
Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Exercise and Embarrassment

I have a long history of making plans to exercise but then talking myself out of it before the appointed time comes.   This commonly happens when I make plans to exercise after work..  All day long I am so committed to carrying out the plans but then somehow the plans get altered during my drive home.   Oh, I always have some really valid excuse.  Well, it seems valid to me.  I swear, I really saw that one drop of rain hit the windshield.  It really did look dark over yonder, it COULD have been a storm!   You name it, my mind has turned it into an excuse!   But it wasn't until recently that I realized that those really are just excuses.  The REAL reason is that I am embarrassed and it is easier to say "it's looking like rain"  versus saying, "I'm embarrassed".

What in the world am I embarrassed about?  Well, I am embarrassed about the pitiful physical shape that I find myself in. I don't want people to see me struggling to be active or to see my fat jiggle!   I don't want to face the fact that someone may THINK bad thoughts and ridicule me in their heads....or even worse do it  outloud to my face.   I don't want to be embarrassed!

You see, I am one that if I am working out and I see someone beside the trail I pick up the pace so that I look strong to try to negate the fact that I’m honestly just overweight and really working hard!   I don't care that mere seconds before I saw that person that I was ready to fall off my bike in a pile of tears.  I don't care that only moments earlier I was ready to stop running and crawl my way home.   If someone is  looking, I never want to be embarrassed of act weak.   I pick up that pace.  I don't give up.  I push through...all to avoid some ridicule that I fear I may face.

SOOO, in the past when I have been consistently running it has been in the mornings and in places that do not have lots of eyes watching.  I like to ride my bike on trails that are not inundated with people.  I like to be's a protective measure.    But when I run after work where I currently live, I have to face the fact that the roads that I will be running on are chock full of people arriving home after a long day of work. (Lines of cars wait at the stop signs!) The sidewalks are filled with people walking their dogs.  There are kids playing in the front yards.  There are, God forbid...other people exercising!   Whew...that's a scary prospect! 

I have been gearing up to start running now that I'm starting to get a slight hande on the biking thing and now that I know that this fear is what is causing my myriad of excuses, I hope to be able to avoid the pitfall of making them in the first place.  There is no getting around it.....someone may see me!  (Gasp!)

Finding a trail to ride has been the same way.  Ohhhhh  there are a ton of cars parked at the trail head.  I bet the trail is going to be BUSY!  It doesn't matter that it's only 5 cars and tons of acres in the park containing miles upon miles of trails, I see cars and I immediately dread the aspect of people actually seeing me exercise....and struggle!

It is a very real fear.  I can't say that it is valid, but it is real.   I have pushed through this to an extent while we ride.  On the nice days of summer  there is NO WAY that I can go on a bike ride and expect to be on a trail where there are no other bikers.  (Well, except the day that we went out and it felt like it was 220 degrees....we were the only fools out that day!)  I have therefore just groaned when I see a parking area full of cars but unload my bike anyway and prepare to head off on the busier trail.

And you know what?   I haven't been struck dead when we see another person on the trail.  I honestly don't even inwardly cringe..I am too focused on getting my bike off the trail and out of the way of the faster bike riders.  (And yes, I know the proper trail etiquette that uphill riders have the right of way, but I still move off for everyone since I am SOOOOOO slow!)   I haven't seen looks of pity.  I haven't seen looks of horror.  I haven't seen anything like that.  I have heard comments of "Have a great ride"  and "Beautiful day isn't it?"   Occasionally I'll even hear words of encouragement  (usually from hikers that I am slowly working my way past on an uphill section.) 

I know that years ago I was talking to my brother about exercise and being embarrassed.  He made a comment that has NEVER left me.  He told me that almost any biker gains a few pounds during the winter months and they dread the first few rides of the new riding season....until they get themselves back into riding shape and shave off that winter weight.  He told me that every biker knows what those few extra pounds feel like when riding a bike.  He said that most bike riders look at someone that is out there overweight and still 'doing it' with extreme respect because they know how 5 extra pounds feel and can only imagine the extra 50 that I carry is 10 times worse than even they experience! (And he went on to say that many people that he has biked with started biking because of a weight problem!)  It matches up perfectly with a letter that was written and went around the internet a few years back.    I wrote about it in March of 2014.   You can read it here.  Seriously, it's a GOOD letter.  I found myself crying as I read that post just a few minutes ago...and according to the post I cried when I first read it!   It really is a must read!

