
Wednesday, August 21, 2019

A rare occurrence: silence...maybe

Something rare has happened today.   It would shock my family to read this for sure....but I have nothing to say!  Seriously.  I started to think about my post a few days back and came up with nothing.  It kept coming to my mind and I kept coming up blank.  I have been rendered quiet!  It’s rare so enjoy the silence!

Ok, so I’m not quite done.  I guess the process of starting to write sparked some ideas.

This past weekend we rode our bikes twice.  The first  ride was crazy.  I dreaded it from the beginning.  My mind was full of excuses.  I just didn’t want to be there....and it was a rough ride for me!  I was slow and felt sluggish!   It might have been the turmoil pf excuses in my mind playing a mind trick...but it may have also been due to being exhausted in general. I stayed on trails I knew I could complete and I didn’t allow myself to give up and walk.  I KNEW I could clear them and by golly I was going to clear them...and I did!

The next day we went out again and it was much much better! I wasn’t dreading it and we went first thing in the morning so it was cooler (as cool as a heat index of 95-100 can be).  We went on some new trails...and rode for much longer.  I had to walk my bike a few times.  I had to rest  a few times.  But I did it!  I actually rode my bike to the point of near exhaustion.  I was so wiped out!  My legs were sore...I was tired!   It was a good ride!  Lots of calories burned and lots of muscles built!

I have continued with the yoga this week and also have walked on my work breaks and lunch break.  It’s been ungodly hot, but I do it!  

I have dropped 12 pounds or so since the beginning of June....I don’t see a difference in my clothes yet.  I don’t see it.  But people are still commenting on my weight I will take it as success.  Plus, even if I don’t see it....I know I am making myself strong and fit and that is what really matters!!

So while I am somewhat mute today with a topic to speak about, I am still moving forward in my quest to be healthy and fit (and thin)!  My weight loss journey continues!


  1. You are doing well.
    Love it when people can notice weight loss....lap it up !!

    1. I am so grateful that people can see and are telling me!!!!

  2. Muscle building and toning is something I need to work on.
    Coffee is on

    1. I know that the fitness....the muscles and toning are so important!!!

  3. That's awesome. 12 pounds. I commend you for your motivation. I doubt I would have gone out and ridden that bike.

    1. I want the change in my body bad enough to force myself to do it!!!

  4. Twelve pounds since June? MaryFran, that is fantastic! I know you're not where you want to be, but give yourself a pat on the back for what you've accomplished this summer!

    1. Thanks! I also know I want to be healthy and fit more than anything so I need to sit back and just let it happen at the pace it’s meant to happen at!!!

  5. Your face looks thinner than in previous photos.

  6. Good for you glad the rides went well

    1. Thanks! I’m going to persevere for sure!!!

  7. Yay! You're doing an awesome job.
