
Friday, June 06, 2014

Steadily moving forward

BSo I micromanaged my time last night.  I planned my evening down to the second pretty much.  I also planned my morning today.   My first test came as a sat waiting for sherry to arrive to walk.  My phone rang and she informed that she was running late....REAL late.  I hesitated and I'm sure she thought I was upset (she thinks it's funny now that she knows what my hesitation was about). I hesitated because pushing our walk back and hour would severely disrupt my detailed plans for the night.  NO worries....I rolled with it.....I rushed home and started knocking things off of my list....pushing the 8PM activities to 6PM.  I rushed through everything that I could.  I ate my dinner (peanut butter and jelly sandwich) on the way back to the battlefield.  Seriously, I have to multi-task here so that I can feel halfway caught up!


This is not the second by second plan...but it's my scheduled activities through the weeks....

It worked.  I didn't have a lot of time left at the end of the day...and I have still have things that I wanted to get done that are still on my list...but I'm sitting pretty.   This morning...the same.  I actually overslept...but still managed to do everything on the list....well, I forgot to peel the potatoes for dinner tonight!  Minor issue!

I'm sitting in a better place now for the weekend.  The weekend will still be busy.  I have to mow (a few hours still...until we get our riding mower back), I still have some weeding to do, I will be helping Todd finish a few projects (he has I think 5 unfinished projects that I'm hoping that we can get done...ok, I'm hoping to finish the little things on 3 of the projects this weekend....).   I work this weekend.  I have tentative plans with a friend forSaturday afternoon.  I have concrete plans for walking on Sunday morning.  I have plans to go to hear the municipal band play with a picnic dinner before hand and cake and ice cream to celebrate a birthday afterward.  Ohhhh and I have a run that I'm scheduled to do...and hopefully a bike ride!  So I have lots to do.....

I managed to get my run in this morning!

And got umpteen loads of laundry folded (the load I took out as I was going to bed...the load I put in to dry as I was goign to bed.....and the load I dried while I was out running).  

Unfortunately, the last load I managed this morning is unfolded least it's towels....but how could I interrupt such a pretty girl resting.  


  1. Those cats and a laundry basket, they just go together :) glad you got so much in :) bedtime is a big one for me too :) we need to have a walk one of these days, we live to close to never have met :)

  2. I wouldn't make my cat move either!
