
Sunday, January 01, 2012

A new year!

Happy New Year!!!!!

This is the year that I'm gonna do it!   I'm going to get my life straightened out.  That means weight, love, finances.  EVERYTHING!!! 

I have no resolutions.  I just know that I'm not living.  I've let life overtake me.  I want to live.  I want to suck everything that I can out of life.   It's gonna be hard, I've got some HUGE hurdles to overcome.   So no real resolutions.....just accept and embrace life!


  1. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Happy New Year!

    Moved my blog to>

  2. That's awesome! I hear ya & am with ya!! You should check out my blog post today cause it's about a couple challenges I'm taking part it that may be useful:-). One is 52 Small Changes through the Sisterhood of the Shrinking Pants & the other is called the Happiness Project. Both based on books & look to be well rounded way to better life as we know it:-). Links & stuff on on my blog if interested, I'm commenting from my phone so I can't do all the cool links here:-)

  3. Happy new year to you! Making changes and taking charge of our lifes is sooo important! :)

  4. You sound really excited about making changes, best of luck!

  5. Good for you! Happy New Year.

  6. Tanya7:29 AM

    All the best in 2012!! We all deserve to be happy in EVERY way. Cheers!!

  7. "hugs" I know you can do it!! I'll be cheering you along in your journey.

  8. I love the New Year. It is a fresh start and fresh slate. I too am excited to begin a year focused on health and fitness. Good luck.

    Check out my journey on my blog!

    Happy New Year!

  9. I am excited to read about how you tackle all your changes! I am making a change myself and would love your support!

    My blog is:

  10. Anonymous11:36 PM

    I love the start of the new year and wondering what wonderful things are going to happen and what new experiences we are going to challenge ourselves with. Happy New year :-)

  11. Starting a new year is like being given another chance. It's great to approach life with a fresh outlook. You are going to rock this year!
