
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Foodapalooza is upon us!

My food intake the last week or so has been predominantly on track.  I have tracked it all and I'm doing what needs to be done.  Are the scales reflecting it????  NO.    Does that mean I'm going to give up?  Heck no!  This will all fall into place and the weight WILL start to fall off.

I'm heading into tomorrows foodapalooza on shaky ground.  I'm determined to navigate this holiday without gaining tons.  I'm actually a bit nervous about it.  I feel as if I'm a newbie at this weight loss thing, just starting to forge a path through the wilderness, lost and confused.  I have to keep reminding myself that this is NOT true.  I've been here before.  I've navigated my way through holidays in the past.  I've managed to LOSE WEIGHT through holiday meals and cookie baking days and all of that.  I can do this.  I KNOW how to do it.  So that nervous scared feeling that pervades my thought processes is erroneous and I have to remind myself of that continually.  And I have to remember that it is simple things like 'less food on my plate', 'heavier on the veggies' ,  'limit the desserts'.  The biggest thing to remember is that there is NO FOOD that will be on that table that I can not eat the next day, or the next week or the next month.  Nothing is taboo.  Next week if I want more stuffing, I can make it.  Next week if I'm still craving whatever I feel like I didn't eat enough of, I can make it and eat it then.  There is no need to stuff myself silly on Thanksgiving day!   

I'm hanging on.  I'm working it.  I will find success!

Weather permitting I'll be out running my Turkey Trot tomorrow.  Not sure how I'm going to do with it....but I'm going to do it!  :-)

Happy Thanksgiving day!!!!!!


  1. My biggest struggle is not the Thanksgiving meal itself, but the days off and the lack of routine that surround it. Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. I had an up last week (when the numbers said it SHOULD have been a loss) and it was a bit discouraging. But I've managed to stay on track and as of today, I'm back at least to my lowest weight ... but with "official" weigh-in on Fridays, the day after Thanksgiving this week, who knows? I really don't plan on overeating, but exercise will be impacted. Friday I should be able to get some exercise in, as I'm certainly not brave enough to hit the stores on Black Friday!

  3. I'm just not going to worry about it. The world won't end if we over eat - just have to let one day (or one weekend) be the end of it and not carry it over through the rest of the year! Good luck with the turkey trot!

  4. I just don't do any of it anymore. The big meals, holiday baking, etc. I don't miss it and it's very freeing! This year I'm making turkey enchiladas.

  5. Happy Thanksgiving!

    And have fun at the turkey trot today.

  6. Great attitude!!! I am trying the same approach. I want to enjoy the holidays and the food surrounding it. I love food, and I always will. But I want both great food, and a healthier lifestyle. And I will make it happen, and so will you. I told myself the same things that I could make dressing for myself whenever I wanted and the same for other items. What also helped me this year was that I really focused on including yummy healthy veggies that I liked. So immediately filled the plate with big servings of healthy salad and fresh veggies. It made all the difference.
