
Sunday, November 18, 2018

Temptation and a bit of a challenge

So it’s the week of thanksgiving!  Happy early Thanksgiving!   And with this holiday comes the knowledge that there will be lots of food to eat....lots of food to make...lots of food to see...lots of food to consume.   It is sooooo tempting to throw in the towel and just give up!!!  Especially this week!!!

Yes, I did just say that I am tempted to throw in the towel and give up on this weight loss thing until after the holidays.  (And I mean after Christmas...). I’m not losing weight as it my natural inclination is to say ‘screw it’ and just eat what I want. However.  I don’t want to go into the new year with even more weight...I would ideally like to start the new year weighing less than I do now...but I would be happy to go in with a maintain!

So for that reason I am throwing down the challenge.  A nice Holiday (let’s just focus on Thanksgiving right now.) challenge.  It’s simple really.   (And I blatantly grabbed the idea from a blog I read.).   Four different facets of this challenge.

1.  Exercise the day of the holiday!   
2.  No bites licks or tastes while cooking and cleaning must be on my plate at the table if I eat it!
3.  One serving multiple plates!
4.  Take a picture of my food eaten!!!!!

Simple...but doesn’t it sound effective!   So no...I’m not throwing in the towel...I’m issuing a challenge!!!


  1. I was one of the few people at my WW workshop last year that stayed the same on the scale. Everyone else gained. My son's girlfriend is a vegetarian so I make lots of veggie dishes for her, and this is what I fill up on. No more gobs of turkey, dressing, and gravy. Now I take a spoonful of each and am satisfied.

  2. Yes it would be nice just to maintain and I'll take the challenge

  3. I was just thinking this morning (okay, panicking) that I need a plan for this week to not go off the wagon because of Thanksgiving. I like this challenge! I am going running on Thanksgiving morning to get the day started off right.

    1. Woohoo! I’m glad I posted this challenge then! Gives us both focus!!!

  4. Great plan! I think we all can do it.

  5. I love that we do a Turkey Trot 5K on Thanksgiving morning - getting some exercise in first thing sort of helps me stay sane about all the food. Hope your challenge helps you, and I'm glad you're not throwing in the towel over the holiday season!

    1. I have done a turkey trot in previous years...might have to do one next year!!!
