
Friday, August 02, 2013

Weekend control

Day two of August is here.  I'm doing ok with my eating.  I really was just a thing of saying "I'm going to do it" and actually doing it.  Todd and I even stopped for ice cream at one point and I managed to have my ice cream and eat it too.  Yes, I had to adjust something in the budget for later in the day...but I managed.  And my weight has dropped quite a bit. (yeah, I'm sure some of my weight being up on Monday was due to water retention due to the chinese food, mexican food and pizza that I consumed in the days leading up to the weigh in...ohh and the lack of water and flood of Diet soda).  So it's working.

I've worked out pretty regularly this week.  I've been happy with what I've done.  Ok, I'm happy that I worked out every day.  I'm not happy because I want to do more....

The weekend is upon me.  I personally find it so much easier to eat 'right' on weekdays. I"m in a routine.  Routines are good.  On weekends life goes upside down and I have to loosen my reigns on the control sometimes.  Wait, wait wait.......I am ALWAYS still in control.  No one forces food into my mouth. (well not usually...Todd has been known to shove snacks in my mouth.).   Yes, I am in control.  I may have more limited options and I may have to use more willpower, but I'm still totally in control!


  1. I like that comment that you are the one in control even when you are eating unhealthy. That is true: it's not like a demon takes over my body and makes me eat anything!

  2. I have never been able to successfully do it, but one of my WW leaders once told the group that to stay on track - she has a schedule and routine for her weekends too. She says the schedule is usually to either do household/errand things or to do fun things, but she always has a plan in place so she doesn't go off track. I REALLY need to try this!

  3. ah weekends! I really like routine (so Monday-Thursday are my good days, I LOVE Mondays, I'm always ready to get back at it after the weekend). It's just hard ... a date with hubby to dinner and/or movie, grabbing donuts after a sports game, sitting three hours in church on Sunday and the treats my family expects (waffles for breakfast, homemade oreos for a Sunday treat). Sometimes I'm just trying to maintain. I actually did NOT go up when I stepped on the scale this Monday morning! Yea!

  4. I agree 100%, weekends are the worst for losing momentum with healthy eating and exercise. Meeting up with friends and family really make it hard. My control is minimizing how much I stray from the path, still eat sweets just not as much, or have a pleasant walk in the park rather than going for run.
