
Friday, September 20, 2019

The work week struggled

I have come to the conclusion that my life is full and least during the work week!  Yup, what can I say about the work week?  Not much.  I wake up, yoga, shower, drive, work, drive, make dinner, watch an hour or so of tv, sleep.....repeat.  That is why our weekends are crazy busy with activity...we are cramming it all into the weekends!  Lol

I do typically hold myself together really well on the work weeks in terms of my eating.  It is easier because I am in a pretty tight and steady routine! So that is good.   But it is difficult because adding in anything else is difficult!  It’s hard to add in something after work because I’m exhausted after an 11 hour day (sometimes longer depending on how the commute goes).  Furthermore,  If something changes it throws the balance of what I do get done off!

The balance was thrown off this week.  I have been given the temporary task of training the new hire class.  That means that I am away from my desk all day.  The emails keep daily work is still there....the requests for my assistance are still pouring in.  My breaks and lunch historically get gobbled up as I attend to those things. That hurts me because my breaks and lunches are the times that I get outside and walk!  It is my little oasis of activity!  I tried to tell myself when I started this current class that I wouldn’t let that happen.  

But day one rolled around (yesterday...Thursday) and guess who didn’t go out for a walk?   Not one walk?  Yes, that’s!   My only salvation is that I am NOT a trainer that sits on my butt...I move around a my step count didn’t suffer yesterday.  I got the same or more steps.  But still, I like my walks!  So,   I am vowing to get out for at least my lunch break today!

The weekend is right around the corner and I am happy!  I am tired and need the rest....or maybe the crazy busy that the weekends usually are!  This weekend will be extra busy as we prepare for vacation because that is right around the corner also!!!

Happy weekend!!!


  1. It's hard when your work shifts and you don't get to do your normal routine - I know those walks are really important to you both physically and mentally, so not getting one in is rough. Hope things go back to normal next week!

    1. I hope so too. I need to make it happen somehow...I will be doing this training for 5 more weeks.

  2. I made promises to myself this week that just didn't happen. Probably wasn't a good week to start--picnic Monday and lunches at the senior center were too awesome to pass up. There is always next week.

    1. Start right excuse! Don’t wait until next week! And you can sti enjoy fhe lunches...but do so in moderation!

  3. I don’t know how your company feels about work hours, but my husband just eliminated his rush hour traffic by changing his hours. If you are able to go in earlier and leave earlier, for example, you might work the same number of hours but have a shorter work day (with much less time lost on road).

    1. I SO wish I could do that! I have an hour window that I need to start within...I have started a bit later than I do...and now I started earlier...didn’t make much of a difference!

    2. For my husband it changed an hour commute to a half hour commute.

      As much extra training, etc, that you do, fitting your own job around it, I would ask.

      My brother has a flexible Friday thing where he can do half day Friday or take every other Friday off, by working hours earlier in week.

  4. Good gravy! You need an assistant!

    Good on keeping your steps up even though you are not getting your walks in.

    1. Believe me, it’s a struggle!!!!!

  5. I can't imagine juggling all of what you do. I thrive on my steady routine. Way to go for still keeping the step count up!

  6. I brought my bike to work and throughout the day I'll jump on it and ride around even if it's only 5 minutes. I know most people can't do that so I'm lucky. But recently I did a longer ride and noticed that it seemed a lot easier than before, just from my short rides adding up!

  7. Anonymous1:04 PM

    You did get activity in. Yoga every morning is great. I tried getting exercise done in the am, but I just failed miserably at it. I do mine after work. Your life sounds very similar to mine. I try to squeeze in all the stuff on the weekends too.

    Paula C
