
Friday, May 03, 2013

Bring on the fun!

Ahhh welcome to the weekend!    I'm not going to say much.  I am just excited about the weekend.  You see, for years the weekend was something that came along and I was so excited to watch a movie, relax on the couch and all sorts of things all sedentary in nature.  Somehow my thinking has adjusted and changed in the last few months.   NOW I'm excited about the weekend arriving because I have a run (or two) planned.  I have a walking date with Sherry.  I'm going to get my new bike checked out by my brother and hopefully get out on the road with it.  I also hope to get out the canal on my trek (riding the Trek is not contingent upon getting myself outfitted to ride the Lightspeed).   I've got so much activity that I want to do.  For some reason, it's not exercise when I think about's just FUN stuff.  When did this change in my mind???     Zumba is the same, I know it's activity and exercise but for me it's just a fun part of my life.  I'm finding my groove and learning to love some activities.  I thought that was an impossibility for me!

That said, I don't want to get to comfortable because these feelings and this attitude is so new that it could change and the old MaryFran could emerge at the drop of a hat.   So I'm guarding against any possible reemergence of that old MaryFran.

My eating was in line today.  It was  my scheduled rest day.  My body didn't feel utterly tired and in need of the rest day this week.  I can tell I didn't push myself as hard this week.  That's OK, there is an ebb and flow in life.  Meanwhile, just because my body didn't feel like it needed the break, that doesn't mean that I ignored the rest day.  Nope, I still took it easy.  My body is raring to go now......bring on the FUN!!!  Bike rides, walks, runs and whatever else I can think of to do!!!!

So farewell until Monday....I have some fun to attend to!


  1. WOO HOO! fitness IS fus imagine that! lol

  2. I hope you have a great weekend! We are having rain and wind here, so enjoy the outdoors for me!

  3. Anonymous12:32 AM

    I was telling my hubby about you getting a bike. He still has a bike he got when he was 15 and just starting work and he's now 65. Bet bikes have come a long way since then. I hope you're going to give us a look at the new bike?

  4. Anonymous7:55 AM

    I love my water zumba class. I look forward to it every week.