I can't say that I am feeling great about being so ‘out there’ while I go riding (or running again when that happens) and that the embarrassment is gone.  I still struggle with wanting to allow people to see me working out and allowing them fobseeing my struggles.  I don't like to put myself out for ridicule, even if it has never happened and only something that I perceive COULD happen.  But I can see how allowing that fear is only hindering myself.  So it’s time to set aside the embarrassment and move onward to the free and open MaryFran.   Damn the consequences, I'm heading out into the wide world and exercising where and when I want!


  1. You have no reason to be embarrassed. Heck, I couldn't do all you do, even in my youth. I admire you.

  2. I'm a private exerciser. I don't even want to workout with my husband. But girl!!! You have nothing to be embarrassed about. I have always thought if you as "super active". I want to ride a bike, but I'm not sure I can. And I know I couldn't ride the trails you ride. I think I've talked myself into getting a stationary bike so I can ride in private (and in the air conditioning lol).

    Keep up the GREAT work. You inspire us all.

    1. Do it!!! The air conditioned riding sounds fabulous!!!

  3. I am trying to get back into running, and my two biggest hurdles are how uncomfortable it is since I gained so much weight, and feeling so embarrassed about it. So I definitely get that feeling. I just keep telling myself that each time I push myself to get out there anyway, I am one tiny step closer to getting into killer shape! (By the way, this is Sweat & Sparkle; I just wanted a new look and new title for my blog.)

    1. I love the new look!!! You are definitely a Wonder Woman...we both are!!! And we can both get over this embarrassment and kick butt!!!

  4. I was super embarrassed to ride my bike around my neighborhood when I first started dieting and exercising. I hated it when someone would wave at me - eek, they SEE ME! Same goes for running. Just know you're not alone with this, but I did it and you can too.

    1. How far someone wave at us and watch us!!! I’m working to push through for sure!!!

  5. Do you just have a bug on my phone? Once again you have hit a topic that I have noted as a future blog post idea. Hahah

    I give mad props to anyone I see outside exercising. I know how hot or hard it can be. Especially bikers! I planned on getting my tires aired up last week and taking a spin around the block but it never happened. Biking is very awkward to me now. When I was in middle school I rode a bike to school every day no problem (old 10 speed) Now if I take a spin around the block and I am all wiggly woggly hoping no one is looking out the window.(hybrid trek)

    1. bug on your phone!!! Just the old adage that ‘great minds think alike”!!!

      We need to just start putting these thoughts out of our mind and just do it!!! Believe me...I’m all wiggly Offaly when I ride too...but I’m trying to tell myself that other people don’t matter. They can wave from inside their house...but guess what...I am doing something...they are sitting there doing nothing!!!

  6. Anonymous10:44 AM

    You really can ignore that little voice in your head telling you "you don't look good enough"...pshaw! You are already "good enough"....

    Now, about not losing weight while IF...I've been thinking about your dilemma and wonder if maybe you are consuming too many calories in your window of eating. When I want to decrease the scale numbers I am VERY conscious of eating only 1-2 Nutribullet smoothies on my 5pm-8pm window of eating. One smoothie is veggie (I have to heat it or I can't deal with it!) and the other is fruit. Maybe try this for two weeks and see what happens. Of course during the day I drink a gallon of water, particularly if I get a hunger pang...

    Hang in there........

    Midwest Cowgirl

  7. Everybody feels this way. Or at least that is what I tell myself as I am in the same boat. But.... think about what you personally think when you see a larger person exercising or doing something that is good for them? I know I think to myself... wow... good for you and you feel proud of them even though I don't know them! Just yesterday I was in the gym and I was doing an exercise. Two younger men were looking at me and I of course jumped to the conclusion that they were judging me. Well a few minutes later I looked at them and they were doing the same exercise that I was previously doing. So maybe they were judging me, or maybe they were saying... that's a cool exercise, let's try that. :)

  8. I understand how you feel to a certain extent. I don't think I look like the "typical" runner, I'm not skinny enough and I always feel that cringe when I pass someone who looks like they are a runner. However, if I pass someone who is running that is heavier than me, I always cheer them on in my head (I rarely talk to anyone because I'm more of an introvert and I don't want them to think I'm condescending). But I ALWAYS think "go you!" Especially when they are running up hill. I know what it feels like. :-) So . . . GO YOU! :-)
