
Sunday, January 08, 2012

feeding an addiction? or not???

I will not eat because I"m sad.....that is feeding my addiction.

I will not eat because I'm Sad....that is feeding my addiction.

I will not eat because I'm sad.....that is feeding my addiction.

I will not eat because I'm sad......that is feeding my addiction.

I will not eat because I"m sad;....that is feeding my addiction.

I will not eat because I'm sad...that is feeding my addiction.

I will not eat because I'm sad...that is feeding my addiction.

I will not eat because I'm sad...that is feeding my addiction.

I will not eat because I'm sad....that is feeding my addiction.

I will not eat because I'm sad, that is feeding my addiction.

Well at least it got me out of the kitchen.  Yes, I was putting together a breakfast casserole in the kitchen and I was really struggling.  Really struggling to not eat.  I know I'm a bit sad.....It was a rough day.  And I wanted to tear the pantry doors off their hinges and just start shovelling food into my mouth.  I started chanting in my head, I will not feed my addiction.  And then  it came to me to just write out the litany over and over.     I guess it helped, because I'm not staring into the pantry like a starving wolf staring into a hen house!


  1. good work on your self control! maybe something to cheer you up would be a cuddle from someone, a walk in the fresh air (if its not too cold!), a bath or a nap in bed :)

  2. I wish you could here me whispering into your ears.
    You can do this! You can do this! You can do this! :-)
    Just take it one day at a time.

  3. there's something about writing that connects more to the brain than talking, great way to keep the hungry "wolf" at bay! xoxoxoxo

  4. Tanya6:54 AM

    Stay busy. When I'm busy I don't focus on food or the reasons that I am sad. I mean completely wear yourself out daily so that when yo you hit the pillow you fall asleep within seconds. You will feel great knowing that you put in that many steps per day and were active. YOU CAN DO THIS!!

  5. Anonymous8:30 AM

    Bravo for doing something to prevent a binge from occuring, way to be in control!
