
Saturday, December 29, 2012

Post Christmas Haze

December is crazy.  Christmas parties and continual birthdays (it's a big Birthday month in my family).  I failed miserably with my quest for living a healthy lifestyle this month.  I have no excuses.  I just didn't do good.  I saw the chocolate....I ate the chocolate.  I thought about cake and I ate the cake.  I had absolutely no self control.   No excuses. 

I feel miserble, bloated, icky and just in dire need of losing this weight!!  Welcome to Post Christmas Haze.

The year is rolling to an end and I have been thinking about my plan.  I am NOT waiting until the new year to start.  I started tracking this week.  It hasn't been pretty.  I haven't stayed down where I like my calorie count to be.  But at least I am being honest with my eating.

Exercise.  Exercise needs to start happening.  No excuses on that either.

I have started thinking about my 2013 goals.  I want reasonable doable goals!  Attainable goals.  Because I am going to ROCK 2013!!!


  1. you and me both darlin! it took me bein too sick to eat to loose weight during the holiday! lolol sad but true!

  2. I know how hard it is over the Holidays but tomorrow is always a fresh start!

  3. I can totally relate... I have not made healthy eating or physical activity a priority and that has to change. I know you will get back where you wanna be.

  4. Ditto! I too have failed to stay away from the sweets this holiday but we're gonna rock 2013!

