a while.

  5. The problem with grazing is it sets off insulin production constantly, which is not good. Flavored water and gum do too.

    So breaks between meals, defined meal times, is really important.

    Maybe thinking about producing insulin each time you think about grazing will help. Maybe thinking about getting in enough protein and healthy fat with meals (which will help hold you) will help.

    I have a friend who sets a timer for 20 minutes each time she thinks about eating (not at meal time). That 20 minutes gives her time to think if she is hungry or if it is anxiety/boredom/habit/procrastination/because it is there.

    Me personally, now, I find the easiest thing is to eat two meals a day, no other eating. It is easier for me not to snack than it is to limit my snacking.

    Long ago I ate 4 small meals. But now that is just too much thinking about food.

    1. I also had once heard about lots of smaller meals a day...that is too much self control needed!! I have been trying to run on my lunch break...keeps me from foraging!!

  6. That's great that you are able to run at lunch?

  7. I am right there with you. the couple days I was home 2 weeks ago and last week was awful, I'm hoping to do better this week, but I've already had a chocolate chip cookie today. I set up my treadmill to be a standing desk, and right now I'm walking while typing, so I'm hoping that will offset some of the bad food choices I've made.

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