
Friday, November 02, 2018

Finally: still plodding forward

It’s Friday...finally!  It was an ok week in terms of life.  Pretty standard and, eat, sleep and lots of driving.  It was a rough week in terms of my health and the new lifestyle that I’m attempting to make a habit.

So my week in review.......


I totally fell apart on Wednesday.  100% fell apart.  I just didn’t care.  I was disgusted with where I am...what I’m doing.  Disgusted with the fact that my calories consumed are not that crazy yet my weight continues to be an issue...meaning I’m not losing.   Within my disgust...the addict in my came out and I ate.   I ate was halloween!  I had to right?     Wrong!  I didn’t have to...but I did!   On Thursday a felt a bit stronger and did a bit better, but I was still not doing fantastic!!!

Who knows my actual calories this week. Because tracking?  I didn’t do it!

I was looking low last weekend on the scales.  My food was in line over the weekend and I was super active on Sunday.   And then on Monday my weight was super high.  And remained super high all week long.   (Thus the eating meltdown on Wednesday). 

I don’t believe I knew what that word meant this week!   None...nada...zilch!   After the rough bike ride on Sunday, I just sat back and coasted. I didn’t even walk at work!

So there you have it...a rather poor showing of a week in the life of a person trying to change her life to be healthy.   The difficult week made me question my reason for even trying AND my mission in writing on here.   I’m feeling a bit better...and feeling more ‘love for myself’ which makes me want to get this right and in line....but it’s an ongoing process!!!  But right now I’m just struggling.  The plan is to make it through the weekend....without any binges...without any major food upsets and maybe...just maybe with a victory.  I need a victory!

We shall the meantime...I’m still trying!  I’m not giving up....I’m still writing my shameful embarrassing posts that show lack of success.

But hey...I can’t end it on a bummer like that can I???  So let’s just remember that ...
1. I am still head over heels in love. (And loved  back the same way...which is even more incredible!!)
2.  My cat is healthy and loves me...and she is honestly a hoot...we laugh at her antics daily!
3.  I have a job that supports me (likewise for Jason)...and with that comes the thankfulness for the rood over my head and the food on our table.
4.  Life is still going...I’m still capable of changing and making a my life and in others!!! wise it was bad...but life IS good.


  1. One bad week does not equal a bad you. Every day, every hour is a chance to start over and recommit.

    I love all your positives!

    1. Nope...I’m not letting one bad week derail me!!!

  2. Bad hours,days, weeks are always going to happen - it's how you rebound that matters. Chin up... you got this. I've had a bad week as well and it's hard to get back on track but we make small steps to improving and eventually the planets realign and we get through it.

    1. Thank you for reminding me that those types of weeks WILL happen!!! You’ve got this!!!

  3. I have found that age has made it much more difficult to lose weight. (I am completely blaming age and not other factors) ;-) I eat almost the same as I did 4 years ago and I can't seem to get rid of the 10 lbs (okay, maybe 15) I gained 2 years ago when I sprained my ankle and quit running (and ate a lot). This morning was a really frustrating weigh in for me, I've been really good this week, even limiting my candy (although I did have more than I was planning), and I didn't lose a thing. It's very frustrating.

  4. Hang in there - this time of year is really tough for many people with candy and rich foods. Climb back on and keep going!

    1. I climbed back on and I’m going to do this!

  5. I've had my bad weeks as well. Unfortunately, they are happening too frequently now and it is time to sit back and take a look at myself. You continue to be a winner when you don't give up.

    1. That’s the thing...gotta get in line to limit the bad don’t want to lose your lifetime membership and have to pay!!!

  6. I'm so happy you ended your post on a positive note. We all have bad weeks but we must put on our big girl pants and continue. Life is a journey after all

    1. Yes...I wanted to end it positive because while I’m unhappy about my weight...I am still happy and still really do like myself!

  7. Thank you for writing when you're struggling. It's so easy to pretend the hard days don't happen, but we all have them! It's nice to be able to relate to someone who keeps it real :)

    You'll keep trucking though! You always do! That's why I love reading your blog.

    1. The struggles are the times I want to forget but most need to remember!!

  8. Think of this as holding yourself accountable, now you can wipe the slate clean and move forward! Bad weeks will happen but they don't have to spiral all of your hard work downhill. You are doing great!

  9. Amazing number of posts and incredible sharing. I like empowering title of your blog. I experienced some weight gain after significant weight loss like you. For me it was arrogance that since I lost weight and I knew how to do it, I allowed myself to eat some unhealthy but delicious foods. What motivates you to keep going?

    1. It is such a difficult journey...and lifelong!!!

  10. We all have days even some times weeks where we struggle but each day, each hour is a and can be a new beginning and we are all here supporting you.
