
Monday, May 14, 2012


I've been struggling the last two weeks. I've never been more than 100-200 calories above my goal (I'm aiming for 1300 calories) but somewhere about two weeks ago, I stopped losing.  It happened right about the time that the monthly scourge hit me....a week and a half early might I add.  So is it something within my female cycle that is all out of whack?  Who knows.    A plateau already?  Seriously?  I know the last few days I've become more lax about my eating.  It becomes a bit of a fatalistic attitude.  Why bother if the scales aren't going to show the results.  But I know that's wrong.  I know that the results will come along if I continue.  So continue I will.......

Zumba tonight........

I have set a goal.  I love to write and would love to actually follow that dream down the line.  (there, I said one of my deep dark secrets out loud).  I lack while I have some great ideas floating around in my head, I lack the discipline needed to sit down EVERY DAY and order to have a novel the books....down on paper.  So I have set a goal. 1000 words EVERY DAY.  I have a tracker on my phone. (I wish the tracker would remind me if I didn't do it....hmmmm maybe I should look for a different version).  I have been writing every day.  Right now I'm just writing some fun works and some fun pieces.  Just getting myself into the practice of sitting down and doing it every day.  We'll see.

Sometimes I wished that i wasn't a dabbler.  I dabble in so many things.  Photography, writing, name it.  I dabble.  I am told that I do a fair job at whatever I put my mind to.  I've been told that my photography is really good, that I have the 'eye' for it.  I've been told that my writing is good that I can tell a story and the reader is drawn in and invested in the story that I'm telling.  I've received praises for my quilts, rugs, cross stitch pieces, and other various crafts.  I'm not complaining...but seriously, wouldn't it be nice to be just spectacular at one thing in your life.  To be able to do one thing so spectacularly that you are successful at it?????

Am I dabbling at weight loss?


  1. omg! me too, i blame it on being a gemini i'm good at everything. i'll start it master it bore with it and move on. i love to write and i just started a new book idea on southernisms yesterday. that reminds me i did one page of sayings i need to call my relatives and pick their minds. good writing to you,ant wait to hear what you come up with! xoxoxoxo

  2. It's your eating. Your body will not burn as many calories because you are consistently not feeding it enough. 1300 calories is decent as far as dieting goes, but I saw on Dr. Oz the other day about how we would lose more weight if we would alternate. A couple of days of lower calories followed by a day of eating around 2000 calories. It's like keeping our metabolism on it's toes. Not that the 2000 has to be full of bad for you things, just a reminder to your body you aren't starving it. I was also just reading an article about how there was a study done where the participants who really watched carbs just twice a week lost a lot more weight than those who followed a low carb diet everyday. I haven't finished reading that one yet though. Just some things to think about.

  3. Dabbling at weight loss, hey, dabble. It works. You may have a pause but your going fine.

  4. Don't think of yourself as a dabbler....more of a jack of all trades! You're good at everything! I, personally, thinks it's better to have a little knowledge about a lot of things than a lot of knowledge on one thing! And even if you do only "dabble" in weight loss...there are worse things to dip your toes in! Keep your head up and don't sell yourself short!
