
Monday, December 02, 2019

Back on track

The last few weeks of this weight loss journey have been rough!  I have gained a fair amount of weight!  It’s infuriating!  But it is the story of my last few weeks!

Now lets be real here.  I haven’t gone off the rails and eaten thousands and thousands of calories over my goal!  Not at all!  But I have eaten over my caloric goal on many goal is around 1200 to 1500 calories a day.  I have been around 1700 to 2000 calories most days.  So definitely NOT crazy eating!   So I personally feel 8 pounds is unwarranted!  But it is what it is!

Yesterday started a new month....and I’m ready to rock this new month.  Even with lots of weight loss obstacles!   I can do it!

So what obstacles do I have this month?  

* Well first up is my birthday!  (How on the world will I be 47 years old??). It’s hard to say no to my own birthday cake!  My birthday comes with a four day weekend from work...and I struggle more on weekends with my eating!  Oh and we will be going away for a night or two during that weekend!  ~~sigh~~

* Speaking of birthdays...December is birthday month in our family...we have two more birthdays to celebrate!  Three if you count my fathers birthday...though he is no longer with us.  :( 

* Christmas potluck at galore!  

* Christmas Eve...Jason and I celebrate at home

* Christmas Day celebrations with our families.

* A second long weekend...5 days at Christmas...once again...difficult to keep in line on the weekends!

* whatever random celebrations and events that pop up!

So it won’t be an easy month!   But I am determined to lost SOMETHING this month!  I am focused and I can do it!!!


  1. You are not alone. I have been off track as well. I think that's why I have more pain lately.

    1. That would do it!!! I know my arthritis in my knees is worse right now because of my gain!!!

  2. Anonymous3:22 PM

    I am back on track myself. After a month of gains I finally had a loss. It was only 0.8 pound but considering it was Thanksgiving week end I was surprised and ready to finish the last weeks of 2019 with continuous success. This time of the year is super tough and I do plan to enjoy some treats but keep it in moderation. I want to end the year with losses.

    Paula C

  3. December is rough here too. Two birthdays on top of Christmas! Expensive, as well as a lot of cake. I gained weight after Thanksgiving and am feeling like I need to make a new start.

    1. Don’t delay!!! Give yourself that new start!!! Now!!!

  4. I failed November. December will be rough with Christmas, my birthday, and a vacation week (I always eat more/exercise less when he is on vacation). But I'm determined to just do better than November.

  5. Maybe it something in air. I stuggling with my eating and or staying with in a plan. In simple term I have eating issue. I deal lot of things in my life when comes to my life using food.
    But I conclusion I am not giving up and I been tossing ideal of joining OA (overeaters anonymous)
    Coffee is on

  6. Have you ever heard of code red? And first, I'm not selling anything :)
    I started in the November 10 pound take down challenge and lost 22 lbs. And I have loved it... the first time in a loooooong time I feel in control and like I've got this. You should check it out... it's real food, sleep and water.

  7. i am ERIC BRUNT by name. Greetings to every one that is reading this testimony. I have been rejected by my wife after three(3) years of marriage just because another Man had a spell on her and she left me and the kid to suffer. one day when i was reading through the web, i saw a post on how this spell caster on this address have help a woman to get back her husband and i gave him a reply to his address and he told me that a man had a spell on my wife and he told me that he will help me and after 3 days that i will have my wife back. i believed him and today i am glad to let you all know that this spell caster have the power to bring lovers back. because i am now happy with my wife. Thanks for helping me Dr Akhere contact him on email:

    i am ERIC BRUNT by name. Greetings to every one that is reading this testimony. I have been rejected by my wife after three(3) years of marriage just because another Man had a spell on her and she left me and the kid to suffer. one day when i was reading through the web, i saw a post on how this spell caster on this address have help a woman to get back her husband and i gave him a reply to his address and he told me that a man had a spell on my wife and he told me that he will help me and after 3 days that i will have my wife back. i believed him and today i am glad to let you all know that this spell caster have the power to bring lovers back. because i am now happy with my wife. Thanks for helping me Dr Akhere contact him on email:
